Rule Breaker


Abbey's eyes fluttered open the next morning to the California rays beaming through her window. She raised up and looked around, and then everything from last night came flooding back to her when she realized she wasn't in her bed, but instead in one of Zacky's guest rooms. She sighed, as she glanced over at the digital clock sitting on the dresser. It read 10:34 A.M. She never slept this late, and knew instantly that it must be from being so wore out and exhausted last night.

She tossed the University of Vengeance blanket off her body and then got out of the bed and stretched. She looked in the mirror and saw her hair all over the place. She tried to make it lay down better, but then realized the only thing that would make it return to normal was a shower.

She walked out of the bedroom, and then decided to follow the sounds she heard. She could hear a noise, and a light cursing. She giggled, but covered her mouth softly, not knowing if Zacky was sleeping or not. It could have been a television left on downstairs. As she walked into the kitchen, she discovered what the noise was.

It was Zack attempting to use the stove. She suppressed her laughter as she watched him burn a scramble egg. He looked adorable, trying to scramble eggs in his misfit shirt and ball shorts. His black hair was sticking up all over the place.

"Fuck! Shit! Fuck!" He cursed, as he burnt yet another egg.

"You need some help?" She asked.

He turned around and a smile was on his pierced lips as he looked at the angel wearing his clothes. He licked over his lips and then turned his attention back to the burnt black egg in the skillet. That had been his seventh attempt at scrambling eggs. He knew it wasn't rocket science, but he just couldn't figure it out.

"I don't think mines edible. So you should probably cook."

She giggled, and walked over and began to crack the eggs. He watched her closely as she prepared breakfast. He wasn't watching how she cooked. He wasn't watching anything her her. He could care less what was on the stove. The only thing he really cared about was he being here with him.

"After breakfast, we can go get you some clothes and stuff."

"Zacky, I promise, it's fine."

"Abbey. Just accept my help, okay? I'm going to help whether you like it or not." Zacky said.

She sighed, "You're a big pushy with this help, Zack!" She joked.

He smiled and laughed as he walked out of the room to make a phone call. He was secretly going to phone the apartment complex and let them know that he would take care of all the damages made to the apartment. He knew Abbey was in no financial state to pay for it, and he felt really guilty. He had a feeling that everything was his fault.

Nothing would have happened if he hadn't have showed up and started things with Nathan, She would still have her apartment and everything she owned. Even though he felt guilty for her losing everything, he knew those things could be replaced. He was honestly glad she was out of her relationship with Nathan, even if you could consider it over between them. He didn't know if they had broke up or not.

After they ate breakfast, she and Zacky went into some stores. She had checked her balance, and it turned out Nathan hadn't spent the last five hundred in her savings. She decided she was going to spend it, and then cancel the account so he had no way to use her money again.

After about an hour of shopping, she spent the entire savings on clothing, and a few other products. Zacky begged her to pay, but she wouldn't dare let him do that. She was now broke, with only about a hundred dollars in her pocket to get back and forth to work. But the problem now was the windshield of her car was shattered.

"Ugh." She groaned out, realizing she couldn't drive a car with a broken windshield.

"What?" Zacky asked, as he started driving back towards his house.

"I need to do something with my car."

"You need your windshield fixed. How about I call a guy I know?" Zacky said.

"It'll have to wait a couple of weeks. I need to get paid first."


"No!" She scolded, "You are not doing anything else. You've been an angel this entire time."

"I'm doing it whether you like it or not."

"Zack, please. I don't like feeling like a charity."

He rolled his eyes, "You're not a charity. I'm fixing it. It'll be fixed before you go back to work."

They arrived back at the house a little bit later. Abbey walked inside and she and Zacky packed all of her bags up to the room she was staying in. She didn't know how long she was going to be staying here, so she just left them inside the bags.

"I need to call the apartment complex." She sighed. "I think I can work out a payment plan with the owner. She likes me."

"It's already taken care of." Zacky said.

She sent a glare towards him, "What do you mean taken care of?"

"I called this morning while you were fixing breakfast."


"I've already taken care of the damages."

"I'm going to kill you!"

He chuckled, "You'll learn to love me."

He stated, and didn't know if she got the double meaning behind his statement or not. He was on a mission to make Abbey his. He knew she would be the perfect girl for him. He was determined, even if it was going to be a battle.
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