Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

Questions Answered

Let’s go back to Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco. Brendon, Ryan, Spencer and Jon came running back into the room after they had disposed of Frank in the dryer.

“It’s done, they’ll never know it’s us,” said Jon with a relived sigh.

“We should get some sleep, then,” said Andy.


They all decided to stay in the same room, in case Gerard came looking for them they’d have more people. Andy and Spencer were on watch, sitting by the locked door. It was now 5 o’clock in the morning, and even though he’d been up all night, and it wasn’t his turn to watch for a while, Patrick could not sleep, because he was the only one with a conscious, and he didn’t know how he was ever going to sleep again after killing poor, innocent Frank.

“Andy?” Patrick heard Spencer whisper in the silence.

“Yeah?” Andy answered sleepily.

“Why is Pete so mean to Patrick?” Patrick listened better, because he, too, wondered the same thing.

“Well, Spence,” Andy said, sighing, “Pete and Patrick are two very good examples of low self-confidence.” He paused for a moment to think about how he’d explain this to Spencer. “You see, Pete thinks he is so worthless that he has to tear other people down to make himself feel better. Patrick, unfortunately, is a result of Pete’s low self-esteem.”

After a while, Spencer said, “I don’t believe you.”

“Whatever,” Andy answered. He sounded hurt.

“I think you’re lying to me,” Spencer pressed on.

“Well I’m not,” said Andy.

“I think you don’t want me to know the truth so you’re telling me lies.”

“Why don’t you just shut up?” asked Andy. “I can do this watch by myself; go to sleep and leave me alone.”

Patrick hurriedly pretended to be asleep as Spencer came and lay down on an empty patch of floor beside him.

“Yes,” Patrick thought he heard Spencer whisper, “Works every time.”

In a few minutes, Spencer was snoring. Patrick continued to try to fall asleep, but it just wasn’t working. He couldn’t get the image of poor, little Frank out of his head.

After about half an hour, Patrick crawled across the floor and settled down by Andy. Andy, who was half-asleep, didn’t notice him at first, and when he did he screamed a little.

“It’s just me, Andy,” sighed Patrick. “No need to be afraid.”

“I wasn’t afraid!” said Andy, to quickly.

There was a pause, in which Andy tried to wake himself up and Patrick fiddled with a hole in one of the legs of his footie pajamas.

“So,” Andy said with a yawn. “Why are you awake Pat? You should be sleeping. You’re not afraid, are you? If Gerard comes, I won’t let him hurt you.”

“No…” Patrick said, even though he was indeed afraid of Gerard, that was not what was bothering him at the moment. “No, it’s not that. Andy… Do you… do you feel b-bad about killing Frank?”

“Ehh,” Andy said. “It’s not really my fault. But kind of.”

WHY?! Patrick screamed in his mind, Why is everyone so heartless?!

Andy looked taken aback. Patrick couldn’t understand why.

“Pat… you know you just said that out loud, right?”

Patrick squealed in alarm, covered his mouth, scrambled back to his piece of floor and covered himself up with his blanket. He just wanted to curl up and die! He soon fell asleep after this, hoping Andy wouldn’t mention it again.

Patrick didn’t know it though, but Andy had now started to cry silently, because he knew what Patrick said was true.

The next morning, they were all awoken by Pete's whining.

“Andy,” Patrick heard Pete whimper as he opened his eyes, “My ears really hurt. I think they might be like, infected or something.”

“Well duh,” Brendon said with a yawn.