Your kingdom is crumbling

Ashley's never been able to trust a man in her life. Her father was abusive to her, he'd beat her till she couldn't walk. To the point where she had to go to the hospital, but he never let her. Her mother died giving birth to her. Her brother was 5 years older then her, and he'd never do anything to help. Her mother and her brother had a great connection, and Ashley ruined it. He'd let his friends rape and ridicule her, and some times he'd join into the fun(incest D:).

Ashley's trust for men was reconsidered when she met the one man she thought she could trust. His name was Justin, and he just moved to the place where she lived, her new next door neighbor. She let her walls down just for him, and all he did was make it worse. After a few years, Ashley was already graduating from school. After prom, her father gave her a scar she would never forget.

Ashley left her father when she was 19, and made a living in an apartment in new york, where she took up a job as a photographer. She met Kylar, and he moved in with her after a while. Thats when the abusiveness came back. He'd beat her until she couldn't take anymore, every time he did it, a picture of her father and her brother flooded her mind. Her outlook on male's changed completely.

She ran away from Kylar, taking all the money she had made, and flee'd to Huntington beach, California, where she bought a house.