Status: done


Misery Business

This is my ticket to misery; let’s take it from the top.
He tells me “It’s all in my head and the things I think just don’t make sense.” But he comes in at all time of the night.
She’s got a body like an hour glass; it’s ticking like a clock.
A new little bleach blonde groupie was starting to hang around the boys. Summer was her name. Jack didn’t used to be this way, pinning everything back on me. He used to be so sweet. Alex was the charming one, Rian was way smart, and Zack was just so friendly and funny, but no one could top how amazing Jack was. I’ve been missing him and everything he does. There’s no more sweet sung lullaby’s or wake up calls, there’s nothing. He’s been off tour for at least 2 months and I’ve barely seen him. I’ve probably seen more of Zack and Rian then Jack. I try to drown out the loneliness with some All-American Rejects. I close my eyes and drift off to the music.

I jolt awake from a door slamming. “Jack!” I whispered to myself. I look up at the clock blinking 1:24 a.m. and sigh. As his footsteps got closer I shut my eyes like I was still asleep. I felt weight on the other side of the bed. He shifted under the cover. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around him. He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I ran after him. “Jack?” I asked. I got no reply. “Jack I’m coming in.” I tell him. When I got in he was hunched over the toilet puking his guts out. I grabbed some Advil and a glass of water and handed it to him. “Great, he’s drunk again.” I said to myself. I started to move my fingers in circular motions on his stomach, hoping he’ll feel better. I grabbed a blanket and pillows and lay down next to him on the bathroom floor.

I woke up to find I was alone.

I walked downstairs to find him on the couch watching cartoons. I always loved when he watched cartoons, it’s like we’re young again. He still even makes the same funny face when SpongeBob comes on. “Jack, where were you yesterday?” I asked. “Why does it matter?” He replied and put his hands on his head. “Oh iunno Jack you came home completely wasted.” I said sarcastically. He just rolled his eyes. “You know what; forget it I don’t even care.” I said storming out of the house. I grabbed my phone. “Haley, can you meet me at Starbucks?” I asked my best friend. “Yeah, I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” She said and hung up. When Haley got to Starbucks I told her everything, from my problems with Jack to that girl Summer. “Hun you need to calm down. I’m sure there’s nothing going on, I mean it’s Jack and he wouldn’t do something like that. Not to you.” Haley responded. “I know he wouldn’t but everything just makes sense you know, and there’s that voice in the back of my head saying there’s something.” I said. “All I’m saying is, don’t do anything drastic or stupid.” Haley said. I hugged her and left. I drove around to clear my head.

It was nighttime when I got home. I walked up to me and Jack’s room. He was snoring. I was going for the bed when I stepped on some paper. “Now if you’re feeling me. Let’s make a memory. My heart is melting cause you’re hot like the summer heat. Tonight is all we got, and there’s no time to stop. You think about this should we go, should we not. And I know, that you got a man, but I’m here, so put me in your plans. And I’ll be what you need tonight, cause I’m never gonna see you again.” I know it was just a piece of paper, but I t really hit home. It wasn’t even Jack’s hand writing, but I just looked over that, not caring. I ran downstairs and slept on the couch.

My dreams turned to nightmares that night. They had me tossing and turning. I woke up back into reality and went on with my day as normal. I tried not to think about Jack or anything for that matter, but he’s not just something you forget.

I made it home. Zack, Rian, Alex and Jack were all sitting on the couch; guitars in hand. “Hey Cherry.” Zack greeted giving me a hug. Alex just smiled at me, a mischievous smile. “Babe how was work?” Jack asked me kissing me on the cheek. I just shrugged, feeling hopeless in his arms. I almost lost it when Summer stepped out of the kitchen. “Cherry this is Summer, Summer this is Jack’s girl Cherry.” Rian introduced us. I snickered when she gave me a hug. “So you’re Summer?” I asked. She nodded. I was on the verge of losing it. “Summer, such a pretty name.” I said. “Thanks, Cherry’s a pretty name too. I’m so glad I got to finally meet you, Jack doesn’t shut up about you.” She said with a smile. “That’s nice you’ve been spending time together.” She nodded again.

Then I lost it.

“So Summer tell me, why would you of all people mess around with my Jack?” I asked bitterly and bitchy. Her face changed up so fast. “Wh-what do you mean?” She asked. “Save the story, I don’t wanna hear it. There’s a million other girls who do it just like you. Thinkin’ it’s innocent; impossible to get to you. You know you want it but it’s easy if you do it right.” I said to her. “Cherry what is your problem?” Jack asked. “What’s my problem, you. Coming home, being all suspious, not being here when I need you the most, and cheating on me. How could you Jack, you’re suppose to love me, not her.” I said almost coming to tears.

“You’re insane; there’s absolutely nothing going on between me and Summer. I’ve done nothing but love you. And I can’t believe you don’t trust me.” He said. “I did trust you but you make it so hard.” I said fighting the tears. “There’s no trust, just questioning and accusations. And you know what I’m not dealing with them anymore. And to think I was gonna ask you to marry me.” He said. “Well you-.” I paused. “What?” I asked stunned. “Tonight I was gonna take you to dinner and ask you to marry me. But you know what I don’t even want to deal with you anymore, we’re through.” Jack said and grabbed his coat. Zack, Rian, Alex, and Summer followed.

I sat there.

Sat there feeling stupid.



I just lost the only thing that matter the most to me.

This was the day I lost Jack.

Numbness took over my body and for days I would just sit and do nothing. Haley tried to get me out of this trance, but nothing was working. I just cried and cried until I just couldn’t cry anymore.

“Chariot Riley Lesley, if you don’t snap out of whatever you’re in, you’re gonna lose that boy forever.” My mom’s voice said. I looked up to see my mom and Haley. “I heard what happened.” Mom said. “And I’m here to help. Chariot did I ever tell you the story of when your father and I got together?” She asked and I nodded. “Well that was a lie, not all of it but it wasn’t always a happy ending with us. I accused your father of cheating on me too only to find out that he wasn’t. Long story short I ended up looking like an idiot. But if I would’ve given up on his forgiveness all those years ago, you wouldn’t be here. Chariot you listen to me, you go fight for that boy’s forgiveness and you do it now.”

Haley and my mom dragged me outside and into the car. I grabbed a cd on the way out. I know what I have to do and I’m not gonna waist anymore time not doing it.
I couldn’t lie, he was the only one for me.
Of course it started to rain. No matter I just got out. I was like a man on a mission. I threw some rocks at Rian’s window, where I knew Jack was staying. I grabbed a boom box and put in the cd.

Last year’s wishes and this year’s apologies,
Every last time I come home.
I take my last chance, to burn a bridge or to.
I only keep myself this sick cause I know how the worse get’s you.
We’re the new face of failure
Prettier and younger, but no any better off.
Bulletproof the loneliness
At best, at best.
Me and you
Sitting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Sitting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

Jack came outside. “I’m sorry.” I yelled to him. He sat in the doorway with his arms crossed. I knew I’d have to do better. “I should have trusted you. I shouldn’t of have just assumed that you would do something like that. I shouldn’t have listen to that stupid place in the back of my mind. You just mean the world to me and I just don’t wanna lose you. All my life I’ve messed up and ran away from my problems, but not this time. I’m not gonna run away, I’m gonna make this right however long it takes. You’re not getting rid of me anytime soon, so if you were thinking you were you thought wrong, baby.” I said smiling to myself. He walked up to me. “I guess I’ll just have to deal with you always being around.” He said wrapping his arms around me. “Oh don’t worry babe, I’m great company.” I said as we walked down the street drenched and soaked.
Because it just feels so...