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The Gang's Night Out.

11:00 pm - Dream Girls (Strip Club.)

Xena rolls her eyes. "There is virtually no point of us being here. God. This is lame."

Tania agrees. "And it's not 'cause I'm straight."

Katie enjoys a lap dance. "Come on, guys! Live a little! It's our last day together before Christmas!"

Xena adverts her eyes to Katie, then darts them away from her. "Tania... Tania... my eyes are burning. Call 911."

Tania holds her forehead. "Honestly, Jake. What would Paige say if she saw you at the strip club, enjoying such privileges?"

Jake rolls his eyes. "Hush. Must you?"

Xena guffaws. "That sounds a lot like the time we were in the parked car and I asked if he had protection."

Rob gets distracted. "HEY."

"Now I have your attention."

"I thought we were done talking about your relationship with Jake."

"There was no relationship. Just a bunch of encounters."

"Oh! Again!"

Jake sits up. "There goes my drive. They're fighting like an old, married couple again."

Tania sighs. "We can't leave yet. Zephyr Zygote's supposed to come."

"Like he would. Hey, where's Satan?"

"He has a church service today."

"Hm. Who knew."

11:30 pm - Myth (Night Club.)

Xena gives Zephyr a hug. "Hey, Zeph-Zeph!"

Zephyr is taken aback. "Xena... hey..."

Rob glares at Zephyr.

Zephyr sniffs her hair.

"Hoe!" Xena tugs on the shoulder of Tania's tee shirt, abundant in sequins. "You said Satan would come."

Tania taps her chin. "He'll be by."

"Hm, I hope Gabe is here."

Rob growls to himself, then says, "Xena, I'm sorry I got mad at you."

"Really? I had no clue you were mad at me, 'cause I was more mad at you." Her eyes narrow. "Are you only apologizing because I said I wanted to meet up with Gabe?"

"I am sorry. Quit getting defensive."

"I hope you aren't talking to me in that tone."

Jake would do anything to change the subject. "GABILLIAM!"

Gabe Saporta and William Beckett join the group. William's face lights up. "Xena!"

Xena gets distracted. "Gabilliam!"

The two give her a hug. "Ooh," Gabe begins, "you're gaining a little weight."

"I know."

"Hey," William says, "I like you anyway."

Rob barges in. "Enough, enough."

Satan meets up with the group. "Hey, hey, hey! Sorry to be tardy to the party!"

Tania gets excited. "Saty-poo!" The two hug and kiss and such.

Jake pats Zephyr's back. "Let's go dance to some crazy techno dance shit."

The group get out on the floor and dance around.

The "friction" gets to be too much for Katie and she passes out.

Jake steps over her. "Don't pick her up."

Tania and Satan cannot find a balance between dancing and making out.

Xena dances between William and Gabe, whilst Rob tries to get a hold of her.

Zephyr isn't amused, dancing with Jake. He tries to leave the crowd.

"Zephyr!" Xena grabs his hand. "You leavin'?"

"This- This isn't my thing."

Xena follows him.

"... Unless you wanna dance with me..."

Xena smirks and the two start dancing.

Jake walks up to Gabilliam. "Sheesh. You'd think getting killed once by Boss, he wouldn't mess with his girl."

William grinds against Gabe. "She did this to me. Rob's a great sport."

Gabe titters. "Willie, Willie, don't stop." The two giggle a scandalous laugh.

Xena also giggles. "Ooh, Zephyr. Didn't know you were so..."

Zephyr nibbles her ear.

Rob watches in peril.

Xena is shocked, still dancing. "I'm hungry. Think anyone wants to go get some snackage?"

12 am - Perkins (Open Late!)

The eight sit at a big table at an Perkins, eating like they're starved.
Oh wait-- they are.

Jake laughs. "We left Katie at the club."

Gabe stuffs his mouth. "I'm not getting her."

Satan cackles. "Nose goes!"he touches his finger to his nose.

Gabe touches his finger to his nose.

Jake, Xena and Rob touch their fingers to their nose.

Zephyr and William touch their fingers to their nose.

Tania is stumped. "What does 'nose goes' mean?"

The whole table erupts in "OHHH!"

William laughs and points. "You have to go get Katie Karnivore!"

Tania sighs. "I'll get her later."

Gabe elbows Zephyr. "Havin' fun, sport?"

Tania laughs. "Hey, Xeen. Have you noticed most of the guys who work at our company have black hair?"

Gabe lifts an eyebrow. "Not Boss."

Xena starts blushing. "I think I should head home soon..."


William elbowed Gabe. "Honey, don't instigate."

Satan gets up and pulls Tania with. "We left something in the car."

Tania laughs. "Oh, yes."

Gabe holds his chin. "Oh, yes, we did." he follows.

William follows Gabe.

Jake speedwalks out.

Xena hops across the table and runs; Zephyr and Rob also run away.

1 am - An overpass, in the snow.

Zephyr, Rob, Gabilliam, Jake and Satan urinate over the bridge, trying to hit oncoming cars.

Xena and Tania pour honey and feathers over the bridge.

Tania laughs. "We're all disturbed."

The guys cheer when they hit a hummer. "YEAH!"

Tania's smile fades. "Xena, you've been quiet."

Xena puts her fingers to her lips.

Satan yawns. "I'm getting tired. Tania, wanna go get Katie?"

Tania yawns also. "If she's still there." the two depart.

Gabe and William hold hands. "I'm glad you're here." William kisses Gabe's cheek.

Gabe blushes. "Oh, hush!" he rubs his eyes.

"Someone's tired."

"Guys, I think we'll retire. Tonight was great." the two go around giving hugs, then go back to their car.

The four remaining stand in silence, leaning on the railings of the bridge.

Jake rubs his eyes. "I'm glad I work with you guys... You're the best co-workers I've ever had."

Xena's voice shakes. "I agree."

An awkward silence fills the air.

Xena bites her fingernails."... I'm sorry if I ruined anyone's night."

Jake laughs. "I loved tonight."

Zephyr coughs. "Me too. I should leave. I'm catching a cold."

A vein pops out of Rob's neck. "I hope you didn't give it to Xena!"

Xena pats Rob's back. "Honey, don't."

"I can't stand this! Just tell me why you're mad at me."

"Because I'm not. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just bitchy and horny and I hope it's just PMS, maybe even PMDD. But it's freaking me out... I'm sorry if I scare you. I just feel so ugly."

Jake pretends to yawn. "I should get going. I left the oven on."

Zephyr is amazed. "You have an oven?"

"Well, I mean, uhh--" he starts booking. "Happy holidays!"

Zephyr looks up at the couple and backs away. "Merry Christmas."

Rob laughs. "Merry, merry, ha ha ha! Wait 'til I kill you again!"

Zephyr starts running.

Rob shakes his fist kiddingly.

Xena laughs. "You're not mad at me, are you?"

He wraps his arms around her from behind. "Only as much as usual." he kisses her cheek.

"You smell nummy."

"Alright. Are you staying over?"

"Are you asking if I have a choice?"

"Yayyy. Let's hurry up before the po po gets at us."

The two race to the car as the sound of sirens become louder.
♠ ♠ ♠
I used a couple names of clubs in MN. :D
Happy Holidays!
Hope you like crap. :D
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