Twisted Ages

Fall From the Sky

The once dark blue sky was now slowly turning into the color of orange as the sun was slowly rising on the country of Troy. Even at the early dawn, the sound of wooden swords clashing against each other was heard at the palace gardens. The palace where King Priam of Troy and his two sons, Prince Hector and Prince Paris, reside. The clashing of the wooden swords was made by the two princes, sparring in the early morning on their homeland that was Troy.

“You can never beat me you gay archer!” Hector said, barely dodging Paris’s wooden blade.

“We’ll see ‘bout that!” Paris replied over clenched teeth.

With a swift movement, Paris’s wooden sword flew from his hand and he was on the ground, with his brother’s own wooden sword pointed at his throat.

“And you call this a challenge? Tch, you’re even gayer than I thought you were. Stand boy-lover.” Hector said as he stepped aside to let his brother stand after lowering his self-esteem like that. Turning on his heel, he was about to enter the castle when Paris called after him.

“You’re just jealous because the girls are all over me!” Paris shouted.

Hector merely ignored this threat and made his way deeper into the castle, until he was out of sight. Leaving Paris stammering on the ground like a sissy sore loser. Stopping only when a tall slightly blonde and radiant figure caught his eye, and identifying it as ‘the bitch’

The so-called ‘bitch’ was Helen, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta that his stupid brother abducted because of ‘love’

“Where’s Paris?” she asked Hector.

“He’s in the garden, being a sissy.” Hector said and brushed her off. Helen looked offended as she stuck her nose up snobbishly at the older prince as he continued walking.

“Why I never…” she said.

“Hey there biotch!” Helen said to Paris, ever so temptress-like.

“Kiss me.”

And both lips met, not to mention tongues.

“How’s my little prince?” Helen said, gasping for breath in what seemed like and hour long kiss.

“Never better.” Paris replied.

Hector glanced back in time to see the scene the two were making, he rolled his eyes and continued on walking.

‘He may have the looks, but he’s nothing but a wimp.’ he thought to himself as he reached the other side of the castle, meaning the entrance. He sat down on the marble steps that led to the great doors of the castle of King Priam, his father.

‘He has a point though, the girls are all over him.’ he thought so emo-like.

Prince Hector goes sulking in a corner

“What is wrong my son?” King Priam said, putting his old and wrinkled hand on his son’s shoulder.

“Oh father, it’s Paris!”

“What do you mean it’s Paris?”

“It’s Paris, father.” Hector said, clenching his stomach.

“Holy grail! You’re pregnant?”

“No, you old slob!” Hector said with flaming eyes.

“Do not talk to your father that way!” King Priam said, standing from where he was sitting.

“It’s a free world father! I have the right to speak freely!” Hector said, doing the same.

“Not to your king you can’t!”

“Do not challenge me, boy! You’re just like that because your brother has women swooning over his very image!”

Prince Hector goes sulking in a corner

“And you think Paris is a wimp.” Priam said, rolling his eyes. Suddenly there was a strange atmosphere that surrounded the palace of Troy, Priam noticed the strange feeling and abandoned the continuation of lowering his son’s self-esteem. Hector noticed as well, so he stopped being emo [they don’t even know what emo means] and stood next to his father.

Just as King Priam was angrily spanking Prince Hector for his misdemeanor, a loud thud was heard from the castle gardens. Slaves and royalty alike went over to where the crash was. A low buzz was heard as the crowd made murmurs and wild guesses of what was behind the smoke. A few milliseconds later, the smoke cleared up and it revealed five figures, four of which seemed human in form and the other one was what looked like a dog. The fallen strangers brushed off the dirt from their bodies and revealed clothing that was very unusual to the Trojans. It was modern.

“Where the fuck are we?” Pete whispered to himself.

“No idea, Pete.” Patrick said, brushing dirt off his hat. Andy wiping dust off his glasses and Joe fixing his curly afro. Hemingway barked and four more things fell from the sky, two electric guitars fell, one on Patrick and one on Joe. A bass guitar fell on Pete, and an entire drum set plus two drumsticks fell on Andy. Thus creating another cloud of smoke.

