Waiting For The Sun To Rise.

Chapter Six

A warm breeze invites the cold water from the ocean to welcome my toes covered in sand. Birds sing in the distance; children walk up and down the shores, picking up seashells which they call beautiful treasures. Mothers and fathers watch from a distance, smiling at the awe written all over their child’s face. I too smile, looking onward at the rows of waves splashing forward. The ocean waves, so breath-taking from a distance, but get caught underneath them and they will drag you down with them, crushing everything under them, pulling it back into the ocean blue.

“Wake up sleeping beauty” a warm voice mumbled softly in my ear. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. They were greeted my Joey who was grinning wildly at me. A yawn shuffled out of my mouth as I stretched my arms over my head, blinking a few times to make myself stay awake.

I was sleeping. And there were no dreams this time. No flash backs. No memories. No nightmares. Nothing but the feeling of…the beach? I couldn’t remember.

“Don’t tell you me you’re still tired.” Joey narrowed his eyes before pointing out the car window, the wide grin returning. “You practically slept the whole plane ride and car ride.” My eyes opened completely now, turning my head away from Joey to stare out my own window in the front seat. I heard Brandon chuckle from beside me. New York was beautiful. There was so many buildings and people everywhere. So much different from my little town.

“This is amazing.” I mumbled, glancing at my brother. He flashed me a quick grin and nodded his head in agreement.
“If you didn’t sleep so much, you would have seen the really cool stuff.” I stuck my tongue out and giggled slightly, returning my gaze to the window.

“I can’t believe you grew up here Joey. What would make your mom want to move you to our little city of nothing?” Joey laughed from the back seat, and shrugged his shoulders.

“Beats me, I only lived here for a few years anyways. Not much has changed, still crowded as hell.” Brandon let out a frustrated sigh from beside me. Joey and I both arched an eye brow his way.

“Too crowded. Damn people don’t know how to drive.” He mumbled under his breath, honking his horn a few times. He opened his window and honked his horn again at the car in front of us who was driving way too slow; safe to guess it was some old man or woman.

“You want to actually press the gas pedal Gramps?!” He screamed, honking his horn again.
Joey and I both started laughing; leave it to my brother to be the calmest person under the most stressful situations, but to freak out over a little bit of traffic.

“Chill, we’re almost there anyways. The hotel we’re meeting at is just a few blocks away. I went there once when I was really little when my Grandma came to visit.” Brandon completely ignored Joey’s comment, and continued to mumbled things under his breath using vulgar language, if I do say so myself. I chuckled, rolling my eyes and turning my attention to Joey once again.

“You hungry?” He asked after a moment. I pressed a hand to my stomach and nodded, grinning. He returned the grin and tossed his head back in a small chuckle.

“Yo’ Brandon, how about Jamie and I stop to get some food and we’ll meet you at the hotel in fifteen minutes?” Brandon turned around slightly and nodded. He rolled his eyes before adding, “Let’s hope I’m actually there in fifteen minutes. Who knows with this guy in front of me. I hate New York already.” Joey and I began to laugh again before Brandon shot us a glare and yelled at us to get out playfully.

“Be careful!” He warned, calling out his window once we reached the sidewalk. I smiled reassuringly and Joey just rolled his eyes, taking hold of my hand and dragging me down the pathway with him. Once we were down the first block, he stretched his free hand out over his head and smiled ecstatically.

“Hell, it feels great to be home!” He called out loudly, receiving stares from the plenty of other people walking around. I felt my cheeks heat up a little and let out a small laugh, shaking my head.

“Well, what do you have a taste for?” I asked, glancing at the many choices all around me. Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Pizza, hell, they even had a Sushi place. Yeah, nothing compared to my boring town. We had about three choices, Pizza, McDonalds, or the one fancy restaurant we had which I’d only been to about once or twice. Joey chuckled, obviously amused at my wandering eyes. He stopped walking, yanking me to a stop. I looked over at him and furrowed my eye brows together. His eyes were fixated on something.

I immediately started laughing once I made contact with it. It wasn’t something, in fact, it was a someone. A boy, a very cute boy. Joey hit me playfully and chuckled. The boy was obviously homosexual as well; I pushed Joey in his direction childishly, giggling. He shoved back before taking a hold of my hand and walking again. His cheeks were flushed a little, but I bet it was because it was so damn cold out.

