

Lucas woke, his head still hurting from the previous night’s events. He still wasn’t sure what had happened, but the pit in his stomach told him it had been bad. He trudged to the closet and pulled on a gray T-shirt and ragged jeans. Groaning slightly he headed for the door, breakfast would have to wait. His hair seemed to be tame at the moment, since he hadn’t taken the time to fix it. Lucas shook his head, he kept thinking about the useless things…focus, Lucas, focus.

The cool morning air sent a refreshing shiver down his spine as he walked down the nearly empty sidewalk. His stomach gave a demanding growl; Lucas hadn’t eaten since he’d left the hospital yesterday morning. “Damn, I shouldn’t have put this off,” Lucas thought hazily, looking for food kiosks. He jolted to a stop and backpedaled, staring into a guitar shop window. A soft moan escaped his open mouth, it was a new guitar. It shone in the window, the strings just begging to be played. Screw food, the guitar was fucking beautiful, Lucas wanted to play it…it had been so long, would his hands remember how to play? Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and asked an employee if he could test the guitar in the window. Lucas grinned, feeling the guitar beneath his fingers. Almost like he was on autopilot, Lucas began to play one of his old songs. Thankfully the temporary amp was on low, but still loud enough for the store to hear…everyone was listening.

Lucas didn’t care anymore; the music washed over him and made every pain he had temporarily disappear. He didn’t notice the people in the store were whispering and pointing excitedly. He didn’t notice the tall man with glasses standing next to another slightly smaller man with dyed short black hair. The music made everyone in the store breathe in a sigh of wonder, what was this haunting tune being played? But Lucas’s peace was short-lived; the hunger was beginning to gnaw at him again. Sorrowfully, he put the guitar down and staggered to the door. “God, I can hardly walk straight…I need…food,” Lucas’s mind screamed. Thankfully, a hot dog stand was nearby and he bought two heaping franks.

Lucas tore into the hot dogs, his hands shaking from lack of energy. Finally, he sat back with a sigh. He grinned; he still could play, so possibly his music career wasn’t in the trash quite yet. He snapped his head up; now aware two men were standing next to him. He recognized one of them from somewhere… “He was at the party! Wait, what party was I at? Aw fuck, I don’t have time for this!” Lucas thought, squinting at the two men.

“Hey, thought you’d disappeared,” The tall thin man said, wearing a cautious grin.

“Fuck man, I didn’t know you could play the guitar! That was good!” The shorter man said, smiling excitedly.

“I’ve always played…,” Lucas murmured, slowly inching away.

“Please, don’t run away like you did last night! The doctors said you’d been acting funny, just come with us and we’ll short things out!” The tall one pleaded, taking a small step forward.

“Why the hell would I go with you? I don’t know who the fuck you are! If you’re going to steal my wallet, just take it! Stop following me!” Lucas hissed, pushing back more.

“Dude? Steal you’re wallet? No, we’re friends remember?” The shorter one said, confused.

“I don’t have any friends!” Lucas yelled, beginning to gain distance from the men.

He’d had enough, he didn’t know these people…and he didn’t care. Lucas shot through the crowd, he heard the despairing yell from the tall thin man, but never broke his pace. He needed to figure out what the hell was going on…and fast.

It's a little on the short side, but I needed to lay some ground work.
I promise the next chapter will have the blood that some enjoy. *grins*

Comments are always enjoyed. :001: