Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

Dressed As Girls?

It wasn’t hard to find MCR’s room, really. They wandered around a little, but after a while Pete caught a whiff of Gerard’s stench, and it led them to his room.

“Okay, you ready?” asked Andy as they stood outside, staring at the door.

They all nodded.

“You’re gonna have to act like girls, you know.”

“Act like girls?”

“Yeah… and talk like them, too!”

“I wanna talk like you; walk like to to-oo!” Ryan sang.

“Do you ever shut up?!” exclaimed Pete. Ryan hung his head.

“It’s just that they’ll hear us,” Brendon said gently, slinging his arm over Ryan’s shoulder and glaring at Pete.

“Okay let’s go,” said Andy and knocked on the door.

Mikey answered it and yelled, “Fan girls!” He tried to slam the door but Andy, who had forgotten he was wearing women’s sandals, stopped with his foot and gave a very manly scream when his footsie was crushed in the door.

“Oh my gobstoppers, I’m sorry!” Mikey exclaimed using cleaner language because there were women around. “Come in!” said Mikey, feeling guilty he had crushed a ‘girl’s’ foot in the door. What a gentlemen.

“Okay,” giggled Petey, and waltzed right in, with everyone else following him.

Bob was on his knees in front of Gerard, who was avoiding Bob’s eyes, and Bob was saying, “Please Gerard, talk to me! I didn’t mean it!”

Every five seconds Frank would chirp: “He’s mad at you!” with obvious amusement.

“What’re those?” asked Frank suddenly, seeing there were ‘girls’ in the room.

“Chicks, buttface,” said Ray and Mikey exclaimed, “There’s women in here, guys!”

Ray ignored him and hurried right up to Pete, getting a little to close for a first meeting.

“What’s your name?” asked Ray.

“Pe –” Pete began to say, but Andy clapped his hand over Pete’s mouth and answered for him, “Peatrice. Her name’s Peatrice.”

“Ooo,” crooned Ray, “Sounds foreign.”

“It is,” giggled Peatrice in an ‘Italian’ accent.

“I’m Andrea,” Andy said.

“Yeah, I’m Joanna,” Joe said boredly, popping up behind Ray.

“Ray Toro,” Ray said sexily. “Pleasure to meet you.” At this time Joanna was running his fingers through Ray’s afro.

“I love it,” Joanna whispered. Ray grabbed Joe’s wrist and they retreated into the bathroom together.

“And who are you two lovely ladies?” asked Gerard, turning away from Bob to face Brendon and Ryan, who pressed together and giggled nervously.

“I’m Brenda,” said Brendon, “And this is…”

“Rya!” squeaked Ryan.

Gerard nodded and turned to Spencer, raising his eyebrows a little. Spence had put on makeup, but he hadn’t needed it because he had looked like a girl in the first place, and the effect was kind of weird.

“And you’re –” Gerard began but Peatrice cut across him and said, “That’s Rebecca!”

Rebecca frowned.

All this time, Frank had sat, paralyzed on the bed, staring at Pete. He was the most beautiful woman Frank had thought he had ever seen. Pete saw him staring and winked.

Gerard bought out the drinks and banished Bob to the corner – he wouldn’t be having any fun tonight.

They all got some wine and started to mingle. Brenda and Rya stood together by the door, murmuring and giggling, and Andy was gulping down glass after glass of alcoholic beverage. Gerard came and stood next Patrick.

“I haven’t learned your name yet,” said Gerard.

“Pat – Patricia,” Patrick stuttered nervously. Gerard pressed him up against the wall.

“That’s a beautiful name,” Gerard said. While Patrick tried to find a way to squirm away from Gerard (“I have to go the little girls room!” “But Ray and Joanna are in there… We could have fun like them, you know.”), Rebecca went and sat on the floor near Bob. After a little while, Rebecca inched closer. Bob gave him a sideways glance. Rebecca got closer. Bob half-smiled at him through his dried tears. Rebecca scooted closer and Bob shot a glance at Gerard. When he saw that Gee was too busy with Patricia, Bob slid next to Rebecca, and took his hand. They sat in silence, holding each other’s hands and shooting smiles at one another once in a while.

Frank and Pete were still staring at each other. Then Pete lifted his hand and beckoned with one finger for Frank to come closer. Frank looked around, then pointed at his own chest as if to say, “Me?” Pete raised his eyebrows sexily and nodded. Frank hesitantly got up and went to stand in front of Pete. Pete reached out, curved his hand around Frank’s neck… and pulled him in for a full, open-mouthed kiss!