Status: Complete

Don't Jump

Don't Jump

Slowly, the slim young male with the choppy black hair containing white highlights reaching just passed his shoulders walked up the creaky iron stairs. He seemed to be floating by, lost in a reverie--or nightmare--not noticing anything but walking to the roof. The building was deserted and the staircase was old. The whole place had fallen into ruin. His breath was even, though, after the very high trip to the top. The air outside was calm, with only a slight breeze flowing in coldness. The lights from the buildings surrounding the one he stood upon, they seemed to beckon him, calling him to climb up and stand on the edge.
What is left...?
What more holds me here...?
He looked out and a tear fell, sliding down a pale cheek and then onto the ground below. People had gathered at the bottom, but he paid them no mind. He was only concerned with the promises of what he never found, as each new tear fell.
I walked along the darkened street. It had rained earlier that day, so puddles rippled underneath my footsteps. I felt that something was wrong. Looking around, people sleep in the alleyways, kids take that which does not belong to them, and each one looked as ragged as the next. My face darkened and my brown eyes saddened at them. They should not have to live like that.
As I walked further along, there was a gathering of people. In front of an old run-down building, police, paramedics, and bystanders all looked up. I ran forward, crashing through people until I had broken passed the yellow restricted-area tape. I breathed in deeply as I looked up. You could see the breath on my exhale.
I wanted to scream into the night, "Spring nicht!"
He was standing up there.
No, not he.
Was that-- Was that me?
I didn't even think as my legs pushed forward again. I was running past everything. I hardly even noticed what was passing by or who I was knocking over. I only saw the building entrance and knew that I had to get to it. I was in a daze. My body was set on automatic. All that mattered was the figure on the roof.
I ran. The stairs came into view. I bounded up them two at a time. The iron was old and rusted. The ground felt like it would break under me at any moment. I grabbed at the railing, trying to pull myself along faster, nonetheless. I had to reach him.
No, I had to reach myself.
I didn't want to jump.
But, yes, I did.
Why? That word whispered through my mind like a breath stirring a leaf from it branches. It shook my very foundation.
I had lost myself in the pain. Somewhere. I could no longer feel. Each morning I would rise, opening my eyes, and live. Why? I couldn’t remember. Everything was just a dream, now. Nothing seemed real. Where had I gone to? Where was I now? I used to have memories of you and me. But now I can't seem to find them. They were locked away in a fog somewhere.
I want the dream to end.
I faltered in my next step. Going down on one knee, I gasped. My insides were screaming out. I don't know how to hold on. Ive had been doing it for so long. Had I appeared so strong?
Just take my hand. Another whisper of words through my mind.
I looked up as if seeing a new light. I ran. It wasn’t far now. I was almost to the top. I have to be there in time. The Iron Gate is right in front of me. I quicken my paces. I slam it open and continue to run the roof. I slow and stop.
It's me, right there, standing on that ledge.
Give it a chance. Don’t jump.
I was screaming, but there was no sound. I couldn’t hear myself.
The figure turned.
Time seemed to stop and the world seems to split.
I wanted to jump.
Don't jump.
Why can't I save myself?
Don't jump. Please, don't jump
I won't let go. I don't want to.
I figure gets down from the edge. I am strong. I didn't jump.
But I still fall....
I'll jump for you.