Status: Want to see your band featured in an interview from hell? Request them in comments!

More Interviews From Hell!

Xena (Xenophobe), J.C. (Skellington), Zehpyr(Zygote/Zombie), Katie (Karnivore) and Tania (Tyranny) have supposedly interviewed plenty of bands in their day ("their day" ranging from circa 2003 - 2009, and ringing in 2010 with some more!) They are alsopretty very infamous for being so misbehaved. Consequently, they cause drama between bands, and for themselves. How long would it take for them to get fired? (Well, in this sense, how long will it take for some of them to be fired again?)

Um... I own the characters some more. Blah.
  1. Confrontation: Episode Four.
    Xenophobe gets mad at "Rob".
  2. Marilyn Manson.
    Xenophobe, Skellington and Karnivore interview Marilyn Manson. (2009)
  3. All Time Low: This Time, It's Personal.
    All Time Low returns, with new intentions... (2009)
  4. Paige Explosion.
    Xenophobe, Skellington and Tyranny interview Paige Explosion.
  5. Ryan Ross.
    Xenophobe and Skellington interview Ryan Ross. (2009)
  6. Fall Out Boy Returns.
    Fall Out Boy comes back to "discuss some issues".
  7. We The Kings. (Part I)
    Xenophobe and Skellington interview We The Kings.
  8. We The Kings (Part II)
    Skellington and Xenophobe finish up their interview with We The Kings.‏
  9. Framing Hanley.
    Skellington, Xenophobe and Tyranny get distracted while interviewing Framing Hanley. (2009)
  10. The Gang's Night Out.
    The employees have the night off. Mischief is caused.
  11. Framing Hanley Returns.
    Xenophobe, Skellington, Tyranny and Karnivore interview Framing Hanley and Paige. (2010)
  12. Fan Appreciation Week #15.
    Xenophobe, Tyranny, Skellington, Zygote and Karnivore answer the fans' questions. (2010)
  13. Fan Appreciation Week #15 (Part II)
    Fan Appreciation Week continues.