Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

Chapter 120384609719639751639798639693659163971630

“How are you out of your dang wheelchair already?” asked Pete from the floor, and Frank hit him.

“How are you so small yet so strong!?” yelled Pete.

“How come you keep asking stupid questions?” Frank asked angrily, “You’re so stupid Pete! You’re stupid and I hate your stupid girl pants and your stupid hair and your stupid makeup and your stupid band and your stupid life and you’re just really STUPID PETE! YOU’RE SO STUPID!”

“Hey, you know,” said Bob, “If you say the same word over and over it starts to not makes sense. Like cheese. Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese!”

“It still makes sense to me,” said Ray dully.

Frank burst into tears and started to pound weakly on the floor with his fist.

Gerard ran to comfort him.

“I – I’m sorry Gee-Gee!” said Frank, “I – I couldn’t c – control my anger!”

“It’s okay Frankie,” whispered Gerard, then he said a bit louder, “This vacation is turning out to be a disaster!”

“IT WAS TO BEGIN WITH!” shouted Patrick.

“Patrick? You’re speaking out loud again,” said Andy.

Patrick was fortunately able to keep himself from yelling a loud swear word. But why did that keep happening to him?!

Pete groaned and twitched around a little.

“Peter Panda?” said Andy, “Are you okay?”

“Nooo…” moaned Pete, squirming, “I think they broke my pisiform... and bruised my wenis!”

“Yeah well I think you’re just making things up!” accused Frank.

“Frankie…” soothed Gerard, “Calm down.”

Hemingway ambled over to lick the tears of pain off Pete cheeks.
“You might want to stop him from doing that,” said Andy, “All your mascara and eyeliner and makeup might poison him.”

“YO!” yelled the old lady. “ENOUGH! Y’ALL ARE GOIN’ DOWN!!!”

The boys all backed up into a corner, huddling together. They forgot their hate for each other, as they tried to hide from the senior citizen and little kid. This time, Patrick could not summon his inner Super Patty! so they were all doomed.

Until Hemingway ran to the little kid. A gangsta should be fearless! Not afraid of anything! But this little boy was deathly afraid of dogs (as all gangsters are)! Since the kid was so short, Hemingway was able to put his front paws up on the kid’s shoulders and start humping him. The gangsta kid screamed and ran out of the room. Hemingway looked proud of himself.

“P-Weasel?!” the old lady called to her grandson, “Where’re you going?”

Without the kid there to shout hurtful gangsta insults at them, the boys from the bands were not nearly so afraid. All of them, except Patrick, Andy and Bob started to advance at the old lady.

“You can’t hurt grandmas! It’s bad!” said Bob, and the old lady tossed him a cookie from her bag.

“Yay! Oatmeal raisin! My favorite!” Bob took a big bite from his cookie and smiled.

“Traitor!” said Gerard. “Though I already knew that!” He glared.

“Your words can’t bring me down,” said Bob, lifting his head high, “Not today! This cookie is better then your love!”

Gerard paused, and then fell to the ground sobbing.

Bob started to panic instantly. “I – I’m sorry!” he said, “I d-didn’t mean it!”

Meanwhile, everyone was charging at the old lady.
“THIS IS NOT THE LAST TIME YOU WILL SEE ME!” she screeched, and ran from the room, screaming that P-Weasel was an effin coward.

Gerard ran to, sobbing, crushed by Bob’s words. The rest of My Chemical Romance followed, except Bob, who collapsed in the corner, devastated.

“Shh,” soothed Spencer, coming to sit next to Bob. He stroked his back.

“I’m going to take a shower,” Patrick sighed.

“Really?” Pete’s eyes lit up.

“Yes…” Patrick replied nervously.

“Okay,” said Pete, running to get his video camera.

I had this dream last night, and I was at a store, and there was a magazine rack there, and all of the magazines had Pete's face on the cover! In most of the pictures he was shirtless, too. It was really weird...