Vampires won't hurt you...

I ran away from them, but they found us and now... We live with them

Chapter 1

I walked out of the school entrance and waited by the wall with my brother. I was 9 at the time and my little sister Chelsea was just born and was sitting at home with mum. I couldn’t wait to go see her. I looked at my brother chatting to his mates. I was actually smaller than all of them; they were just towering over me but I guess I was small for my age. I looked like 6, apparently. I pulled at his school shirt and he looked down at me, all of his mates were staring at me and I felt my face heat up.

“When is dad coming to pick us up?”I asked, looking at the floor. My brother, Leon, kneeled down in front of me (Yes, I’m that small) and held my wrist, his mates were still watching me.

“Dunno, we’ll just wait and see. You know how late he can be, Shay” he kissed my head and stood up straight. I didn’t realise I was looking at a boy maybe my age and he even looked my age. He was walking with another boy, probably Leon’s age. They walked over to us and my brother did some sort of cool hand shake. Boys these days...
I smiled absent-mindedly then pulled my brother’s shirt again. He looked down at me.

“I’m going to sit over there” I said, pointing a bench nearby and I walked over to it. I sat on it and got my sketch book out and started drawing my brother and his mates but as shadows. I was just concentrating on the wall that was now being covered by ivy and flowers. I suddenly felt a warm breath on my neck and turned to find that boy looking over my shoulder at the picture. I blushed and turned back round so he wouldn’t see; letting little pieces of my black hair cover my face. I carried on drawing. I felt his breath move from my neck to my ear. It smelt like sweet honey.

“That’s really good” he whispered in his soft voice. I turned to look at him and his lips were just a few centimetres away from mine. We instantly moved back away from eachother and I fell off the bench. Leon ran over to me and helped me up.

“You okay?” he asked. I nodded in reply. I saw a limo park outside the gates and instantly got my sketch book into my bag and looked up at Leon.

“It’s Jerry... Not dad” I was disappointed since our dad promised he’d pick us up. I guess he doesn’t care anymore. Before I got into the limo the boy ran up to me.

“Sorry about before. My name’s Ben” he looked shy and was blushing like mad or was that the sunset reflecting off his tanned cheeks.

“I’m Shay,” I smiled, “Well... Cya around” and with that I got into the limo. The whole ride home was quiet but I wouldn’t really know since I was looking out the window the whole time. When we got home I waited for Leon to open the door. Suddenly the smell of blood came through my nose. I walked inside and it started getting worse. I hear screams and walked into the kitchen. We had 5 maids: Lily, Samantha, Tranquillity, Alice and Essence.

Essence was holding Chelsea in her arms and my mum was on the floor, dead. I screamed, Leon tried to grab me but I was already out the house. Jerry saw me and probably thought I left something at school so he left the door open and waited till I got in. He pulled out of the drive and drove towards my school.

“Sooo... Why hasn’t Master Leon come with you?” Jerry asked.

“Can you drop me at my secret place, please?” I asked trying to change the subject.

“Trying to change the subject, hey, misses?” he replied in his funny tone which always made me laugh. After we got to my “Secret Place”, Jerry looked at me.

“What is actually wrong, Shay?” Every since I was 4 I let Jerry say my name properly instead of calling me Miss. Shay. I looked up at him and sighed.

“Mum’s dead... She was in the kitchen on the floor. Please, just don’t tell Leon or anyone I’m here” I pleaded. He looked at me, hesitantly.

“Leon will be worried about you; you know what he’s like. He needs you more than anything now that your mother is gone. I won’t tell him but just make sure you come home, sweetheart” he kneeled down in front of me and gave me a hug before he got into the limo and drove off. My “Secret Place” was a huge piece of countryside and at the end was a lake.

At the edge was a tree, a few branches were thick so I’d climb up and sit there and draw all day. I brought my bag with me so I got my sketch book out and looked at the pictures I did. Most of them were from dreams that I had but I never told Leon...

I stared at it for a while and didn’t realise that the sun had already gone down. I missed the orange and the yellowness of it going down on the other side of the lake. I heard a car behind me and saw Jerry come out of the limo.

I climbed down the tree and ran to him. I got into the limo and he drove off, looking at the clock the whole time but not registering the time as 9pm. We pulled to the front of the house and I got out, dreading what was behind that white door. I quickly hugged Jerry and he wished me luck.

“Yeah, I need it” I smiled, weakly at him. I walked up to the front door and opened it slowly. I tried sneaking upstairs but heard voices in the living room. I stopped and listened. It sounded like Michelle, Leon’s girlfriend.

“Leon... It’s not the end of the world, she’ll come back and she does know that you need her ever since your mum died” she basically spat the word “died”. I hated her so much; she always tried taking Leon off me on purpose. She even told our maids that she was doing it on purpose. I only found out cause I was eavesdropping. See! Even I admit it! I walked back downstairs towards the living room. I had such an urge to kill her, I’d say it but I wouldn’t do it.

“Right, I bet she’d come through this very door any minute” she said that as I walked through the door. Michelle, Leon, Chelsea, The maids (Alice, Lisa, Tranquillity, and Essence), our doorman (Norman) and a few of Leon’s mates (Even Ben) were all sitting or standing in the living room. They all looked at me.

“See?!” Michelle protested and I gave her a dirty look.

“You know... I hate you so much, Michelle” I muttered but it was so quiet everyone heard. Michelle looked at me in horror; Leon looked like he had been crying. His eyes were red and slightly puffy. He looked so weak. Now I know what Michelle meant when he needed me.

“Shay...” it was barely a whisper.

“Shay!! What is your problem? You had to scare your brother like that! Why do you even bother? You know your mum’s dead now! How can you leave your brother and sister like this, at the wrong time t...?”

“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I HATE YOU SO GET OVER IT AND YOU ARE NOT MY MUM. I KNOW MY MUM IS DEAD, I KNOW LEON NEEDS ME AND I KNOW THAT YOU SHOULD JU...” I yelled but Ben put one hand around my waist and the other over my mouth. I didn’t even try to struggle out of his grip. I looked at Chelsea. She was crying herself to sleep, it seemed. I pulled Ben's hands away and walked over to her.

I looked up at Essence who was holding her and she gave her to me. I rocked baby Chelsea back and forth. She eventually stopped crying and was looking up at me with her big blue eyes. She was gorgeous. Absolutely perfect.

Leon stood up and walked over to me looking down at her. We didn’t know where our dad was, mum was dead and Chelsea was only small. We have a new life to live and put all this in the past. We have to pull ourselves together, It’s now or never...
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I dunno how to put the pics up so I'll just start it. =[[ Sorry!! Hope you like it.. xx