Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

Joe Is Finally The Star

The halls were alive with chaos when da boys came out of their room, fully dressed in guys clothing (well, not Pete, exactly, but probably the most manly clothes he owned). Spencer, who had been waiting outside, joined them.
“Gotta get a life boat, man!” Joe exclaimed.
“Yeah, I know,” said Andy. “This way.”
They continued running down the hall, with Andy in front, until he (Andy), almost ran into a couple of weird guys and a girl blocking the hall.
“Hey, move!” yelled Pete.
“Noway,” said the one with brown hair that looked exactly like Wolverine’s from The X-Men. His words were kind of slurry, because he was most likely on some kind of drugs.
“Fine, then I’ll beat up your friend!” yelled Pete, and took a step towards the shorter of the two guys. Pete seriously could be this dude up, too. He was like, five-foot-two, kind of slouching, with no muscle at all and a permanent smirk stuck on his face. You could practically see through him. And part of him you could, because he had those huge earrings (gages?), that are just like big holes in your ears only his were HUGE, and Joe was thinking, I could so fit my fist through there, man.
His gigantic earrings scared Patrick, so he backed up and turned to run away only Ryan and Brendon were blocking his path.
“Hey guys,” said Wolverine-guy, squinting at Pete, “isn’t that the lead singer from Fallout Boy?”
“Oh yeah,” said the girl, who was completely covered in tattoos and piercings, “I used to hang out with those guys!” [A/N: this is an inside joke and you won’t get it unless you’re Elise, so I’m sorry
Joe took another step towards the little guy to beat him up; only the girl stepped in his way. She was pretty big, and really scary, and even Joe was intimidated, so he backed away.
“Come on guys, let us through!” said Ryan, trying to pull off his little-kid-in-tears look. They didn’t have any sympathy for him.
And then Joe, the underestimated, but still brilliant Joe, had an amazing, genius plan.
“Hey look,” he said to Wolverine-guy, “It’s a blimp!” he pointed out the window at the sky.
Wolverine-guy leaned over to look and Joe, seizing his chance, slapped him quickly in the face, and, stepping past him, took off down the hall. Wolverine-guy and his cohorts were so shocked that they didn’t do anything when the rest of Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco ran past then.
And then, as they were far away, they heard Wolverine-guy yell, “Hey! He hit me!”

They kept running, until they got out onto the deck, then they leaned on the railings to catch their breath. Patrick was last to come up.
“Look at Phatty-Patty!” said Pete, panting. “He barely made it!”
Patrick was tired, it had been a really bad birthday and even worse vacation, and he really wasn’t in the mood for Pete’s taunting.
“At least in all that running maybe you lost some weight, Phatrick,” said Pete, and that was the last straw. Patrick leapt forward and violently shoved the stunned Pete into the water far below (not as far below as it would have been, since the ship was sinking, but it was still a nasty fall).
There was silence. And then Brendon said, “Man, did you just knock the Wentz into the icy ocean?”
“It’s not that icy,” Joe pointed out, “This is the Caribbean.”
Patrick just stood in horrified silence, and Andy said, “The teenage girl population is not going to be happy about this.”
And then Joe screamed, “NOOOOO! PETE!” and jumped off after him.
“And there goes our guitarist,” muttered Andy. “I guess there’s still a chance for us, maybe.”
Until Patrick, disoriented from the seriousness and shock of what he did, jumped over the side after them.
Andy sighed and bit his lip. Him, Brendon, Ryan, Jon and Rebecca – um, I mean Spencer – now had no choice but to follow their fallen friends. So they did.