
Chapter 01

-Three Years Ago-

An attractive, young girl named Felicia was out partying with a group of her male friends from college. At a local bar, the beautiful girl with long, shiny blonde hair and blue eyes was on stage dancing. She began capturing the attention of every single guy in the room. Many of these men began whistling and howling.

After a good twenty minutes of this, she got off stage and joined her five male friends.

“You were great!” said Stephan.

“Superb. You’ve got true talent. Do we have a future dancer before us?” Jake, another friend, said. The other three guys, Jack, Caleb, and Cody smiled along with Felicia.

“Nah. I think I’ll pass,” Felicia said. Soon afterward, the six departed and crashed in their separate dorm rooms.

That cool autumn night, Felicia was sleeping very soundly in her dorm. Her window, which she had left open to circulate some fresh air throughout her room, had a fan in it which kept her cool. She suddenly woke up to turn over, but after she got resituated, she fell right back to sleep.

Soon afterward, once she was in a deep sleep, her other window opened with the assistance of an intruder. Unfortunately, Felicia was in too much of a deep sleep to hear the quiet sounds the male intruder was making.

He entered her room wearing a black knit ski mask. He made his way quietly over to the still sleeping girl’s bed. Once he got on it, she finally woke up and let out a scream which was soon disrupted when the uninvited guest’s long, gloved hand covered her mouth.

“Shhh…” he warned. Felicia, who was scared for her life, became paralyzed with fear. The intruder smiled deviously as he did the incomprehensible: he unmercifully raped the poor girl.

-Three Years Later-

Felicia and her friends had just graduated from college. For the first time in her life, Felicia was out on her own.

Of course, she was still messed up over the tragic incident that had taken place only three years ago. She had gone to therapy, but it had helped a very little. The incident had changed her personality greatly. She was no longer an outgoing, vibrant party animal; she had turned into a feeble and reserved girl who stayed to herself all the time. She didn’t associate with people much. In fact, the only people she ever spoke words to were her male friends from college. She didn’t even open up much to them.

As far as the guy who had shamelessly raped her, they had yet to track him down and arrest him. This didn’t exactly make Felicia feel any better. She wasn’t able to sleep soundly or sleep with her windows open anymore. She slept with her doors and windows bolted shut. She had no freedom. The man who had raped her had not only taken a piece of her with him, but he also deprived her of a feeling of safety and freedom.

The five guys she knew had tried everything in their power to restore Felicia’s old personality, but nothing had been successful.

One day, Stephan decided to visit Felicia and attempt to loosen her up — again.

After being forced to prove that he was indeed and without a doubt who he had claimed to be, Felicia finally let him inside after unbolting all five locks on her front door. The two took a seat in Felicia well-lit living room. She kept anywhere from three to five lamps on in each room at all times so it would never be dark. Stephan often wondered how she slept with such bright lights in her face.

“Felicia, we need to talk,” Stephan said.

“Oh…” Felicia mumbled quietly.

“I know what happened to you three years ago was life-altering for the worse…” he said in a comforting tone. “But that had nothing to do with me or anyone else you know. The guys and I … we miss you. We miss how you used to party with us and open up to us. We miss your smile and your wild, spontaneous personality.” Felicia’s facial expression remained as it always did: solemn and grave. “We miss you. We are missing you.” Felicia remained silent as she looked down.

Stephan gently placed his hand upon Felicia’s knee, but she pulled away and scooted further away from him. She continued looking down.

“You’re wounded.” Felicia looked up at Stephan with the same solemn look on her face. Shortly afterward, a tear formed in her eye as she began to weep. “Come here,” Stephan said, holding his arms out. Felicia leaned over and began to cry on Stephan’s shoulder for what seemed like the first time in forever to Stephan. He began quietly weeping with her. He gently massaged her back in a comforting manner. “It’s okay, Felicia.” She began crying a little harder.

“It just hurts because they haven’t even captured him,” Felicia stuttered. “I can’t do it.”

“Do what?”

“Make it. I can’t just put what happened behind me,” she cried weakly.

“It’s just a battle scar. A bruise. The bruises that you feel are going to eventually heal, and I hope you’ll come around. We‘re missing you.” Felicia continued crying softly on her friend’s shoulder. Stephan didn’t know what he had said to make Felicia finally loosen up, but he was thrilled that he had finally struck a nerve.

“They will catch him someday, Felicia. He won’t hurt you again. I swear. I won’t let him.” Felicia looked up at Stephan as he gently brushed her blonde hair away from her face and wiped away her tears with his thumb. He smiled weakly and she actually smiled back for the first time in three years. Her smile grew in size; so did Stephan’s.

“It’s time to back down the bully to the back of the bus cause it’s time for them to be scared of us,” Stephan said. Felicia grinned and hugged her metaphoric friend whom she actually felt that she could trust.