Status: On hiatus indefinitely, pending re-write.

Bleeding, Just For The Attention

Your Inner Poser

We stood in the school auditorium, watching Mr Griffen set up his equipment.

“So we chose this over a proper shoot... Why?” Davie asked.

I sighed angrily “because we agreed tha-“ Shane interrupted.

“Be we all thought that it would look good to have us all dressed up in such a normal place.”

“So what, we’re going to be in the supermarket next?” Davie scoffed.

“Well actually, yeah.” I said, tugging on the sleeves of my jacket.

Davie rolled his eyes.
Does he have to be such a asshole?

“Come on guys, bring out your inner poseur and lets get started” Mr Griffen laughed, holding up his camera.

Standing in the freezer section dressed as something out of Alice in wonderland, I had to admit, this is actually fun. Steve and Shane looked a little awkward perched among the meat, with Shane trying his vegan best not to throw up. Davie however, was loving the camera, standing as close to it as possible.

“Okay guys, that’ll do it i think.” Mr Griffen put his camera down. “Plus I think if we stay much longer we’ll never be allowed in a Coles again.”

Shane and Steve looked at each other and laughed. “We’ve been kicked out for less.”

I helped Mr Griffen grab his equipment while Davie walked off.

“So are you guys coming to school tomorrow to see the pictures?” Mr Griffen asked.

“I will, the other guys have to work. We’re playing a show tonight if you’d like to come see.” I told him.

“No, I think I’ll pass. You might want to go get your singer before he runs away though.” He pointed towards the front of the store, where Davie was pacing around outside.

“Oh he’s allowed to leave without us, he’s a big boy now.” I joked. “Besides, i have his keys.” I grinned, patting my pockets. empty”Or i did anyway...”

“So you’ll come pick me up at 7 then?” I asked Shane.

“Yeah, maybe a bit before, depending on is they give us a place to change or not.”

“So 7 then?”

Shane sighed and shrugged. “Most likely.”


Next Week

“This movie sucks. Why are we watching this Lee? I wanted to watch nightmare. Why aren’t we watching nightmare?” Shane bounced up and down on the couch impatiently.

“We aren’t watching nightmare because you wanted to watch tv, and because you broke the fucking DVD player last time you were here” I hit him on the shoulder. “This is pretty horrible isn’t it?”

“Come on! It’s Bewitched! Nicole Kidman! Ni-cole Kid-man!” He shuddered dramatically. “I just don’t know how much more I can take!”

“Come on then, lets go check our myspace.” I walked away from the TV, leaving Shane talking with the cat.

“I’m gunna upload those new photos, and then finish off the poster for next week’s show. Which one’s your favourite Shane?” No answer “Shaaaaane?” I spun the chair around.

“Shane leave Ziggy alone. What did he ever do to you?”

“He started talking to me first!” Shane came over and sat next to me.

“Shane,” I paused, looking him straight in the eye. “Ziggy, is, a cat.”

Shane pouted. “Mr Stardust is my friend!”

“Sure sure. Hey, the Fall Out Boy show is next week.” I opened photoshop and started on the finishing touches on the poster.

“Day after ours. Don’t you find it weird that they don’t come to Australia for years then all of a sudden, two shows in less than a year?” He started pulling on the mouse cord.

“Shane! Go talk to the cat why don’t you? I’m trying to finish this so we can print them off tomorrow.”

“Lee, it’s perfect. Go back to myspace alreadyyyyyyyyyy.” He leant on my shoulder.

“Fine. I put a few of the pictures from the shoot on our page when i got home, so lets see if we have any comments yet.”

I waited for it to load.

“Ooh look a pretty little envelope.” Shane pointed at the new comments icon.

“Shane! You just smudged the screen. Holy shit that’s a lot of comments.”

“Wow.” Shane stole the mouse off me and started scrolling through them all. “The girls like Davie. The under 12 girls anyway.” We both laughed. “Hey, they like you.”

“What the prepubescent girls?” i shuddered.

“No, pretty much every single straight male. And some of the gay ones too.”

“You’re kidding right?” I shoved Shane out of the way. “Shit, you’re not.”

“Come on, i want the twisty chair!”

“It’s mine Shane! Now let me put up the dates for the show before i- OW Shane!”

Shane was sitting on my lap. “Whose seat is it now BITCH!”

“Yours. But i want to be on top.”

that was not meant to sound as dirty as it did.

“Sure, you can be on top.” Shane smirked.

“Oh grow up.” He got up and let me sit on his lap. “Okay, so i’ve put up all the info for next week’s big show. Is there anything you want to do before i sign out?”

“Yes there is.” He wrapped his arms around me before taking control of the computer.

Was that meant to sound as dirty as it did?

“Fall Out Boy? Why are you on their site?”

“I’m looking for a link to Pete’s livejournal.” He now had his chin resting on my shoulder.

“Why didn’t you just google it?”

“Because googling Pete Wentz is never safe. Unless of course, you want to see those pictures?” his breath was tickling my neck.

“Noooooo. Why do you want to find his livejournal anyway?”

“Well I’d like to comment on the fact that FOB never came to the country before last year, now they’re here again.” He navigated his way to livejournal, and signed in using the band’s LJ account.

“And you actually expect him to respond? Or even read it?”

“Well it’s worth a try right? And even if it doesn’t work, pissing off the fangirls will be worth it.”

“You have got a point. I think I’m gunna go to bed now. You can crash on the couch if you don’t wanna drive home.”

“Thanks Lee. Now go get your beauty sleep so you won’t disappoint those boys.”
I grabbed a piece of paper from the printer, scrunched it into a ball and threw it at him.

“You’re just jealous.”

I turned and headed back down the hallway, but not before hearing a muttered “you’re right.”