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We The Kings (Part II)

Xenophobe: "Okay. This kind of got out of hand. On behalf of our company, I apologize."

Travis: "It's okay, Xena. Danny will get over it."

Skellington: "Keep the bastard away from me."

Danny: "You watch your mouth."

Hunter: "Danny, Danny... Danny. You can't just go around trying to cut peoples' heads off without signing things. It's fraud."

Karnivore enters the room and sits on Travis' lap. "Hey, cutie."

Travis: "... Xena, two questions. One, can you get this girl off of me? Two, even though Hunter can't have J.C.'s skull, is the three-way still on?"

Xenophobe: "One, I'm scared to even touch her. Two, I should ask Rob about it. Plus, I have to get home soon. It's my sister's birthday, you know."

Drew: "...Did you get her a coffee maker?"

Travis: "NO."

Xenophobe: "She can't use a coffee maker."

Skellington: "Where has Rob been? I haven't seen him for a few days."

Xenophobe: "It's the week before vacation. Don't you realize, he's always stressing. Ooh, are you ready for the holiday party on Friday?"

Skellington: "Are you asking me if I'm ready for a party?"

Xenophobe: "Boom, you know."

Karnivore: "I'm so excited."

Travis: "But nobody asked you."

Skellington: "Thank you, Travis."

Xenophobe: "Hey, maybe you guys should come to the party."

Travis: "I'm in."

Hunter: "So am I. But someone needs to keep Drew a little company. No one's gonna let
him go out and get yet another coffee maker."

Drew: "You're all some haters."

Skellington: "What did you do? Of all things, why do you need a coffee maker?"

Rob bursts through the door. "XENA."

Xenophobe: "I love when you yell at me. What is it, sweetie?"

He sits on her lap. "I can't take it anymore. Just tell me. What are you getting me for Secret Santa?"

Xenophobe: "Well, I mean, it's bad you already know I'm your Secret Santa."

Karnivore: "You're the only two playing."

Skellington, Xenophobe and Rob laugh to themselves.

Rob: "Please, pleeeeease?..."

Travis whispers to Xenophobe. "Psst... bring it up..."

Xenophobe: "Huh?... Oh, yes. Rob, how's about a three-way?"

Rob: "Hell yes!"

Xenophobe: "Come on. Closet. Let's go."

The three run to the closet.

Karnivore: "Wait up!" she runs to the closet.

Skellington: "Lock the door!"

Karnivore is locked out of the closet.

Drew holds a coffee maker. "I told you I'd have my way!"

Danny: "No way!"

Hunter: "I am not surprised at the outcome of today."

Skellington: "...What are you gonna do with that coffee maker?"

Drew: "Make coffee, of course!"

Hunter: "... No he's not."
♠ ♠ ♠
To be honest, I don't know either.