Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

A Twist In the Plot!

“I don’t like un-dead people!” cried Patrick when Gerard had left.
“Hey…” said Brendon, thinking hard. “That was… OMG THAT WAS GERARD WAY FROM MCR!!!!” he screamed like a little girl. “I LOVE HIM THAT BAND SAVED MY LIFE!!!!!!”
Pete smacked him across the face. “No, I saved you life!” he said. “If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be famous!”
“Yeah, but we’d still be alive,” Ryan pointed out.
“Shut UP!! When did you get so SMART?!?!”
Ryan himself didn’t know the answer to this, so he didn’t reply.
Andy looked at his watch. “Uh-oh!” he said, “It’s almost Patrick’s bedtime!”
Patrick hurriedly looked at his own watch. He was right! It was a quarter to seven!
“Okay then, party’s over,” said Jon, and got up. Everyone else followed.
When they got back to their rooms, they all went inside. All of them – except for Patrick – were going to a late-night party and had to get ready. But once Patrick started getting ready for bed, Pete said, “I’mma go to bed early, too.”
Everyone looked at him with surprise. Andy and Joe were curling each other’s hair and Patrick was putting on his nightcap.
“What?” asked Pete, “It’s been an exciting day! I need my beauty sleep!”
Andy shrugged and went back to curling Joe’s hair until Pete screamed, “ANDY!”
Andy jumped, and accidentally jabbed the hot curling iron into Joe’s neck, causing him to yell with pain the run to the bathroom and run cold water over his sizzling neck.
“Look what you’ve done,” said Andy, crossly. “What do you need?”
“I want you to make me my warm milk.” Pete stuck out his lower lip and gave Andy puppy-dog eyes. Andy couldn’t say no to those eyes.
“Okay then,” Andy sighed. “Do you want me to add some Ovaltine to it?”
Pete sat for five minutes thinking about this. Finally, he said, “No, not this time.”
“Don’t you think you’re a little to old for warm milk before bed?” asked Joe meanly, coming out of the bathroom as Andy got the milk out of the mini-fridge, poured it into a cup and put it in the microwave.
Pete banged his fist into the wood table. “You know I can’t go to sleep without my warm milk!” he protested in a whiny voice.
Joe had started to reply when Andy slammed the Ovaltine onto the counter and turned around. “That’s it! I’ve had enough of your constant bickering and complaining! Joe – Pete can have his milk if it relaxes him. And Pete – you need to get over your temper tantrums! You’re old enough to know better! You’re both getting to be way too much to handle. Now, if you don’t start acting better, I’ll send you back to your mothers!”
Andy turned back around to get the milk out of the microwave. Pete and Joe pouted, and shot each other angry glances.
“Joe, are you ready for the party?” Andy asked, turning back around, dropping a neon-green bendy straw into Pete’s milk and handing it to him.
“Yes,” said Joe with some serious attitude. Andy ignored it.
“Pete, are you going to calm down and go to bed with Patrick?”
Pete nodded, sipping his milk.
“And not be mean to him?”
Pete nodded again.
“And not annoy him?”
Pete stopped drinking his milk long enough to whine, “Just trust me!”
“Well… okay,” said Andy, “But I hope I don’t regret leaving you two together.”
And then him and Joe left.
Patrick felt kind of nervous, being alone with Pete, but he just got ready for bed normally, then turned off the light and crawled under the covers. Pete had finished his milk and was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and applying all his face lotions. When he came out, he got into bed with Patrick. Patrick tensed, waiting, but Pete didn’t do anything so he let himself start to drift off to sleep. Just as Patrick was almost asleep, he felt Pete move closer. Patrick moved away. Pete moved closer. Patrick moved away. This went on until Patrick was almost falling off the bed. Now he had no choice but to lay in silence as Pete slowly crawled closer to him. Patrick could hear Pete’s breath in his ear and smell its minty-freshness. All the smells of Pete combined (his toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, shampoo, face cream) was overwhelming. But at least he was clean.
Patrick was starting to freeze with fear as Pete began to crawl on top of him. Just then the door slammed open and the light switched on! Both Pete and Patrick yelped in surprise (well, Patrick’s was more of a squeal then a yelp), and fell out of the bed. Patrick lifted his head to see Ryan Ross standing in the doorway, out of breath, his huge brown eyes even bigger then usual.
“Pete, Patrick, come quick!” Ryan gasped. “Gerard is at the party and he’s declared a karaoke war!!”