Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

...Takes A Turn For the Unreal

And then all of the sudden they were all holding soft, cuddly toys, and Frank had a bag of Skittles. Also, Brendon and Ryan found themselves dressed in a unicorn outfit. When Mikey saw this, he immediately jumped off Pete, threw his cuddly toy alligator into the air, and ran to ride it.

Gerard had seen Frank arrive, but he couldn’t quite believe it. “Frankie you’re… ALIVE!” he yelled, squeezing his platypus plush to his heart.

Frank ran to Gerard and leapt into his arms. He didn’t even mind too much when his bag of Skittles fell and burst open on the floor.

Seeing Gerard and Frank reunited was so emotional that Ray started to cry a little. He wiped his eyes on the little pink piggy plush he was holding so no one would notice. Then he lifted himself off the groaning Pete and enveloped Gerard and Frank in a hug. Bob joined in with his puppy plushie and Mikey, who had realized that Brendon and Ryan were not a real unicorn, joined them too, so it was a big, MCR hug.

“That’s so sweet,” whispered Joe from where he was still lying on the bed. He put his pink-and-orange shark plushie underneath his head and went back to sleep.

Patrick studied his plush. It was a dinosaur and it made little ‘rawr’ sounds when squeezed it. What does it mean? He asked himself. Patrick vaguely thought Pete would like it. Pete! Patrick looked down, startled he’d forgotten, and saw Pete lying motionless on the floor.

“No…” whispered Patrick. Although a tiny, tiny part of him thought he would be happier with Pete dead. He slapped himself for thinking this and kneeled down by Pete.

“Petey,” Patrick said, taking Pete’s hand. When Andy saw Patrick by Pete’s side he stopped making his cuddly donkey dance, and rushed to Pete’s side and began to cry.

“Pete, Pete can you hear me?” Andy asked desperately.

“A…Andy…?” whispered Pete hoarsely.

“Yes, yes Pete I’m here!”

“Come… come closer….”

“What Pete? What is it?”

“I want… I need… I need…”

“What do you need, Pete?” Andy was bawling.

“I need to….. KICK GERARD’S ASS!” yelled Pete. He then tried to jump up and yelled, “Fooled ya!” but he slipped on the Skittles and fell flat on his back.

Frank glared at Pete from over Gerard’s shoulder. He jumped down, pushed through all the people standing around and stopped in front of Pete.
“What did you say about the Skittles?” asked Frank, dangerously quiet.

“I said they suck and could have killed me!” snapped Pete.

“GRRR!” yelled Frank. He spotted Hemingway licking up Skittles by the bed and yelled, “GET YOUR DOG AWAY FROM THEM!” Then he leapt and Pete and forced him to the ground. Pete was being beat up again. This time Jon stopped ripping the limbs off his plush cow and Spencer stopped making out with his cuddly kitten toy and jumped into the fight, just for fun.

But at that moment, the door flew open and in stepped the MEAN OLD LADY AND LITTLE GANGSTA CHILD!


“You’re goin’ down, losers!” yelled the old lady, and they all knew they were in for trouble.