“Muhmuh, what is fuck?” a random Trojan child asked his mom.

“I don’t know son, I don’t know.” the mom replied in a clueless way. By now the smoke had cleared up (for the second time) and a witch doctor which goes by the name of Marlo came to check on them. He crept slowly to where the heavy instruments had landed (which created minor craters) and he eyes on the instruments and unconscious bodies very curiously, the kind of look you give when you see a UFO or an unknown reptile.

“These are amazing, oh such slender bodies, the shiny physique, the polished exterior, the intricate designs on every body part.”

The Trojans give him suspicious looks.

“I’m talking about the objects you dirty bastards.” Marlo said, rolling his eyes.

Then Marlo started going his voodoo magic. He pranced and made strange movements and sounds that did not seem human anymore.

Meanwhile, in a country just a ship voyage away from Troy…

“I feel a great disturbance, in a country not too far from here. Mysterious objects crashing onto foreign bodies, clouds of smoke, and the chants on a witch doctor echoing through the city walls.” said a girl of curly brown locks, and milky white eyes that soon turned into her normal brown. She was wearing a flowing, silky white robe, sitting with her legs crossed on a soft satin pillow.

“Why do you always have to talk like that?” said another girl of wavy black hair and piercing black eyes, wearing a robe opposite of the Oracle, which was pure black and floor-length.

“I am an Oracle, and I have told you what you wanted to know, Vampire.” said the Oracle, by the name of Mariel to the girl. A Vampire named Kina.

“Actually, it was Mikee who wanted to know about her precious Prince Hector.” Kina said, referring to the smaller Vampire girl next to her, with straight black hair and dark brown eyes, wearing the same kind of robe only smaller to fit her size. Signifying that both females in black belong to the Vampire race.

“You said nothing about my beloved prince!” Mikee said.

“He isn’t your prince! He’s the prince of Troy! Not Sparta!” Kina protested heatedly.

“I wouldn’t care if he were the prince of Troy, Athens, Thessaly or any other country! I find myself rather attracted to him!” Mikee argued.

“Bah! I do not approve! A Spartan Vampire in love with a Trojan prince who doesn’t even know Vampires exist!”

“That is enough!” Mariel said with such intensity that the whole room fell quiet, the two female Vampires turned their attention back to the Oracle. “Do you wish to know about the young Prince Hector?” she asked.

“Yes.” Mikee said in a hushed tone, scared of angering the Oracle again.

“Very well.” Mariel said, going into another trance and her eyes turning back into a ghostly while. “He is in great despair, for a reason that involves his brother.” she said shortly and her eyes once again turned back to normal, the two Vampires blinked.

“That’s it?” Kina asked.

“Pretty much.” Mariel responded.

“My prince?! In despair?! Noooooooooooo!” Mikee wailed. Kina and Mariel exchanged glanced and shook their heads disapprovingly.

The sky was now a light hue of faded pink, signaling the setting of the sun. As it lit the whole castle room where all five said heroes now lay unconscious in separate bed bunks.

And beside them is a now eager Helen of Mycenae, waiting patiently for the boys to wake up.

It wasn’t long ‘til the moon Goddess, Artemis replaced Apollo in their perpetual cycle of heavenly bodies, and Helen was now practically dozing off. And as the beautiful eyes of Helen were closing, the eyes of the fallen boys were opening.

“Dude, where are we?” Patrick said in a puzzled tone.

“I don’t know dude, what time is it?” Andy inquired as he flipped his long, girly locks.

“Can’t you tell it’s night time? Dude the sun is setting!” Pete said.

“No, I mean what TIME or era is it?” Andy replied, flinging his arms.

And as the rest of the boys were fighting, Joe quietly amused himself with his own version to the question of what time is it.

“Summer time.” Joe giggled.


sumo na kaayo akong ngalan no'h? ^O^

ask NadNad if you want to know what that means ^o^ my friend and I made this fanfiction because we're bored and we like Fall Out Boy (plus the film showings in our World History class, which was 300 and Troy). Hope you liked the first chapter ^^