Rule Breaker

Country Pumpkin

Zacky looked over at Abbey and could tell she wasn't happy about Gena being in the house, let alone requesting to talk to him. He shook his head, and looked over at the blond he had once believed he was in love with. How could he possible be so blind? She was nothing but a trashy groupie who just wanted to live in a nice house and be able to say she was with someone famous.

"Get out of my house, Gena." He hissed.

"No, we need to talk. It used to be our house, before the tramp got involved."

His blood was now boiling. It was never HER house. He had worked hard for this house, and everything in it. She had just moved in, without him even asking her to do so. It was even worse that she was now calling Abbey a tramp. He didn't want to hear anything she had to say. All he wanted was her out of his house, and out of his life.

"Gena, you have one minute to get the fuck out of my house." Zacky said, controlling his anger. He was nearly on the edge of exploding, and he didn't want Abbey to see that side of him.

"I'm not leaving! You cannot toss a relationship like ours out the window, Zack!"

"I fucking did! Just leave!" He yelled.

"I'm not leaving, so you can go back to fucking that country pumpkin over there. She's not the girl for you. I refuse to let you be with a girl like her!" Gena hissed, "Your fans would fucking laugh in your face."

He couldn't hold back any longer, "Gena. Get the fuck out now."

"I'm not leave--"

Gena was cut off by the ringing of a cellphone. She and Zacky both turned their attention back to Abbey, as she slowly pulled the cellphone out of her pocket, and walked into the kitchen to answer. Zacky sighed, as he turned his attention back to his ex girlfriend.


"Zack, we need to talk." She said desperately.

"I don't have anything to say to you, and I don't want to hear anything you have to say, Gena! I'm done with you."

Abbey walked back into the room to hear Zacky still telling Gena to leave the house. She just couldn't believe this was happening, and to top the horrible day off her mother had called, and asked when she was coming home for a visit. Could things get anymore complicated? She didn't like confrontation, and here she was watching her boyfriend argue with his ex girlfriend.

"Fine." Gena said, standing up and walking by the door, "If you think she's any better than me then you're stupid, Zack. She was the one bitching at me in the fucking store today. Way to pick a replacement." Gena hissed, as she walked out the front door.

Abbey rolled her eyes. She really couldn't believe the day she was having. First she ran into Gena at the store, then Gena showed up at Zacky's house. Could it get any worse?

"You two saw each other earlier?" Zacky asked.

Abbey nodded, "Yeah."

"I'm sorry." He sighed, "I've been trying to avoid confrontation with her."

Abbey shrugged her shoulders, "It was going to happen sometime or another."

He frowned, "You know not to listen to anything she said today, right? I don't even know if it was negative, but you know everything that comes out of her mouth is mostly lies." Zacky said.

She nodded her head, and slowly walked over to him. She knew everything Gena had told her earlier was lies. She slowly wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her. She was just glad the Gena incident was hopefully behind them. She really didn't feel like dealing with her anymore.

"Who was on the phone?" He asked, as they moved away from their hug.

"Shit. I completely forgot. It was my mother. I told her I'd call her back. I didn't want her to hear yelling or something."

"Oh. Okay." Zacky laughed, "Hopefully, Gena got the hint."

"I hope so." Abbey sighed, "I need to put on some dinner, but I'm sure my mom is waiting for my call."

Zacky smiled as he leaned over and brushed his pierced lips against her cheek.

"You go call your mom and I'll start dinner." He offered.

She bit down on her lip as she looked up at him, "You sure?"

He laughed, "I'm positive, baby."

She smiled, "Okay. . ."

He chuckled as he watched her walk up the stairs to call her mom. He walked into the kitchen and saw many plastic bags on the table. He then remembered she had went shopping. He frowned knowing she was probably putting away groceries when Gena had walked in. He walked over and began putting away some of the contents that Abbey missed.

When he got to the last bag, he was surprised when he pulled out the content. Inside the bag were three boxes of condoms. A smirk found it's way on his lips, as he picked up one of the boxes and went upstairs. He wanted to ask if she was missing something. He knew it would bring a blush to her cheeks, and he loved seeing her embarrassed. It would also break the ice a bit.

As he neared the bedroom he couldn't help but to over hear some of her conversation. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but he couldn't help it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've started posting my new Brian Haner Jr story if anyone is interested.

I also have a Joker One Shot that I made for a contest if anyone is interested. :)
