Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

Lucky Chapter Thirteen

When Patrick returned, Pete was still on his back, and poor Patty felt like he was going to snap in half. He marched into the room and threw Pete off onto the bed. Pete immediately curled up with his earrings cupped in his hands, to look at them.
Andy, who had been anxiously waiting, rushed over to them. He didn’t know whether to be happier to see Pete or Patrick. So he gave Patrick a hug (and noticed how confident Patrick was looking), then stomped over to Pete and said, “I’m glad you’re okay, but YOU SUCK!!!”
“WTF?” said Pete grumpily, looking up from his earrings, “What did I do?”
“You know very well what you did!” said Andy. “You could have died.” Suddenly he noticed Pete’s eyeliner-stained cheeks from when he’d been crying. “What happened?” he asked more gently.
Pete’s lip trembled. “The world is full of bad people,” was all he said. Then he curled up tighter and buried his head in his arms. Andy noticed the earrings in his hands. “What’re those?” he asked.
Pete jumped up and ran to the corner. “You can’t have them!” he yelled. “They’re mine! Patrick gave them to me fair and square! I’ll kill you if you get anywhere close to them!!!!”
“Fine,” Andy answered. “I was just asking.”
Pete stuck out his tongue at Andy and then carefully lifted the earrings up to his ears to put them on. Then a thought struck him.
“Phatrick?” he asked, and Patrick was disappointed to hear that nothing had changed between them, for Pete was still calling him by his mean nickname. But he answered anyway.
“Yes?” Patrick replied.
“If – if I put these in my ears, will I catch diabetes?”
“No.” At least, he didn’t think so, but he wouldn’t say this to Pete.
So Pete continued to lift the earrings to his ears. But, upon getting them there, he realized his ears weren’t even pierced! So he ran to the bathroom to do it himself.
At that moment, the door opened and Panic! At the Disco and Joe stumbled into the room.
“We looked all over for him but we couldn’t - oh, good, you found Patrick!” Brendon beamed, and Jon broke into drunken giggles.
“But, we weren’t looking for him we were having a par –” Ryan began, but Brendon hurriedly covered his mouth.
He smiled guiltily. “Well… at least he came back, right?”
They heard a scream of pain from the bathroom.
“Pete,” Andy groaned, but he didn’t make any move in Pete’s direction.
“We need some pot,” Joe said suddenly, turning to Spencer.
“Why’re you looking at me?!” Spencer said, a little too loudly. Everyone turned to stare at him, at least until Joe passed out. Luckily, Andy caught him, and lowered him onto the bed.
Quite suddenly, Ryan gasped, and pointed at the door. A note had been slipped under it. Everyone knows, before retrieving a note that has been put under the door, you run to see who put it there first, so they ran out, to find Frank running away down the hall. But he tripped when he heard people behind him, and fell flat on his face.
“Ow…” he groaned, and tried to get up, but he wasn’t fast enough, and Spencer already had him by his hood and was lifting him up. Frank’s little legs kicked in the air as they took him back to FOB’s room and tied him to the bed, and stuck a towel in his mouth (Andy made sure it was clean, because he was a nice person). Frank struggled and whimpered, but couldn’t get free. Ryan went to pick up the note. It said:

Dear Panic at the disco, Fall OB and Patrik:
Yew might hav one but yew lost cuz were smart!
bob & Mcr

It was obviously written by Bob.
“That’s stupid,” Ryan said after he was finished reading it (which took him a while).
“Why would you, like, run and hide from us, then, like, come back to put a note under the door?” asked Brendon.
Frank tried to answer, but he was still gagged, of course.
At that moment, Pete came into the room. He looked pale and seemed to be in a great deal of pain by the way he was twitching around, and he had been crying, but he was still smiling.
“Look,” he said proudly, pointing to his ears. He had driven the earrings straight through. His ears were all bloody and gross, but he didn’t care. He looked around to make sure people were watching him. His gaze only lingered on Frank for a few seconds. Everyone came over to look at Pete’s amazing new earrings, but he didn’t let them get to close, for fear that they would try to yank them out.
When they were done, they all gathered around the bed on which Frank was lying on.
“And now you,” said Brendon.
They whispered for a while about what they should do to poor ickle Frankie, and then, taking Ryan’s suggestion, Spencer yelled, “Tickle him!”
And they jumped upon him to do so. Frank’s screams of horror could be heard all the way down the hall.