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And the Sun Will Set for You

And The Sun Will Set For You.Avenged Sevenfold.Chapter 1:I Was Basic

It was another one of those days. A day at the orphanage were possible candidates came to find their dream child.

I dreaded this day more than anything, but I never spoke of it. I was to shy and kept to myself for the last 8 years.

“Riley” came the voice of Mrs. Watson “Please come downstairs there are a couple of families I want you to meet”

“Okay, but can I change my clothes”, I questioned looking down at my gray sweats and white wife beater.

“Sure, just please hurry I want you to have a family” spoke the women her crystal gray eyes showing sympathy and hope.

After she left, I slowly got out of bed and walked over to my small closet.

“Let’s see”, I mumbled to myself while scanning through my limited amount of clothing.

I only had what they could afford which were the basics which I did not mind since I was basic.

Finally deciding I picked out black dickie skinny jeans and a green make music not war shirt. Stripping off my old clothes and slipping on my new ones. I pulled on my old checkered slip-ons and quickly ran a couple of lines of black eyeliner on my eyes and smudging it a bit giving it a smoky look to my green/yellow eyes. Walking to my dresser I quickly placed in my gauges and my lip and nose ring.

Agreeing with my appearance thinking it was semi decent I ran a brush through my thick black mane which I sadly called hair. Having one more look in the mirror and muttering a “this will do” I quickly ran downstairs to see the orphanage more packed than usual.

Quietly moving around different kids and possible parents, I found Mrs. Watson she wore a blue business suit with her blonde hair in a tight bun, but the man he was a complete opposite he wore black jeans and a Slayer band tee. The man looked nothing over the day of 25.

“Yes, Mr. Sanders I do have one child that might match you but she’s a little older than the rest 16 to be exact” spoke Mrs. Watson her showing evident hope that this man might just give me a home.

Looking at the man; my presence still not known by either, I took in his features. His face was striking and held a presence that if anyone thought he was ugly they must be blind. His hazel green eyes sparkled with concentration as he listened to Mrs. Watson and his body that was a different story it was very muscular showing that he did go to the gym.

He reminds me of a macho man, I thought letting a little but heard giggle escape my lips.

Both eyes came to me as I stood there like a dear in the headlights “Riley please come over I want you to meet Mr. Sanders”

Walking over I stood in front of the 6’1 maybe 6’2 man. I felt his eye look me over but not in a perverted way but a very peering way.

Hi Riley, he smiled while drawing out his hand; I timidly put out my hand and shook his.

I smiled before replying “Hi, Mr. Sanders” I withdrew my hand and it instantly began to fidget with the hem of my shirt.

“Well I will be leading you both to a room where you guys can talk then Mr. Sanders will be making his decision about your adoption” piped Mrs. Watson leading us to the many office/ conference rooms.

You would think with as many rooms this place had they would have more space for the kids, I thought sadly

I walked into the room first and sat in the corner on the bean chair, while Mr. Sanders sat on the couch facing me. Mrs. Watson quickly left the room with a quick I will be back soon.

Letting my eyes fall to my shoes, I began to hum Untouched by the Veronicas.

“You love music don’t you” he said his eyes holding an ounce of amusement.

I nodded my head slowly as he asked another question “What is your full name and any other information I should know”

I took a deep breath before speaking “ My name is Riley Joanna Adams , I been here since I was 8 , I have no brothers and sisters ,I love music mostly rock, heavy metal , death metal ,emo , and alternative , ummm I play guitar , bass and I love to sing. My favorite color is green and purple, and I am anti-social and emotionally unstable”

I looked up from my shoes and looked in his eyes unlike most parents after I made my little speech they would say no and leave but Mr. Sanders just had a smile on his lips one that was very contagious.

I smiled back at him before asking, “Can I know some information about you too?” my voice becoming quieter as my question ended.

“Okay” was his reply “ My name is Matthew Sanders but you can call me Matt , I live in Huntington Beach , I have 4 close guys friends, I love music and I’m currently in a band called Avenged Sevenfold and were putting out our 3rd album”

At that my eyes widened I had all their cd’s he was the voice that comforted me all those nights when I thought I wanted to end my life.

I got up from the beanbag and sat next to him on the couch. “Thank you” I said my eyes not once leaving his face “thank you for not making me end my life”

“Your welcome” he said he slowly reached out and engulfed me in a hug, at first I was shocked but then began to hug him back.

“So do you think I’m crazy?” I half laughed wiping away a few stray tears.

“Not one bit”, smiled Matt “but do you want me to adopt you, because we will be on tour a lot and sometimes the guys can be asses but they will love and think of you as their nieces”

“Really, Matt are you serious” I said praying to god he was not lying.

“Come on let’s go find whats-her-face so I can sign these papers and take you home to your new home,” he said standing up and taking me hand.

We walked out of the room in a comfortable silence and began the journey to look for Mrs. Watson.

After turning a couple of corners and walked down a few hallways we found the middle-aged woman talking to one of the many parents.

“Excuse me Mrs. Watson but I have decided to take Riley home with me “said Matt as he brought me closer in a side ways hug.

Mrs. Watson look relieved as she gave me a relieved smile and directed Matt to her office while I went back upstairs to my room.

Walking up the stairs memories of my life here played like a movie the first time I came here, the time I broke my arm riding down the rail and even the time were I felt so low that I wanted to die.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I began to smile like an idiot. This was it. This was the start of my new life and time to leave my old one behind.

I started to sprint down the hall to I came across my room opening the door I looked around.

The room that I had made my sanctuary , walking to the wall I began taking down my posters and photo’s I took placing them on my bed I went to my closet and got out my suitcase that haven’t been used in years.

Setting it down on my twin size bed I hastily started throwing clothes in .After about five minutes I finally finished and began packing my shoes since I only had two pairs, I put my black skull high top converse in the bag also.

Throwing a couple cd’s, my make up bag, and a couple other stuff in my in I looked around my hold room and noticed how bare it looked.

Going under my bed for one more thing, I pulled out my box filled with my writing over the years. Making sure it was safe in my bag I zipped it up and began the long journey of carrying my bag downstairs.

“Riley, I have one question before we leave do you want to changer your name Sanders or keep it as Adams” Matt asked me nervously.

I stood there in deep thought and Matt knew this, do I really want to keep my old name? New life, new start, might as well have a new name

Smiling I nodded my head yes. “Riley Adams Sanders it is” said Matt as he signed one last paper before looking at me.

“Ready to get out of here kiddo” he questioned a childish grin playing at his lips.

“Why not” I replied running over to Mrs. Watson and giving her a quick hug. Whispering in my ear not to be a stranger.

Nodding I walked away and got into the car while Matt put my bag in the trunk.

Driving off I gazed out the window as my old life was being left behind and a new one awaited…………………………..
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After being hiatus for like a long time Im a give this story thing one more try.
Thanks for all the comments and inboxes