Last Name

This couldn’t be happening.

I quickly held in the scream that was threatening to come out as I stared at the ring on my left hand. My wedding ring to be more specific.

Wrapping the bed sheet around myself I began to gather up all my clothes scattered around the fairly nice hotel room (that was not mine), while trying not to hyperventilate. My friends and I always joked that our trip to Vegas would end up in a drunken marriage to a rich billionaire, a few thousand dollar jackpots from the slot machines and me kicking ass at blackjack.

See, we’d never thought that any of that would happen. One, I sucked at cards, my family has some sort of bad luck curse, and what are the odds of getting married?

Apparently very high. How drunk did I get last night anyways?

I could hear the sound of running water signalling that my... spouse was in the shower.

Dropping the sheet, I pulled my bra over my head, followed by undies, skirt, tank top and jacket. Spotting a few chips lying on the ground I smirked. Pocketing them I swung my purse over my shoulder.

The fact that I was married now was still just registering though my head. But I wasn’t about to stick around to see who was in the shower. What if he was old or a woman or... a murderer? That might seem a little far fetched but I watched too much CSI not to jump to that conclusion.

Now, even more hurriedly then before, I strapped on my heels and shouldered my purse.

“Where are you going?” I stumbled over a little at the sudden male voice. I hadn’t noticed the shower had stopped running.

Not bothering to answer him, I bolted to the door. Turning around to pull the hotel door shut I got a glimpse of my husband.

He was gorgeous. And... slightly familiar.

Honora Karlsson

Zacky Vengeance

{DISCLAIMER} So... as you all most likely know, I do not own Avenged Sevenfold, their girlfriends or any famous person that may appear in this 100% fiction story.
Title Credit: Last Name by Carrie Underwood