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The Way You Make Me Feel


So today is Sunday. The day I have to move back in with my parents. The day I didn't want to come. Kelsi's parents got a call from the sheriff's deputy that worked my dad's case before and let them know that since my dad had completed his required 90 days I had no choice but to go back, the judge had ordered it. That of course was not what we wanted to hear. Kelsi and I spent all night paking my stuff up, we had to leave the party early because I had to be there by 12:00 noon.

"I hate this so much. I don't want to leave you here." Kelsi said as she was helping me get my bags out of my trunk.

"I don't want to stay here either but according to Judge Caswell I don't have a choice. But look at it this way, in a few months I'll be 18 and then I won't have to stay here anymore I can get an apartment and move out." I said, trying to let the optimist inside of me out.

"Fine, but remember, if you even start to feel threatened come to my house. Okay?"

"Okay Kels." I said hugging her before we walked up to the door of the house I was to live in. It's not home for me anymore.

The door opened as we walked up and both my parents were standing there smiling. My dad did look sober, but his smile was fake.

"Sweetie! Oh we've missed you so much! Just go on up to your room, we haven't touched a thing and I think Mag is in there." My mom said in one breath ushering us in.

"Thanks mom, but her name is Magic, I've told you that already." I said unhappily.

She looked taken aback but really, she knows I don't want to live here, she should have known I wouldn't be nice about it. Kelsi and I went to my room to put my bags down. I opened my door and put my bags on my bed, only to have them occupied by my chihuahua, Magic, moments later. She was the only reason I had for smiling. Kelsi left me alone with Magic 30 minutes later after we had unpacked almost everything. I just kept telling myself I only had a few months until I could move out.


Today was Wednesday. I had been home 3 days. Those were the most awkward 3 days of my life. The dinners were silent and my mom was trying to get me to spend time with her and dad. Most of my time was spent either locked in my room or at a park with Magic.

"Stacie!" Garrett yalled getting me out of my thoughts.

"What is it Garrett. Did you need help cutting your pizza?" I snapped back sarcastically.

"Actually now that you mention it. Yes. But what I was saying was that we're having a Halloween party next weekend and that you, my dear friend, should come."

"I would go anywhere to get out of my house and you know that so I am so there." I answered happy to have a day where I wouldn't be sitting at home in my room.

"So what are you going to be?" John asked.

"That's a good question. Kelsi what should I be for halloween?" I asked.

"You should be, an indian! You look kind of like one anyways so it works!" She answered excitedly.

"Okay, indian it is! Now where do I get that?" I asked.

"There's this really cool costume shop right down the road from me, we could check it out." Garrett said taking a bite of his pizza.

"Sounds good, should we go today?" Jared asked.

"Can't Tim has some wierd thing he signed our family up for, says we'll really enjoy it." Pat answered.

"Yeah and I have to take my dog to the vet." Kennedy said.

"Okay so, Thursday?" John asked.

"Babysitting." Kelsi said.

"Max Brooks signing"

"Who's Max Brooks?" Jared asked Garrett.

"World War Z author brah." Garrett answered.

"We should have known that." Pat said.

"Can I go with you?" I asked. Garrett made me read both World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide and I honestly wanted to meet this guy, zombies are my obsession like vampires are everyone elses these days.

"Sure Stacie, I was hoping to have a line buddy." He said laughing.

"Okay so Friday?" Kelsi asked.

Everyone was going to be free Friday so we made plans head over to Garrett's costume shop after school.


When I got home after school the next day I grabbed my copy of World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide and went back outside to get in Garrett's car since he followed me home. Before I got to his car however my mom called to me from the front door.

"Stacie sweetie are you going out?"

"Yeah mom I am." I answered annoyed that she was asking me again. She had asked at least 4 times last night and 3 this morning.

"Could you pick up a few things from Whole Foods for me?" She asked.

I looked at Garrett for an answer. He shrugged.

"Yeah mom we'll pick whatever it is up on the way home. What do we need?" I answered.

She went inside and got a list and her debit card. As soon as she handed it to me I went to Garrett's car and got in without a second look back. After a few minutes of small talk Garrett decided to ask about the show last Saturday.

"So you liked our music?" He asked.

"Yeah, you guys are really good." I replied.

"That after party was epic." He said smiling at the memory.

"Yeah I wasn't there long." I said chuckleing

"Oh that's right you had to leave early and pack."

"And I got there late." I reminded.

"Oh that's right you and john had your little date thing. How was that?" He asked suggestively.

"It was a lot of fun. We ate on the roof of Panera." I said truthfully. In the short time I knew him Garrett had become one of my best friends.

"Wow that's a good idea I may have to use that." He said going into thought.

After a few moments of silent thought he asked,

"So did you guys, like, kiss?"

