Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

Alone Time

Patrick felt so left out – again. Pete never seemed to tire of putting him down. It didn’t even help anymore for Patrick to say he was quitting the band – Pete knew he wouldn’t really. Patrick didn’t have enough self-confidence to stand up to Pete. Joe and Andy never helped him out, either. They were afraid of Pete as well. He was, after all, the only reason their band had succeeded at anything – or so he said. Patrick felt that he needed a break from the rest of the band. It was almost his birthday, and he didn’t want Pete to make him cry while he was opening his presents - again. Patrick thought that going on a cruise would be a good way to get away for his birthday. He promised himself he wouldn’t tell any of his band mates where he was going. Except maybe Andy. He wouldn’t want to, but Andy had this way of squeezing information out of him. But Andy was nice. I was mostly Pete and Joe. They ganged up on him.
Patrick sat on the floor crossed-legged and began to pack his bags. He packed lots of short sleeved T-shirts and shorts, and plenty of underwear, because he wouldn’t want to run out – again, and a different hat for every day. Patrick selected a random Fall Out Boy CD and put it in his player. He was getting a little tired of listening to his own voice over and over again, but all he had was Fall Out Boy CDs, because he knew Pete would get mad at him if he listened to anything else. Pete was very judging and harsh of Patrick, even though he claimed they were “friends”.
Patrick figured that a week in the Caribbean was just what he needed to get rid of all his negative energy. He slammed a few shirts into his suitcase, and then blushed at his angry outburst. He felt ashamed of himself for losing control like that.
All of the sudden, Patrick’s door flew open, and Pete came bursting in. Patrick screeched like a girl and tried to cover himself because he wasn’t wearing a shirt or hat. He scrambled for a shirt lying on the ground and pulled it on. He then sat, out of breath, and stared at Pete.
“What?” Pete asked cruelly.
Patrick felt like crying, and Pete knew this which made him mad so he slapped Patrick “playfully”.
“Don’t be a baby, Patty,” Pete said. “I didn’t mean it.”
This show of possible acknowledgment towards his feelings made Patrick feel very emotional, so he started to cry silently.
Pete sighed dramatically, and pulled some papers out of his pockets and shoved them at Patrick.
“I have some lyrics for you, Patty,” he said. “They are about my terrible experiences in life, so make them good.”
Pete then hung his head and looked very sad.
Oh, quit being such a baby, Patrick thought to himself, and then blushed at the scandalousness of this thought.
“You’re such a girl!” Pete exclaimed. “Now read the lyrics like a good boy – girl.”
Patrick did as he was told, because he cannot think for himself. When he was done, Patrick slowly lifted his head and, with a trembling lip, said to Pete, “But, these songs have the f-word in them!”
“GIRL!!” yelled Pete at the top of his lungs. “Okay I’ll change it.”
Patrick got embarrassed and said, “Thank you Petey.”
“Don’t ever call me Petey again, Patty,” Pete said. “I only do it because I know you won’t sing them if I don’t.”
Patrick accepted this and wiped a stray tear off his cheek.
Suddenly, Pete noticed Patrick’s luggage.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
Patrick started to panic. What should he say?
“I’m running away from home!” he blurted out suddenly. He realized he had said that because he had wanted to say that to someone since he was in middle school. He wanted to feel hardcore.
“No you’re not,” Pete said with amusement. Pete knew what would make Patrick tell the truth. He got on his knees and then sexily crawled towards Patrick. He got very close, until he could see Patrick sweating like a pig.
“Patrick…” Pete whispered sexily in Patrick’s ear. “Now, do you want to tell Pete where you’re really going, sexy?” Then Pete licked Patrick’s ear a little.
Patrick blacked out for a second. No one had ever come this close to him before. When Patrick came to, Pete was lying on top of him. Patrick scrambled so frantically, that he hit his head on his side table, and his glass of water spilled on his head and he blacked out again. When he came to the second time, Pete was in the process of removing Patrick’s pants.
“OKAY! OKAY!” Patrick yelled. “I’m going on a cruise!”
At that moment, Andy and Joe walked into the room.
“We’re going on a cruise!?” Andy asked excitedly.
Joe shuffled over to Patrick’s computer to use the Internet.
Andy began to clap his hands quickly and jump up and down with excitement.
Pete smiled triumphantly. “I think Patty was trying to keep it a secret from us,” he said with a smirk.
Patrick felt guilty and hung his head. Andy knelt down beside him and gave him a hug, whispering comfortingly to him. He glared at Pete and said, “You know he’s sensitive. Be nice.”
Pete just made a scoffing noise.
Joe giggled, and everyone turned around to see him looking at porn on the Internet. Patrick lurched a little in shock and covered his eyes quickly, blushing a deep red.
Joe snorted at this and fell out of his chair.
Pete gave them all a disgusted look and exited out of the porn Website.
“You can open your eyes now, Patrick!” Andy exclaimed.
Patrick did so carefully, sighing in relief when he saw his own screensaver of a clown fish on the computer.
“Why were you trying to keep this a secret from us, Patrick?” Pete asked, looking hurt. “I thought we were… friends.” He struggled to make a tear roll down his cheek.
Patrick felt guilty, and didn’t know what to say. Then it hit him. “It was a surprise!” he said, his heart sinking, despite the happy grin on his face. “For my birthday!”
“Oh good, you’re paying then?” asked Pete gleefully.
“Yes…” Patrick forced himself to say.
Andy squealed with delight and pulled a comb out of his pocket. He began to comb his long, silky, red hair. Pete looked at him with a dreamy look on his face so Hobo Joe stole the comb and attempted to break it in half. However, he wasn’t strong enough, so he just combed his own hair instead. But that didn’t work because he had a crazy fro, so he just combed Pete’s instead.
Pete said, “Watch this!” and he took the comb and broke it in half with his teeth.
Joe gave Andy a questioning look and, as if he could read Joe’s mind, Andy said, “It’s because he’s a vampire.”
“Well that makes sense,” said Joe, looking thoughtful and deep.
So they all packed their bags and left for the cruise.
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Welcome to insanity.