
Let The Partying Begin.

I sat awkwardly in a soft brown chair, off in a far corner as I watched every under aged pre-teen sitting in a circle around a glass bottle, waiting as it twirled to see who they would get to suck face with next.

Summers whole family was gone. Except for her 15 year old sister, Sadie who had brought over 5 high school kids to this little party.

Summer brought Sadie. Sadie brought high school students. High school students brought alcohol. Alcohol brought madness.

It was a really awkward sight. Nothing of what I thought it would be like. We were in her basement, the center table pushed against the wall, baring a stack of red plastic cups, a 1 liter bottle of pop, and 3 bear cans.

To tell you the truth, I was really scared. I just wanted to leave, but where would I go? My parents went out with there friends since they figured me being gone, and my little sister was sleeping at a friends house. And it was way too far to walk, especially since it was getting really dark.

"Why, hello. Whats your name, and why don't you get your pretty little butt over there and play some 7 minutes?" I tried to ignore the boy who was hovering over my curled up body. He was holding a beer can, but he wasn't completely drunk.

He was a high school student. I was really scared now.

"Aw, come on have some fun!" I still didn't even look up.

Just ignore him and he'll go away. I repeated in my mind. But it didn't happen. He just stood there, smirking at me.

Then he started to tug on my shirt sleeve. I wanted to run away. I could feel tears burning in my eyes.

I had the worst feeling in my gut. It was horrible.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

He snickered, leaning in closer.

"Come on, darling. Let loose. It's a party." I gulped. He was pushing his beer can in front of my face. I had never tried alcohol before, my parents used to offer me a tiny sip on new years, but I had always refused. I was such a goody-two-shoes.

There was something about the strange smell of the alcohol that intrigued me. I wanted to taste it, but.... I knew I shouldn't.

But, I did.

I snatched the can from his hands and chugged a bit of it down before the taste hit me. My mouth started to sting as I pulled the can away from my mouth.

But there was something that made me want more.

I brought the can back to my lips, this time hesitantly.

"That's it. Let loose." The boy above me smirked.
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This really sucks. It's already the third chapter and I haven't even gotten to the main point yet.

Well, that will be saved for next chapter. I will probably get it out tomorrow, or sometime soon.