Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

The Fallout Boyz.

But as they were leaving, something happened! A bunch of screaming fan girls pushed passed Fall Out Boy into their room screaming, “Fallout Boys! Fallout Boys! We wanna have your babies!”

Spencer took off running for there was nothing that scared him more then fan girls.

The girls obviously didn’t recognize Fall Out Boy with makeup on, even though it was smeared. Most of them had put their wigs back on when they’d left MCR’s room.

“Those are some ugly girls,” one teeny, wearing extremely tight pants and a pink sequined shirt said to one of her friends, not bothering to lower her voice.

“Hey!” Joe exclaimed, offended. The girl put her hands on her hips and gave him a prissy look. In return, he stuck out his tongue at her.

“OMG IT’S PETE WENTZ!” screamed one of the girls at the top of her lungs, rushing at Pete and knocking him onto the bed.

“These are the Fallout Boyz,” a girl of about 11 exclaimed, and also ran at Pete.

“And, OMG! Panic! At the Disco, too!” squealed another, and went to tackle Ryan.
“Help!” he squealed as he was knocked to the ground.

“But who’s that guy?” the girl in the pink shirt asked her friend again, pointing at Patrick.

When she just shrugged, they too, both went to join the pile that was growing on Pete.

Patrick smiled a little as he thought about Pete getting suffocated under all those little girls.
But his smiled turned upside-down as he realized Pete would probably like it.

Finally, when Pete stopped moving and the girls thought they’d killed him, they crawled off a little and he sat up.
“YOU HAVE THE BEST VOICE EVER PETE!” yelled one of the girls, and threw her arms around him. Pete smiled smugly.

No! Patrick wanted to yell, I’m the singer! But he didn’t.
But Andy said to the girls, “You know, he doesn’t do everything. He’s not the whole band. It takes all the members for the music to work.”

“Um, yeah, like I care,” said the girl, looking at Andy as if he were an idiot.

Patrick clenched his fists. He wished Andy had told the girl that he, Patrick, was the real singer. No one ever stucked up for him!

“Um, guys,” Joe said. “The boat’s still sinking, you know. Don’t you think we should like, um, you know, well… do something about it?”

“Whoa! Joe’s being smart!” said Jon sarcastically. Joe was to dumb to understand it was a joke and grinned.

“You – you’re right,” gasped Brendon from under a pile of girls. “We needa get outta here!”
Just then a topless twelve-year-old jumped on his face. But Joe nodded, smoking his weed.

“Hey!” yelled one of the girls. “Gimme that!” she leapt at Joe and knocked him to the ground.

“I have plenty!” he cried. “All you had to do was ask… I don’t mind sharing my pot!” He was really hurt inside.

“Man, we gotta ditch these girls,” Andy told Patrick as he (Patrick) was sighing sadly because none of the underage babes were paying any attention to him.

“K, but how?” answered Patrick.

Andy walked quietly to their door, peeked around and yelled, “OMG! IS THAT FRANK IERO!?”

And all the little girls ran out of the room, screaming for Frank. Only when Patrick looked around the corner and Frank wasn’t there did he understand it was just a trick. He gave Andy a thumbs-up, and Andy returned it, which made Patrick feel special, because he felt as if he shared a connection with Andy now.

“Hey, what’d you do that for?” asked Pete, getting up from the bed. Patrick noticed Pete dress was pulled almost all the way down.

“We hafta get out of here afore we die, man!” exclaimed Ryan.

“Okay then, let’s go,” Andy said impatiently.


They all exchanged glances. It was true they didn’t want to die wearing dresses, so they all shrugged like, ‘whatever’, and hurried to put pants on (Patrick made sure he locked the bathroom door when he went in there, alone). Finally, they were just waiting for Pete, who was in the corner, trying desperately to get his girl jeans to fit over his hips. Patrick was hiding his eyes, even though Petey had boxers on.

“Pete we have to go!” said Andy.

“Just – a – minute!” yelled Pete, jumping up and down and tugging on his pants.

“Pete, now!”

“Then help me!”

Joe rushed over to help Pete pull up his pants. It took a while longer, and just as Andy was about to leave weather Pete was coming or not, Pete got his pants all the way on successfully and said calmly, “K, I’m ready.”