Vampires won't hurt you...

I ran way from them, but they found us and now... We live with them!

Chapter 2

4 Years Later

“Leon... Wake up, please” I pleaded with him. This was the tenth time he’s tried to commit suicide ever since our mum died. He was in hospital now and he hasn’t woken up in weeks. The maids were looking after Chelsea at home while I had to put up with Michelle in the hospital. Yes, she’s still going out with Leon, unfortunately. From what happened 4 years ago, she still hated me. She always glared at me and gave me dirty looks but I’d just sigh in defeat. There was no point in fighting. Not now anyway.

“Move! My turn!” she pushed me off the chair and sat on it, holding Leon’s hand. I looked at her in disgust and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I think that woke Leon up because this is what I heard after I walked out.

“SHAY! SHAY! SHAY! COME HERE QUICK!!” Michelle yelled and I walked back in. Leon looked at me, smiling.

“Oh, whoopee!! He’s awake” I said, sarcastically. His smile turned to a frown.

“So... You don’t care I’m back?” he yelled.

“Yes, I do but...”

“Then why are you taking advantage of Michelle. She’s been here to look after me all the time and what have you been doing?” he yelled, angry at me.

“Well... It was always me that was here looking after you, everyday. I never slept because I couldn’t, I knew that you might be dying so I didn’t leave your side” I sighed. Leon shot a glare at Michelle. I think she must’ve said it was her instead of me.

“Liar” I heard her whisper but only I heard it.

“Shay... Can you give us a minute?” Leon smiled at me and I nodded. I walked out of the room and sat on one of the chairs, waiting. “Michelle’s in trouble!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I thought to myself and did a victory dance. I heard some shouting in a different room. I got up and walked to the door. It was slightly open and there were doctors in there, talking.

“These things... They have got a disease and it completely mutates these people. Policemen have been killed every night because of them. We can’t let them get into the hospitals or even the neighbourhood. It will be absolute chaos... They have to build a wall around the most inhabited place even if they still have humans living there. They’re going to shut it down and recruit more military officers for backup. They’re asking us to use our patients as a few of them but only when they are better. I’ve looked at some of the files that we have on the patients and there are only 5 that have actually caught my eye and it also includes family that sign into our hospital” one doctor spoke and the screen changed, showing 5 people. The first person came onto the screen with information coming from it. I knew him...

“This is Ben Smith. He’s studied all Chinese culture and is a black belt in karate and such. Basically, he is a strong fighter but... He can also disappear and reappear” Dr. Johnson (I saw his nametag) said. Another one appeared on the screen, this time it was a girl.

“This is Sarah Collinge. She’s known to be weird in a humour way but she has such a strength in her mind that can she can control a certain object, she is also very manipulative and can persuade anyone and anything just by one touch. She can control people” She was my best friend. What is going on?
The next screen showed another boy.

“Ryan Fitzpatrick. He is really fast and has such swift movement that no one can even see him. He recently pulled a trick on a teacher. Moving from the back of the classroom to the front to put a block full of chewing gum on the teacher’s chair just as the teacher sat down in split seconds and returned to his seat. The CCTV shows no signs of movement but it happened and he can also drain people’s energy just by holding onto them with his bare hands, so he has to wear leather gloves but if he touches them with anything other than his hands it does still drain their energy. It’s just faster with his hands...” The last 2 pictures came up together.

“Shay and Leon Kennedy, brother and sister. The brother is currently in this very hospital with his girlfriend, Michelle, right this minute. Shay is being still being monitored. Ben Smith and Shay Kennedy have a bond whenever they get a hold of a football; their skills are just unimaginable, unnatural and inhuman. Some of the teachers at their school have watched them and have seen them play football, they are both amazing strikers but seem so unreal. The teachers couldn’t find any words to it. I know what you’re thinking... What has football got to do with inhumanly powers? Well... We you can see the CCTV footage on that later” Dr. Johnson finished.

“What’s so special about Shay and Leon?” someone asked.

“They are very powerful together. Shay is thought to be one of the mutated creatures and Leon… Well, he’s something else and I can’t explain it to you at the moment but I doubt any of them would use their abilities. I don't think they can” Mr. Johnson spoke and paused to look at the door I was hiding behind. That’s when I ran back to Leon’s room, knocking on the door. I walked in as Michelle walked out, crying. She pushed me out of the way as she did so. I ran to the side of Leon’s bed and started turning the machines off.

“We need to leave now!! Right now!! Come on, get up” I said and pulled all the stickers off Leon’s face and chest.

“Why? What’s going on?” Leon asked as he stood up and I turned around so he could get changed, quickly.

“I’ll tell you later, just hurry up!” I said.

We sneaked out of the hospital and we got Jerry to pick us up at the park near the hospital. When he arrived we got in and he took us home. I ran upstairs but Leon stopped me.

“Shay, tell me what’s going on?”He said and I sighed.

“We’re being hunted down by the military. I think we might be used as weapons for something. Mutated creatures or something. They’re in London and there’s a wall that’s being built to keep them in there. Start packing, we need to find somewhere to hide”

“BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS!” the TV was on the news and I ran into the living room to see what was going on.

“There are people wanted for military use and mutated creatures have escaped and are on a killing rampage. The government is trying to make peace but right now… PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOME!!” it turned out the TV wasn’t on the news. It was on Chelsea’s kiddie’s channel. It must’ve played on all of them.

“It’s too late…” I muttered. I looked at the pictures of the people who were now wanted for military use.

“Jesus Christ, Ben is there and Ryan!” Leon protested. He gawped when our pictures showed up on the screen.

“There are more being produced… Please wait” the TV blared and slowly a few more pictures were added onto the screen. Surprisingly, Leon and I knew them. They went to our school, the same school.

“These are children. Parents must hand them over to the police and a reward will be given” the TV continued.

“That’s sick! Like parents would actually do that!” I protested and then the pictures of people started to be crossed off.

“People that are crossed off have been handed into the police. We thank the people who have done so” There was only me, Leon, Sarah, Ben and Ryan that were left. The rest had been crossed off.

“Leon… I think we should go, they might hunt us down. I don’t care if these things come and get us; we need to go before we’re made into weapons. We need to round up the others and run!” I said and rang Ryan who was with Ben, one of them rang Sarah and we all met up outside our school.

We were all carrying bags full of stuff we needed and we started walking to a hideout that Leon planned. It was an old broken down warehouse that looked like it had been uninhabited for years. We quickly went inside and made ourselves at home.

“Leon... Do you think we could sneak in and out sometimes and get stuff to make this a proper home? Like bathroom equipment and such. Make a kitchen, bedrooms and whatever. We could travel at night but it could be dangerous with those creatures roaming around” I said. They all nodded, smiling at the idea.
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Woohooo Second chapter!! Comment please!! xx

Is it too short or is it boring? Lol!!