Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

What the - FRANK?!

Frank squealed in alarm and grabbed a chunk of hair on the back of Pete’s head, pulling at him to get him away. But since Pete’s hair was just a wig, it came off his head. Frank’s scream was muffled by Pete’s mouth.

At that moment, they heard Ray yell from the bathroom, “Take it off, Joanna!” and then there was another scream from Ray as he shouted, “What the –”

But suddenly Gerard saw Pete with his tongue half-way down Frank’s throat and yelled, “FRANK!”, cutting off the rest of Ray’s exclamation.

That was when Pete pulled away, and Frank collapsed, gasping for air. Andy and Mikey looked up from their intelligent conversation on the couch, and Andy leapt to his feet when he saw what had happened.

Most of Pete’s makeup had come off in the face-sucking, and since his blond wig was gone, everyone could see who he truly was.

They stood in shocked silence until Ray and Joe burst out of the bathroom. Joe’s dress was on lopsided, and all of his toilet-paper-stuffing had come out. His wig and makeup were also gone.

“What kind of sick –” Ray was saying until he saw Pete.

“WHAT IS THIS?!” yelled Gerard, and from the doorway Ryan began to hum the tune to ‘What’s This’ from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Brendan gave him a warning look.

“You wouldn’t give us Ray!” Ryan burst out.

“Yeah, and real men don’t give up without a fight until they’ve got they’re prize!” finished Brendon.

Men?!” Gerard screamed incredulously. “MEN!? BUT YOU’RE ALL DRESSED UP LIKE GIRLS!!”

By this time, Gee had managed to figure out what was going on, and went over to Andy, grabbed hold of his hair and pulled really hard.

“Ow!” Andy yelled. “That’s real!” He pushed Gerard away. “But it’s true, I’m a guy.”

Mikey gasped and backed away from him.

“Me too,” Brendon said, and pulled off his wig, followed by Ryan.

“And me,” whispered Patrick with a trembling lip, wiping off some of his makeup with a tissue from his bra.

By the bed, Bob looked deep into Spencer’s eyes. “Are…” he whispered, “Are you…?”

“Yes, Bob,” answered Spencer, blinking tears out of his eyes, “I’m sorry.” Spencer got up and ran from the room, sobbing.

“But – wait… REBECCA!” yelled Bob, and then whispered to only himself, “But I love you.” A single tear slipped down his cheek as he saw a bow that had been in Spencer’s hair lying on the floor. Bob picked it up and slipped it into his pocket, vowing to keep it with him forevermore.

“I HATE YOU!” Gerard was now wailing at Frank. “YOU BETRAYED ME!”

“No – it – it wasn’t me!” sobbed Frank. He loved Gerard! But somewhere deep inside him, he knew he also loved Pete. If only he could have them both!

“LEAVE!” screamed Gerard to Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco. “GET OUT, NOW! AND IF IT’S RAY YOU WANT, TAKE HIM!”

“But – but I’d rather die than go with them!” exclaimed Ray angrily.

“THEN DIE!” shouted Gerard.

But at that moment, all thought’s of suicide and death were put out of their minds as a naked man came streaking past their door.

Following him was a middle-aged woman, and several other people, all yelling, “We’re sinking! The ship is sinking!”