Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

ChApTeRiZzLe SiXtEeNiZzLe

Frank came stumbling back into MCR’s room at about nine in the morning to find only Bob, who had obviously been crying. He brightened up as soon as he saw Frank, though.

“FRANKIE! You’re back! Gerard won’t kill me now!” Bob did a little dance to show how happy he was.

Frank burst into tears. “W-where’s Gerard?” he sobbed.

“Not here right now, he went to –”

“I NEED GERARD!” Frank screeched, and fell to the floor in a sort of fit.

“Oh no oh no PLEASE don’t have a seizure, Frank! I’ll go get Gerard for you!”

Frank stopped writhing around and lay still, panting.

“I’ll come with you,” he said.

“Ow ow ow! Andy that hurts!” cried Pete.

“Well it’s your own fault,” Andy said meanly, taking his hands away from Pete’s ear. He was very grumpy and tired, like everyone else. “If you won’t let me look at your ears they will never, ever get better!”

“Yeah they’ll probably fall off or something,” said Jon joyfully.

“Could you not talk so loud? My head is killing me,” Joe whined from the bed. He was very hung over from the night before.

“To bad!” shouted Andy extra loudly. “You were off drinking when you were supposed to be looking for Patrick!”

“Well you found him, didn’t you?!” screamed Joe and then curled up in a ball to cry.

Pete started to sob very loudly because he didn’t want his ears to fall off!

“Okay,” Pete whispered finally, “You can look at them. I can take the pain.”

Andy gently took one of Pete earlobes between his thumb and forefinger. Pete screamed in pain.

“Your fingers are like daggers of fire!” he cried.

“I’m gonna have to pull them out,” Andy said grimly.

“No! You’ll never get them off my ears!”

“Then I’ll have to chop your ears off.”

Pete started to cry again. He had a temper tantrum and thrashed around and kicked anything in sight. “Fine,” he said finally, pouting.

“Okay, think of something… something happy, or funny.”

Andy waited to start until Pete was relaxed. It wasn’t long before Pete slipped into deep thinking mode, trying to come up with something funny. He started to giggle. Andy took his chance and quickly pulled the blood-crusted earring out of Pete’s ear. It was certainly a nasty sight. Pete didn’t seem to mind the pain or anything, though, and just started laughing harder.

Andy, who was relieved Pete hadn’t thrown another fit, asked kindly, “What’s so funny, Petey?”

“I..I just realized,” gasped Pete between fits of laughter, “Phatrick’s initials are PMS!!

Patrick, who was sitting in the corner, trying to be as far away from Pete while still being in the room with him, blushed deeply and covered his face with his hands.

Ryan tapped Brendon on the shoulder. “Brendon?” he asked, “What’s PMS?”
While Brendon spluttered and stuttered, Andy yanked the other earring out of Pete’s ear.

“Yay!” Andy said. “All done Pete!”

“Gimme my earrings!” screamed Pete, and dug his fingernails into Andy’s arm skin.

“Ow!” said Andy and Pete grabbed the earrings away from him. “For the last time, I WASN’T TRYING TO STEAL YOUR EARRINGS, PETE!”

At that moment, they were all preoccupied, and at that moment, no one was watching the door, and at that very moment Gerard, Ray and Mikey came bursting into the room!

“Surrender!” yelled Gerard.
“No!” said Spencer before he even said who it was.

“We have your dog!” screamed Gerard, his eyes bulging out of his skull.

“Whose dog?” asked Andy.

Gerard pointed wordlessly at Pete.

“No!” yelled Pete. “But Hemingway is safe at home!”

“Not anymore,” Gerard said, and lifted Hemingway from behind his back.

“No!” screamed Pete, and dived for his dog. Gerard slapped him away.

“Give me Frank!” Gerard yelled, his voice raising to a frightening pitch.

“But… Frank’s dead,” whispered Ryan.

There was silence. Then Gerard dropped Hemingway on the floor and leapt onto Pete, punching every part of him he could. Now, Gerard was normally a sweet boy, but at this moment he let his emotions take over and if Pete had killed Frank and Gerard was going to kill Frank! Pete was very afraid. He looked for anywhere to go. He saw the night table by one of the beds, the same night table Patrick had tried to hide under, and scrambled for it. But when he got there, he discovered HE COULD NOT FIT!!! And he had laughed so hard at Patrick! Gerard took hold of Pete legs and dragged him out into the middle of the room, where he, Ray and Mikey all piled on top of him to do their worst.

But it was at that moment and Frank and Bob came running into the room.

“NO!” yelled Patrick, seeing Frank, “Another un-dead person come to kill me!”