Status: Active! Comment to get an update!

The Way You Make Me Feel


We all piled into either mine or Stacie's car and headed out to the mall. Garrett, Pat and Jared were in my car while Kennedy had decided to ride with Stacie and Kelsi. It was about a 15 minute ride to the mall and another 10 to find parking. As we walked into the mall Kelsi and Stacie went straight for Hollister saying they needed new jeans. Kennedy and Pat went with them while Garret, Jared and myself went to the food court to get some pretzels for everyone before following them into the store. We finally made it to where the jeans were and found the girls handing pair after pair of skinny jeans to Pat and Kennedy who each had a small mountain of jeans in their arms as is. We went over and relieved them of some of the jeans, careful not to mix them up. On our way to the dressing room the girls picked up shorts and shirts as well. It took about 30 minutes just for them to try everything on and make up their mind about what they were and weren't going to get. We finally paid for everything and left, headed towards Pac Sun where they were getting new bikini's for the pool party they were having before our show Saturday. As they were paying Stacie's phone alarm went off.

"Oh, crap. I forgot. Kelsi I'm supposed to be having dinner with my mom tonight, I meant to tell you but it slipped my mind." She said suddenly nervous.

"Well does my mom know?" Kelsi asked. Stacie nodded. "Well, let me know how it goes and if you need to be saved during it text me. And remember that no matter what, me mom and dad are here for you. Okay hun?" Kelsi said sympathetically, hugging Stacie good bye and wishing her luck before she left.

"Why would she need good luck? She's going out to dinner with her mom." Garrett asked what we were all wondering. "And why would your mom need to know?"

"Don't worry about it. It's none of your business anyway." Kelsi answered clearly upset.

We went to a few more stores and then headed back to the school parking lot so that the guys could get their cars and go home. Kelsi, not having her car today, had me drive her home since we lived right down the road from each other. It was a fairly silent drive, with Ivory playing in the background, until Kelsi asked the most random question I had heard in a while, though some would disagree.

"So, what do you think of Stacie?" She turned to me and asked.

"She's pretty cool. Why?" I answered, starting to get worried as to where this conversation was headed.

"I was just wondering. You act different around her. If I wasn't mistaken I'd say you have a crush." She said teasingly.

"Okay, honestly, I do like her. I just feel completely comfortable with her. She's just so, I can't even think of a word to describe it." I admitted, I knew if I tried to hide it from her, Kelsi would find out the truth anyways.

"Aw! That's so cute! You should totally ask her out! Oh! Maybe you could go to dinner after the show Saturday!" She squealed.

"Okay, I'll ask her tomorrow. I was actually planning on asking her out today at lunch, but it slipped my mind." I told her truthfully as we pulled into her driveway and got out of the car.

I hadn't seen my aunt and uncle in a few weeks, even though we did live down the road from eachother. When I walked into the kitchen my aunt Maggie embraced me into a huge hug telling me to stay for dinner. I agreed and called my mom to let her know of the plans. We had chicken stir fry with rice and veggies along with my gran's secret ingredient that every woman in the family found oout when they got a home of their own. We ate and talked about everything from school, to the band, to sports when me and uncle Eddie started arguing about the world series. We finished eating and were clearing the table when the front door opened and everyone stopped what they were doing to see Stacie coming in, puffy eyes and wet cheeks. She had been crying. She saw me and tried her best to give me a weak smile before hurrying upstairs.

"Well her dinner didn't go well, I'm going to go talk to her, John will you help finish clearing the table before you leave?" Kelsi said already halfway up the stairs by the time I agreed.

I finished clearing the table and said my goodbyes to my aunt and uncle telling them to remind Kelsi of the Chipotle she promised for the pre-party Saturday. As I walked out the door and to my car I couldn't help but think of why Stacie was crying. I wanted so bad to make her happy, and I knew exactly what I was going to do to get her happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Update!
Okay so I realize the john chapters are shorter, and there is MUCH less dialogue...but I'm working on it! The next john chapter(chapter 6) is my favorite so far!!
So here's the dealie-o...if all 3 of you comment. You'll get a special update!!!as in like 2 instead of one or something...I might just give you outtakes or backstory that doesn't really change the story, or maybe cookies...not too sure just yet...okaythatsallsobyenow!!
Peace & Love

This chapter is celebrating my new subscriber!!! I'm up to 3 now!!