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The Way You Make Me Feel


I was never one to be very shy. I was always the first one to talk to the new kid, whether they were a prep, jock, or indie kid, it didn't matter I was always the first to talk to them. Why was it then that this boy, who I had seen before and even had classes with and talked to in school, this boy was the only person I had ever been shy towards. Maybe it was the where we were being introduced, or the fact that when Kelsi introduced me, he gave me a crooked smile that made me want to smile back. It was bad enough that she had to drag me here, as outgoing as I was I had never been to a party, this was my first. Really though did she have to introduce me to everyone there and let them know that it was my first party so to "go easy on me". One good thing, this John guy, who was apparently her cousin, cut her off before she could embarrass me again.

"Kels, I got this, go have fun." He told her.

"But I have to make sure my stacie bug stays safe. I don't want to have to take her home completely wasted." She retorted.

"Really it's fine, she'll be safe with me, I promise. Look I'm not even drinking." John answered reassuringly.

"Yet. Fine, but I swear John if she get's messed up on your watch you'll be the one explaining a hangover to her in the morning. I'm positive she'll freak out worse than I did my first time." Kelsi shot back before heading to the kitchen to get a drink.

"So, Stacie, what do you say to us getting you a soda and then going outside to my secret hideout?" John asked me as soon as she was out of sight, a twinkle in his eye when he mentioned his hiding spot.

"Sure." Was all I could manage to get out.

John led me to the kitchen to get a root beer and then outside to a tree next to the house.

"After you," he said when we reached a ladder on the opposite side of the tree.

I climbed up and found myself in an old tree house with a door leading to a balcony where you could easily get onto the roof. John's head soon popped out of the floor and he climbed into the tree house leading me to the balcony and then the roof. When he made it to the peak he sat down facing the backyard and patted the spot next to him. I sat down and he handed me my rootbeer. The music from inside could faintly be heard along with crickets. We sat there in silence me drinking my rootbeer, him drinking his coke for what seemed like an hour. The fast tempo of the music slowed as John finished his coke.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked breaking the silence.

"On the roof? Isn't that kind of dangerous?" I asked back.

"I promise I won't let you fall off." He answered, adding with puppy eyes "Please!"

"Okay, fine, I'll dance." I answered as he stood up to help me to my feet.

We danced on the roof for that song and then he led me back to the tree house.

"So, Stacie, I must say you are much more talkative at school. What's up with that?" He asked.

Crap. I was hoping he wouldn't ask that. Truthfully I had been trying to think of some way to start a conversation but everything I thought of seemed lame. Instead of lying I decided I'd go with the truth.

"Honestly, I'm not good at starting a conversation. I try, but it all ends within a fes sentences." I told him.

"Well, I think you should try anyways, just ask me a question, anything, and I'll answer. We can start with that and maybe end up finding something we can talk about." He suggested.

"Okay, uhm, last book you read?" I asked feeling lame the second it came out of my mouth.

"Actually I think it was a zombie survival guide. It was laying on my friend Garrett's kitchen counter the other day when I went over for band practice and I read a few things. Like, if you're going to take out a zombie make sure you're wearing denim or leather pants because they are harder to bite through." He answered.

"Oh! I know what book you're talking about, we read it in spanish last year. It's actually quite funny." I said laughing. "Now, did I hear you say band practice in there somewhere?" I asked.

"Actually yes. You see I'm in a band." He answered.

"Well I kind of figured that much out." I said laughing again.

"Yeah, we actually have a show next week. You should come check us out." He said enthusiastically.

"I might have to do that." I answered.

We continued talking about stuff like his band and school for a while untill we heard our names being called from the backyard.

"John! Stacie! Are you two out here?" Kelsi yelled from porch.

"Aw. She always ruins the fun. I guess we better go. She get's mad when I hide from her." John said his face falling like a 4 year old on Christmas when he gets a new bike only to find that it's raining outside.

We made our way down the ladder of the tree house and walked over to the porch in silence.

"There you are! I'mve been looking for you two. Stacie, we have to go, I promised my mom we'd be home by 2." Kelsi said handing me the keys to her car.

"Aunt Maddie wouldn't be too happy if you were late and drunk. Get going I'll see you at school Monday." John said hugging us both.

I'm not sure what it was, but when he hugged me my stomach felt funny and my heart seemed to skip a few beats. As we walked out to the car Kelsi was silent but as soon as the doors were closed she started asking questions about John and what we did and what we talked about. I told her everything, except the stomach and heart thing. I knew she'd flip and start trying to play cupid. We got to her house and made our way up the stairs as quietly as possible, crashing on her bed as soon as we walked in her room. I woke up the next morning to the sound of her running to her bathroom and throwing up. I got up to go help her, thankful that I didn't drink last night. Hanging out with John all night was better than any alcohol could have been.
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Yay! My first The Maine story! Not too sure where this even came from but I hope you like it! Please comment/subscribe I'll update sooner!