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Love Is War

The Prophecy

Dangerous creatures walk amongst the mortals. We are known to them as vampires or bloodsuckers. It has been the Volturi’s job to protect our secret from becoming exposed.

Our kind would hardly believe in myths, but there is one known amongst the vampires.

The one of the two most powerful creatures. The two that will ignore the rules of our kind. They will be rare. Unbelievably unique. Part vampire, part mortal. Blood will run through their veins, but they shall not age. The date of their birth will be the year they stop aging.

They will have powers no other vampire could possibly acquire, unless they destroy them.

The twins will have blood always running through their veins, even if they should be destroyed. The vampire who had destroyed the twins would drink their blood to acquire their powers. Their blood will continue to run, no matter how much the vampire should drink. The only way to secure that no other should gain their power is to set their corpses on fire.

If the vampire is to catch only one twin, the blood will be useless. Only together will the blood be useful and only together can they be killed.

This is the one myth every vampire wonders the true existence of.
  1. A Haunting Past
    With time, change happens.
  2. Home?
    This was our war, not theirs.
  3. Let the Stress Begin
    The memories were painful.
  4. Back to the Past
    Our love did exist at one point.
  5. Long Overdue Explanations
    An explanation was due centuries ago and you failed to present one. You're time is up.
  6. Bleeding Love
  7. Love Bites