Awkward! A few more moments of silence went by.

"Well?" He asked getting impatient.

"Well, no." I said laughing.

"Why are you laughing that was a serious question." He lauged back.

"Yeah seriously random and kind of invasive don't you think?" I said back.

"Sorry I didn't think it was a big deal." Garret apologized.

"Well it isn't really, but trust me if it happens you'll be one of the first people to know." I promised.

"Okay!" He said happily.

"I mean then it will be a big deal because-" I cut myself off realizing I was having word vomit. As good as friends as we had become I did not want to tell Garrett I had never been kissed.

"Because what?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said wishing he hadn't asked.

"There is never a nothing after a because. What were you going to say?" He continued, I could tell he was determined to find out.

"Well, you have to pinky promise me you won't make fun of me or tell anyone. Okay?" I said.

"Okay, fine. I pinky promise I won't make fun of you or tell anyone." He said taking my pinky.

"Okay. Well. I sort of have never been kissed." I said slowly.

"That's cool. Like seriously I'm not just trying to make you feel better." Garrett said in a comforting tone.

"Okay." I said unsure.

"I get it, really. My cousin didn't get her first kiss until she was 20, she was waiting for the right guy, and I get that." He said.

"Wait, you aren't about to tell me you haven't been kissed either, are you?" I asked.

"No, I've been kissed. Fairly recently if you consider the fact that I'm 18. Really 16 wasn't that long ago." He said laughing.


An hour and a half later we had met Max Brooks and gotten our books signed. We were now headed to meet Kennedy, Pat, and Tim, Pat's older brother who I hadn't met yet, at a Panera close by for dinner, then we were going to Whole Foods for my mom's groceries.

"Hey! There they are!" Kennedy yelled when we walked in the door.

"So did you guys meet the great Max Brooks?" Pat asked.

"Do you honestly think we'd come here if we hadn't yet?" Garrett retorted.

"True well we already ordered for you guys. Tim is getting the food now." Kennedy told us.

"Oh yes. I get to meet the famous Tim that you guys are always talking about." I replied.

"They always talk about me? That's kinda weird." A guy said walking up with two trays of food. "I'm Tim." He added shaking my hand after handing one tray to Pat.

"It's nice to meet you Tim. I'm Stacie."

"Oh. So you're the girl that our little John Ohh is obsessed with."

"I am not obsessed Tim."

I turned around to see John walking up. He smacked Tim upside the head.

"Abuse!" Tim yelled. "Why do you always hit me Johnny?"

"Shut up." John said laughing.

He came over and gave me a hug, keeping one arm around me when it was over.

"Hey there. How was your zombie book signing?" He asked.

"It was fun. Garrett and I actually made some friends in line. We think we may have found a girl for Pat."

"What? A girl for Pat? I didn't think that was possible!" He said loud enough for Pat to hear.

"What are you talking about?" Pat asked as he found a table big enough for all of us.

"Well, Garrett do you want to tell him or should I?"

"You can."

"Okay well she's a real sweetheart and we really think you'll like her. She's coming to the Halloween party to meet you." I said.

"Okay. So it's like a blind date?" He asked.

"Sure is. She doesn't even know your name." Garrett answered.

"Great." Pat said. I couldn't tell if he meant it or not.

We talked about the party throughout the meal. When we were all finished and about to leave. I was talking to Pat about the zombie war. I was almost as bad as Garrett now.

"Okay. So, it started in China?" Pat was asking as John walked up.

"Sorry to cut your zombie chat short but I have to get her home."

"I though Garrett was taking me?"

"His mom called and he has to get home now. His grandparents showed up unexpectedly and are demanding to see him. So you, my love, are stuck with me."

"Okay, but we have to stop by Whole Foods first."

"That's fine." He said with. Smile.


"So, who was that? I know it wasn't Garrett." My mom was asking.

John had helped bring the groceries in so mom was of course asking all sorts of questions.

"John." I answered.

"Why did he bring you home?" Here come the questions.

"Because Garrett had to go home."

"Oh. Well he's cute, so don't loose him."

"Mom! Really it's not like that!"


"What do you mean yet?"

"I see the way he looks at you. And how you look at him. You'll be together. Just you wait."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! Just realized when copy/pasting how long this chapter is!
Did not originally intend that!
It was going to be longer. Wanted so much more to happen but couldn't figure out how to make it happen. Good thing I ended it where I did.


This is because I got back up to 4 subscribers!
Thanks to all 1 of you that commented. I'm following you on twitter now. You may get some sneak peaks. =D

Uhm yeah.

I think that's it.
I've been a good mood lately so I'm writing more.
Hopefully I'll have the first chapter of my Garrett story up soon. Then you can read it too!

