
The End.

*Mikey’s POV*

He stared at his older brother’s lifeless body, heavily sedated and strapped down to the bed for extra security. The tears fell, leaving two trails of sorrow glittering on his cheeks. The guys had been understanding, he’d hoped they wouldn’t get to see the persona known as “Noone”…but they inevitably met the other mind trapped inside of Gerard. The doctor said the medicine’s reaction should’ve worn off by now and they’d wait to see if he was permanently damaged when Gerard woke up. Frank stayed behind after Noone’s grand appearance, telling the others to get some rest and not to worry. Mikey felt like he should’ve been the one to say something to them…but he couldn’t, so he stood there in front of Gerard’s bound form and cried.

Mikey sat down next to Gerard, pushing a stray strand of wild long black hair away. He heard small noise, tensing he leaned in, praying it was his brother waking up. It came again, but he couldn’t place the tone…it almost sounded like Gerard was laughing. Panicked, Mikey rose and pressed the call button on the hospital bed, bringing a nurse not soon after.

“He’s…making some weird noises. I don’t know if it’s good or bad…would you humor me and check?” Mikey whispered, toying with the end of his shirt.

“Of course, Mr. Way,” She replied, wearing a gentle smile.

While she checked him, Gerard let out a small moan before blearily opening his eyes. Mikey breathed a sigh of relief, watching as his brother’s eyes scanned to unfamiliar room. The nurse signaled everything was fine and quietly walked out of the room to leave the two brothers alone.

*Gerard’s POV*

‘Damn, my head hurts…Did I head-butt a wall or something?’ He thought before catching the eyes of somebody standing in the shadows. Gerard furrowed his eyebrows, trying to focus his disoriented eyes. He hoped it wasn’t…Noone. Gerard suppressed a shiver and let a smile slip out, hoping to draw this person out and into the light.

“Gerard…I…” a small voiced whispered.

“Mikey? Thought it was you…why are you standing in the dark? My eyes are crap right now, come closer,” Gerard croaked, trying to get up…but failing.

“Don’t freak out, they had to strap you down because of…well, Noone. Don’t worry, I’ll get them to get you out,” Mikey breathed, clinging to his brother’s hand.

“And here I thought I was being a BAD boy,” Gerard laughed, wiggling his eyebrows comically.

“Very funny, I’ll go get the nurse to come back,” Mikey chuckled, rolling his eyes as he stood.

“Wait, is Noone…is he gone?” Gerard whispered, eyes pleading.

“I think so, but I thought you should know…Lucas woke up not too long ago too,” Mikey said calmly, opening the door.

“Thank god, I was afraid he wasn’t going to make it. What about Jeff?” Gerard sighed, plopping his head onto his pillow.

“I don’t know, we can check on him once they let you out,” Mikey assured, sliding out the door and into the hall.

Gerard laid there; wearing a weary smile...for now it seemed everything would be okay.

*Jeff’s POV*

‘YOU’LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID, IF NOT BY ME…BY SOMEBODY ELSE!!’ Those words still rang clear in Jeff’s mind. He hadn’t meant to hurt Lucas…or maybe he did…No one would ever know, not even he himself. Jeff felt the cool breeze flicker and swirl around his sorrow filled face. He was afraid, but this was the only way for him to escape from the guilt. Lucas’s specter had been plaguing him ever since that fateful night and it hurt even more to know Lucas wouldn’t get back those six years of his life. Why now though? Jeff could’ve done the right thing AGES ago, but the crime still beats an accusing finger every night in the guilty man’s dreams. Now, Melanie was dead…killed because he tricked her into thinking he’d been the one to “help discover” the fallen musician. Jeff deserved nothing, happiness was a foreign thing to him now and every night he often prayed for the strength to end his torment…always failing, until now. Forgiveness is cruel to those who deserve none and Jeff was no exception.

“Please Lucas…forgive me. I’m sorry can’t ever return the years stolen, but I wish you all the success in the world…may you never feel this pain again,” Jeff sobbed, smiling through a veil of tears…before taking a step into oblivion and onto concrete ten stories below.

*Lucas’s POV*

Lucas had awoken to the blinds being opened to let the morning sunrise bleed into the dark room. The nurse was young, possibly a volunteer, but still rather attractive. She caught him looking at her and walked over quietly.

“Feeling better, Mr. Mercer?” She asked, wearing a sweet smile

“Yeah…I’m doing pretty well considering things,” Lucas grinned, sitting up more.

“I’m Bella, a volunteer here at the hospital. If you need anything don’t hesitate to call,” Bella grinned, walking to the door.

“Wait, could you…um, stay a little? It’s been awhile since I’ve had a decent conversation,” Lucas said, his cheeks turning a faint crimson.

“Haha, I’ve heard better pick up lines, but hey, that one takes the cake! I’d love to stay and chat with you,” She laughed, sitting next to a flabbergasted Lucas.

“Well…I’m hoping to get back into the music scene after getting out of here. I’m not too chatty, so hopefully no one will take it the wrong way,” Lucas smiled, running a self-conscious hand through his hair.

“Cool, I’m a rock n’ roll kind of girl. People think I’m stuck up because I’m silent 95% of the time, but once you get to know me I’m told there’s humor past the shyness,” Bella grinned, mockingly shrugging.

Lucas continued to talk to her, enjoying the girl’s company as well as her sense of humor. ‘Bella, huh? Nice name.’ He thought with a grin.

*Gerard’s POV*

Gerard softly knocked on the door, barely having time to avoid body slamming a volunteer nurse walking out the door. He heard a soft, “Come in” and poked his head in to see Lucas munching on some cereal.

“Hey, how are you?” Gerard asked, sitting next to Lucas.

“I’m doing well, the doctor’s are going to keep me one more day for observation…hey, I just wanted to apoli-,” Lucas started.

“Don’t apologize for anything! What’s done is done…and you didn’t screw me up in any way, so don’t worry about it,” Gerard said, waving away the feeble apology.

“You hear about Jeff’s suicide?” Lucas whispered quietly, fingering his cereal spoon.

“Yeah, guess the guilt got to him. At least he wasn’t murdered, but nonetheless it was sad to see him do that,” Gerard nodded, staring at his fingers for a second.

“The food here sucks,” Lucas stated randomly.

“The food…? Well, from what I’ve heard the help’s not too bad either,” Gerard laughed, wiggling his eyebrows while getting up for the doorway.

“Gah! I haven’t asked her out yet!” Lucas shouted laughing, chucking an empty cup at Gerard’s fleeting back.

Gerard wore a smile on his face as he made his way back to the main entrance of the hospital where Mikey and the guys were waiting. His little brother’s face broke into one of his rare full smiles. The guys were hugging and joking as they all at last left the confines of the stifling hospital. Gerard cast one final look at the hospital; Lucas would be alright…he knew it. Pushing on some sunglasses, he walked out to the waiting car and stepped in.

Sorry for the LONG wait, thanks for being patient.
I'm going to write one more chapter and then sadly the story ends.
Thanks for sticking with me! *hugs*

Comments= Awesomeness
