The 12 Days of Christmas

Tre Cool

Santa Clause, if that’s your real name!

I know we’ve never gotten along since the Christmas party when I was seven. I know, I know, peeing on the reindeer isn’t something “good” little boys do. And I know that you hate me for ripping your beard off. But, why didn’t it hurt? My boy pulled at mine once, when I let it grow and it hurts like abitch. Hehe, my bad, Billie told me not to cuss in this letter. Point is, it hurts a lot, but why didn’t yours hurt when I ripped it off thirty years ago? How old are you? Why did my daddy call you Jonathan that night? Isn’t your name Santa? Well, uh whoever you are, I want this:

Hair Gel Cause my hair doesn’t do itself.

A stapler full of staples

A bottle of mustard

A tube of toothpaste

Tickets to a Backstreet Boys show

And a watermelon.

Don’t ask why. Just get them for me.

Lose weight, you’ll live longer,

Tre Cool.
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