Sugar, We're Going... On A Cruise!?

The Legendary Karaoke War

And so the legendary karaoke war began. It was decided Pete was to go first.
“Good luck, Petey!” said Andy.
“Hope you do great!”
“You’ll own this, Pete!”
Kill Gerard!”
Pete wasn’t listening to their words of encouragement. He was combing his hair and putting special hair gel in it. If he couldn’t win with his voice, surely his looks would do the trick?
Joe walked up to Pete slowly. “You’re looking really pretty tonight,” he said shyly. Before Pete could say or do anything, Joe gave him a short but sweet kiss on the cheek and pushed him towards the karaoke stage. Then he ran away. Pete didn’t know how to feel. He decided he would sing his emotions out.
So Pete ran on to the stage and yelled, “HELLO PEOPLE OF THIS CRUISE SHIP!!!” into his microphone, “ARE YOU READY TO ROCK TONIGHT!!!???”
People didn’t know what to think. There was silence as they looked up at him. They were all like, “WTF?” but then someone yelled, “ITS PETE WENTZZZZZZ!!!!”
And the room exploded into cheering. Most of the people didn’t know who he was, because they were like in their forties and older and like totally un-hip but they cheered anyway because they were kind of drunk and dancing and wanted to GeT tHiS pArTy StArTeD!!
And Pete said, “This song is a little something I wrote for YOU, cruise-ship-people! And it’s called Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by the Beatles!!”
Pete had heard this song before, but he didn’t exactly know the tune that well and kind of stumbled in some parts. And he was screaming. And it sounded B. A. D. and Frank was laughing and Ryan was crying and Pete sang a verse from Dance, Dance in the middle of it and no one could really tell if he did it on purpose or what the heck was up. And when he finished, some people were like, “BOO! BOO YOU STINK!!” and some people were like, “OMG PETE WENTZ IS SOO HOTTTTT!!”
Most of the people in the latter group were old ladies, be fortunately none of them were the old lady with the temper and bad language.
Gerard was smiling triumphantly in the corner, sipping a martini, and Pete vowed to himself his second song would be better. And it was. Pete was all like, “YEAH! YEAH! DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY!!!”
And he was still screaming but it was a screaming song to begin with. That’s right, Aerosmith screamed. Kind of. It still wasn’t too good, but more people were beginning to fall under Pete’s spell, and less booed.
Now it was Gerard’s turn. He stalked up on to that stage like he owned it. He struck and pose, picked up the microphone, licked it and said, “What’s up, sexies?”
The room exploded into screaming and cheering. The old ladies were falling over themselves and one of them died of a heart attack.
And then Gerard’s song was revealed. His first: Bicycle Race, by Queen.
Now, this is perhaps the most awesome song ever, and Freddie Mercury rocked it in his opera-ish voice, one that can and will never be met by anyone.
But Gerard did a darn good job trying. At the end, people were yelling, “GERARD WAY YOU ROCK!!”, and “GERARD WAY YOU HAVE THE BEST VOICE EVER!!!”, and “GERARD WAY I LIVE FOR YOU!!!!”, and “GERARD WAY I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
And that last comment was made by the little old lady who was in the cabin beside FOB’s.
Gerard was very humble and said only, “You’re right, I do rock. I am the best. Now I’m gonna sing you another song!”
And that song sung by Gerard was better then the original. It was the song that goes, “Girls just wanna have fun!”
And Gerard sung it with so much emotion, and so much power, and so much beauty that many people were crying by the end. They were also cheering. Gerard would certainly have won, if it weren’t for Pete’s brilliant little plan.
After Gerard left the stage, Pete stalked up to him and said, “That wasn’t a classic rock song!”
“Which one?”
“The Girls Just Wanna Have Fun one!”
“You’re just a bad loser!”
“Sing another.”
Gerard narrowed his eyes. He didn’t have to do this. He’d won, fair and square. What could Pete really do? But the crowd was cheering, and Gee loves his fans, and he loves to sing, so he said, “Okay.”
And he went up and sang Light My Fire, by the Doors.
And he was doing great.
Pete was despairing. He didn’t want to play Dead Serial Killer Vampire Spies, but his plan wasn’t working. You see, his plan was this: he made Gerard sing another song in the hopes that he would mess it up and everyone would hate him and Pete would win. Yes, it was as simple as that. But so far he was doing even more excellent then he did on his other two songs.
It was nearing the end… Gerard’s voice sounded beautifully like a guitar… Gee was so close to winning… and just then something terrible happened!!!

And you’re gonna have to wait till the next chapter to find out what it is. ^^