Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Patrick quickly changed into his shower clothes and hat, and jumped into the shower. Well, he didn’t actually jump, because he could slip and fall and bust his head open on the side of the tub, but you get it.

Anyway, Pete was hitting his camera violently against the dresser, trying to get it to turn on. When Andy helped him to do it, Pete ninja-kicked the bathroom door and was very proud when it opened right up (it wasn’t locked). Then Pete pulled back the shower curtain to revel the fully clothed Patrick (who screamed, even though he knew it was coming).

“Yay!” said Pete, and started laughing like a maniac. His laugh was the most annoying thing ever, and Patrick covered his ears.

“Get out, Pete!” Patrick yelled. “I’m trying to cleanse myself!”

“Whatever,” said Pete moodily, “It gets old, anyways,” he lied. Then he left.

“Hey,” Pete said, walking into the main room, “Let’s watch a movie!”

“W-what movie?” hiccupped Bob (who was still there) from the corner. Everyone but him already knew.

“The Nightmare Before Christmas!”

“But we’ve seen that movie a gazillion times!” said Andy, at the same time that Jon said, “That movie is for babies!” at the same time that Bob wailed, “But that movie scares me!” Pete didn’t know which to yell at first, so he just turned on the movie instead. Pete sang every song and said every line which is extremely annoying, but no one dared say anything to him.

Patrick came out of the shower at the part where Pete was singing, “There’s children throwing snowballs, instead of throwing heads!” and Patrick exclaimed, “Not this movie again!” but he silenced himself with a slap to the face.

After the movie, Pete said, “I’mma go take a shower now!” and flaunted off to do so (I have no idea what ‘flaunted’ means, but it seemed like the appropriate word to use).

After he’d gone, they all sat in silence. Then, Bob said sadly, “Well, I’d better go face my punishment from Gerard.”


“Have fun.”

“Good luck.”

“You can cry on my shoulder any time, Bobby!” shouted Spencer as Bob left the room.

“I know what we should do now!” said Joe, jumping up.


“We should replace Pete’s clothes with a dress!”

So Spencer took a dress out of his suitcase and they quietly opened the bathroom door, pulled Pete’s clothes out and slipped the short pink dress in.

If Patrick took long showers, Pete took super long showers, because it was roughly an hour and a half before Pete turned the shower off, got out and exclaimed, “What’s going on here!?”

They all burst into laughter, even Patrick, though he tried to hide his face to disguise it.

“Give me my clothes back!” whined Pete through the door.

“Put on the dress!” laughed Ryan.

“But I’ll lose all my manliness!”

“You didn’t really have that much to begin with,” Andy pointed out.

“Exactly! So if I put on this dress, I’ll lose all that’s left!”

“To bad ‘cause we’re not giving you your clothes back!”

“Fine, I’m not ashamed to come out of here naked.”

Patrick squealed and covered his eyes.

“C’mon, Petey!” said Brendon, “You’d look good in a dress!”

“Well, okay…”

A few minutes later, Pete walked out in the little pink dress. Patrick blushed.

“You have nice legs,” Joe observed.

“Thanks,” Pete said, sitting down on the bed.

“Now what?” asked Ryan after a while.

Following a short pause, Spencer sat up and said, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “I know what to do!”