Status: This story the conclusion to I Hate...Why Did You Kiss Me?

If You Hate Me So Much, Draco Malfoy, Why Did You Propose?

Chapter Eighteen

Draco kissed Ennie’s eye lid and she giggled turning away from him, “What time is it?” She asked hoarsely.

“Late,” Draco replied moving closer to her again. He kissed her neck and loved the feeling of her shivering from his touch.

“When’s the last time you spoke to Pansy?”

“This morning,” Draco sighed lying back again.

“And?” Ennie asked turning to him again to lie on his arm.

“And I’m taking her for a carriage ride through the park tomorrow.” He said gently petting Ennie’s head, “We could make it a double date if you like”-

“Are you really that jealous?” Ennie asked propping herself up to look Draco in the face, “After all we’ve been through if anyone should be jealous it should be me.”

Draco snorted, “The dark lord’s daughter jealous of Pansy Parkinson? Don’t make me laugh.”

“You’ve been snogging since grade school,” Ennie laid down to face away from him and said, “Maybe even more than that”-

“Never more than snogging I swear!” Draco said pulling her shoulder so that she was under his gaze.

“So you were a virgin then?” Ennie asked sitting up a little bit. Draco blushed and she rolled him under her, “You’ve been a virgin this whole time?” She exclaimed incredulously, “I cannot believe it.”

“You weren’t?” Draco exclaimed back realizing something. Ennie blushed, “I can’t believe you, you should be stoned!”

“Shut-up!” Ennie said attempting to hit him he caught her hand and rolled her under him.



“Who is he?” Draco asked shaking her a little bit.

“Yeah of course I’ll tell you so you can hunt him down and curse him.” Ennie said sarcastically.

“Then you have to be honest.” Draco started.

“Honest about what?”

“Was I better?”

“I didn’t know you were a virgin.” Ennie offered.

“Not what I asked.” Draco said shaking her again.

Ennie giggled, “How about…I don’t remember?” Draco gave her a disbelieving look, “Ok you were better…”

“You’re not just saying that because you want me to feel better?”

“When have I ever lied to you when you told me to be honest?” Ennie asked and then continued before he could answer, “Don’t answer that.” Cupped his cheeks and he saw his eye reflected him hers making them an odd color, “I love you Draco Malfoy. You are amazing in bed. Now go back to your room before they find you here.”

“Let them find us! We’ll be married in three days, anyway.” Draco said tickling Ennie again loving the feeling of her squirming under him.

“Draco!” Ennie shrieked, “If they find us together they’ll find some way to ruin our lives!” Draco chuckled before kissing her again. She clinged tightly to him before he pulled away.

“Ok I’ll leave.” He said moving away from her. She followed him to the edge of the bed kissing him until he fell out. She giggle and Draco stood to kiss her again.

“Go already.” She whispered finally pushing him off of her.

“Can I put some clothes on first?”

“No leave my room stark naked!” She commanded standing on her bed holding a bed sheet to cover her and pointing at the door.

“Only if you come with me,” Draco said grabbing at her legs so that she fell back onto the bad. They went on playing like this for another hour before Draco put any clothes on. It took everything in him to keep the clothes on after they were on.

“I lied,” Ennie said nudging Draco with her foot as he tied his shoes.

“About what?”

“About wanting you to leave, come back to bed.” Ennie said leaning over to seductively kiss Draco’s neck. He was tempted to strip off all his clothes again when he remembered the look Ennie had when Nanri died.

He turned to her a kissed her forehead caressing her mark, “We’ll have all the time in the world after the battle is over. In the mean time you should pack.” Draco said matter of fact standing again.

“You never said where I’m going.” Ennie pouted, “I don’t know what to pack.”

“Sydney Australia,” Draco said standing to face what her next reaction would be.

“Australia…” Ennie sighed, “And you’ll join me after it’s over?” She was looking at her hands.

“I promise.” Draco said lifting her chin.

“How can I trust a Malfoy promise?”

Draco smirked, “The best part of a Malfoy promise is you can’t trust it.” He whispered. They shared one-last-kiss before Draco forced himself out of the room even then Ennie pulled him back into the room to kiss her again. To this day Ennie counts this day as the anniversary of their marriage not the ceremony held three days post.