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Framing Hanley.

Skellington: "Really, guys. Can't you keep it down? I'm so hung over."

Xenophobe shouts. "SURE-A, BUDDY! ANYTHING YOU SAYYY!"

Tyranny joins in. "WE'LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, JAKE!"

Skellington: "STOP IT!"

Xenophobe: "I don't understand. How are you still hung over? It is five in the evening."

Skellington: "I... don't get over... stuff..."

Kenneth: "How often do you drink?"

Skellington: "All the time. But last night was fucking crazy."

Tyranny: "You think you're bad. How's Paige doing? She got faced."

Skellington: "Yeah, she did..."

Tyranny: "What's going on between you two?"

Skellington: "I don't even know."

Tyranny: "Xena-hoe, you're being awful quiet over there."

Xenophobe: "Meh. Boss and I have a few things to go over."

Skellington: "Yeah, I saw you guys."

Tyranny: "Satan and I arrived late, and we heard him yelling when we were outside."

Luke: "May I ask what went on last night?"

Tyranny: "Oh. So, we had a holiday party, because most of us have the week off. So of course, there was alcohol."

Skellington: "Drama everywhere. Who knew Secret Santa would include surprised shanking?"

Tyranny: "There were a lot of FBR people there too. I ignored them all."

Skellington: "Xena didn't. In fact--"

Xenophobe: "We're supposed to be interviewing the band, not each other."

Brandon: "It's okay. We're actually tired of answering questions."

Xenophobe: "Just one?"

Chris: "We'd love a break."

Xenophobe: "Y'all just wanna know about the drama."

Kenneth: "Blah blah."

Boss walks into the room.

Xenophobe: "God dammit."

Rob: "Just checking on your progress." he sits next to Xenophobe.

Skellington: "You couldn't've picked a better time, Rob."

Rob: "... You gettin' smart with me, Jake?"

Xenophobe: "Shh, shh. Honey, don't."

Kenneth laughs. "I like you guys."

Skellington: "You've missed a lot."

Ryan: "It shows."

Xenophobe: "IT'S NOT FUNNY."

Kenneth: "I'm not laughing."

Xenophobe: "You were laughing! Tania, you've been quiet over there. Something eating you up, or do you just wish your life was as exciting as mine?!"

Tyranny: "Kickin' wing."

Rob: "Okay, Xena, okay! I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But you just don't know when to quit."

Xenophobe: "Okay! Explain to me what I did wrong!"

Rob: "You--" he looked around and started whispering to her. "You're such a little flirt!"

Xenophobe: "I was not flirting, I was giving out compliments."

Rob: "Yeah, right. I know how you get when you drink. That was flirting."

Xenophobe: "No--"

Rob: "Yes. Let me re-cap. You got in the middle of Gabe and William and shouted 'three-way!' Then you go up to Mr. Stump, in front of his girlfriend and tell him how much he looks 'foine'. And I saw what you did to Brendon."

Xenophobe: "Let me correct you. One, Gabilliam is my friend. If we had a three way, I'd probably invite you. Two, Brendon had gotten pie filling on his face. I licked it off and we both laughed because I'm barely human. Third, I was telling Patrick about how he lost a lot of weight."

Rob: "I saw the way you were staring at his ass."

Xenophobe: "I was looking to see where it went!"

The microwave goes off, and Kenneth pulls out a bag of popcorn. "Who's hungry?!"

The bandmates, Skellington and Tyranny rush to Kenneth to receive their snack.

Kenneth makes his way over to the sofa. "Hold on, hold on, doggies. Rushing makes a mess."

The rest follow.

Xenophobe rolls her eyes.

Rob: "... Do you think I'm fat?"

Xenophobe: "What are you, a woman? It wouldn't matter if you were. If I was, you wouldn't pay any attention to me in the first place."

Rob: "That's not true. You're gaining weight now, and I'm still in love with you."

Xenophobe: "You noticed?!" she panics.

Rob: "Yes. But I don't care."

Skellington: "I noticed too!"


Xenophobe: "... Besides. I'm not even attracted to... Misssterrrr... Stuuuumppphhh... ummmmph... ummmm... uhhhhh... hmmph..."

Rob: "See! You can't even deny it!"

Xenophobe: "He looks scary, okay. He's adorable. But truthishly, he kind of looks scary with all them bones. I don't care."

Rob: "... You still didn't answer my question."

Xenophobe: "What?"

Rob: "Do you think I'm fat?"

Xenophobe: "No. I think you're adorable. I don't mind what you look like, because you feed me."

Rob: "Wait. Do you mean mentally, or as in, I give you money for food?"

Xenophobe: "I mean in every way possible." she kisses his cheek.

The whole group gives out an, "Awww."

Xenophobe: "Framing Hanley, you're gonna have to return, because you were only here to hear about the drama."

Kenneth: "And the free snacks. Shoo'."

Xenophobe: "Kenny, you're getting on my last nerve."

Kenneth sticks his tongue out.

Xenophobe sighs. "GERARD!"

Gerard falls from the ceiling and chases after Kenneth with a broom.

Ryan: "I only said two words."
♠ ♠ ♠
But I digress...