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Marilyn Manson.

Karnivore: "Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. How you doin'."

Skellington and Xenophobe roll their eyes.

Marilyn Manson: "I'm good, I'm good..."

Skellington raises his hand. "Mr. Manson, does anyone ever tell you that you look like Lady Gaga?"

Marilyn Manson: "Umm, next question..."

Karnivore: "You got a girrrlfriend?..."

Marylin Manson: "Not looking, but could use something..."

Skellington: "Don't. You'll get some sort of AID from Katie."

Karnivore smacks Skellington.

Skellington continues. "She's just a rip-off of Kiki Kannibal."

Twiggy: "You're not asking us anything."

His bandmates look up from the floor, looking weak and starved.

Twiggy: "We don't even get fed."

Xenophobe: "I feel like you're lying."

Skellington gives them each $10. "Go buy yourselves some greasy Chinese food."

The four stand. "YEAHH!"

Twiggy: "Let's go buy ourselves some hard liquor!"

Manson's four bandmates run out the door.

Marilyn Manson: "See, now look what you did."

Karnivore: "It's okay, sir." she sits on his lap.

Marilyn Manson: "Get off of me."

Karnivore: "Nonsense."

Skellington: "You never answered my question."

Marilyn Manson: "I have nothing to do with Lady Gaga."

Skellington: "Are you sure? Normal people are shocked by your antics, as well as Gaga's antics. What's going on? Is there a secret to this?"

Marilyn Manson: "Fine, Mr. Skellington. You obviously won't leave this alone. She is my long lost sister. DON'T TELL ANYONE, SO HELP ME, I'LL GET SATAN ON YOU."

Skellington: "It's okay. It's okay."

Xenophobe: "I was aware you're an only child."

Marilyn Manson: "There is a lot of explaining you expect me to do."

Xenophobe: "I don't believe you can summon Satan, Marilyn. Not saying you're not amazing or anything, but come on."

Marilyn Manson: "I have him on speed dial if you're gonna try me."

Xenophobe: "I'ma try you like a damn Tickle Me Elmo. I really don't have much to live for anymore."

Manson sighs. "Alright." he presses a number on his phone and a man in a red tuxedo appears.

Satan: "You called me?"

Marilyn Manson: "Just proving a point."

Xenophobe: "I still don't believe you're the devil."

Satan vomits out three cats. "Any more proof?"

Skellington: "Get me a coffee."

Satan: "What do you want in it?"

Skellington: "Cream, sugar and a naked woman."

Satan draws up a cup of coffee and hands it to him, as a naked woman sits on his lap.

Skellington: "No, dumbass. I wanted the naked woman in the coffee. Liquefied."

Satan sighs, melting the woman into the coffee.

Skellington takes a sip. "Much better."

Karnivore: "Make Marilyn Manson love me!"

Marilyn Manson: "Noooo!"

Satan zaps Manson.

Marilyn Manson: "I love you, Katie Karnivore."

Karnivore: "Success!"

Satan: "Xena? What can I do for you?"

Xenophobe: "I wanna know what's real."

Satan sits on her lap. "Baby, I'm real."

Xenophobe: "But you're not Rob."

Satan: "Neither is Rob."

Xenophobe: "How about you make Rob and Patrick two different people in two different bodies?"

Satan: "I don't know, Xena. That would cause Mr. Manson to fall out of love with Katie, and cause Skellington to not have the naked woman in his coffee. Sure, he'll still have the cream and sugar in his coffee, but that lady will be inside of him. He'll probably explode."

Xenophobe: "As much as I love J.C. and hate Katie, it's worth it."

Satan: "Are you sure? Rob will remember everything."

Xenophobe: "I don't care."

Satan snaps three times and throws a ball of fire at the door.

Manson throws Karnivore off of his lap. "Crazy bitch." he zaps her with a bolt of lightning from his hands.

Skellington's stomach expands, and a naked woman crawls out of his mouth.

Rob opens the door. "Xena! It's a miracle!" he runs to pick her up.

Xenophobe: "How do I know?"

Patrick appears in the doorway. "I'm over here."

Xenophobe smiles. "Yay! I love you, Rob."

Rob: "I love you more."

Marilyn Manson: "Aww." he nudges Satan. "I knew I could count on you."

Satan: "You're all really cool. Except for Katie."

Marilyn Manson: "Make her disappear."

Satan claps, and Karnivore flies away. "No more Katie."

Skellington is still vomiting.

Rob: "Satan, you're welcome to come and go anytime you please."

Satan: "Alright!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, Satan.
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