“Let’s just stop at the 711 over there and grab some junk food.” He suggested. I didn’t protest and let him lead me towards the doors. Once inside, I grabbed a bottle of coke and a small bag of chips. Joey, on the other hand, was insistent on spending every last dollar he had. By the time we left, he was holding two bags filled with junk food and candy. We both erupted in laughter as the lady behind the register shot us weird looks.

“Skinny bitch.” Joey muttered, chuckling. I arched an eye brow and shook my head, a smile forming on my own lips. This is why I loved spending time with Joey, my smiles came so effortless with him. Nothing was ever forced; everything was just so…easy and comfortable.

“Hurry up, the hotels right there!” Joey called, snapping me out of my thoughts. I realized he was running in front of me, the bags jiggling in his hands. I tossed my head back and a laugh escape my lips as I chased after him. We walked through the gigantic doors of the rather fancy looking hotel. Walking in, I let my eyes wander. The walls were decorated with elaborate designs, the floors edged with what looks like gold. Lavish paintings hung on the walls; even the counters had rather intricate sketches engraved on them.

Brandon had texted me what room they were in and the floor number; Joey and I hopped on the elevator and I pressed the number three. I glanced at Joey and watched him stuff his face with yet another bag of chips.
“Pig.” I muttered under my breath, smirking over at his head buried inside the enormous bag. He raised his head just high enough for me to see his eyes before he raised his eye brow and said something in incomprehensible due to the fact that chips were being stuffed into his mouth by the second. I let out a laugh just as the elevator opened to the third floor. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him into the hall. When we neared the room, 317, I stopped before knocking. I ran a hand through my wavy hair and hoped I looked presentable. Now it was Joey’s turn to arch an eye brow my way, before laughing his ass off.

“Aw how cute, you’re trying to look cute for All Time whatever, and Cobra Starship.” I sent him a glare before smacking his arm. He just laughed more and went to pinch my cheeks. I ducked and jabbed him lightly in the stupid. And here we go with the show, I thought to myself. Joey clutched his stomach, as if I had really stuck him hard.

“Oh my, Jamie dear, how could you?” He whispered in mock pain. His face took on a look of ache as he reached for my face, sinking to the ground. I kicked him lightly and tossed my head back in a fit of laughter. It was hard not to laugh when Joey did things like that; sometimes he still acted as if we were nine. He joined in, standing straight now before facing the door to knock. Before his hand reached the door, it flew open. I immediately recognized the person standing before us; Rian Dawson. He was the drummer in All Time Low. I smile of embarrassment clung to my lips as I stumbled around what to say.

“Hey, we’re-” Joey started, but was cut off by Rian’s laugh.
“Hey guys, I think we have some more fans that figured out where we’re staying!” He called, a grin plastered to his lips. Joey and I shared a look and I raised an eye brow in confusion.

“No, we’re not your fans.” Joey said, defensive, though I wasn’t exactly sure why.

“Oh, are you here for Cobra?” He asked, glancing from Joey and back to myself. Joey glared after a moment, letting out a frustrated growl. I shoved him, as a warning to calm down. He was so weird with his temper sometimes.

“No, My name is-” But before I could finish, three more two more guys joined Rian at the door; Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth. They were also in All Time Low. They were laughing at something that had obviously happened before they stumbled over here. Jack was shirtless and was holding a glass of what I assumed was wine or beer of some sort. I briefly noticed Joey’s eyes scan them over and a smirk spread over his lips. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

“Ello!” Jack yelled out, startling me. I took a small step back, letting out an idle giggle. Alex jabbed him in the stomach, taking the glass out of his hand and chugging the little bit that was left down his own mouth.

“Jack, you’re gonna scare them away.” Alex said grinning over at Joey and me. Joey grinned back and introduced himself.

“I’m Joey Starr.” He announced. They all said hello and then all eyes were on me. Expecting eyes. Waiting eyes. I once again felt my face heat up a little, realizing I was probably blushing. I mentally smacked myself for it and was about to clear my throat when Alex Gaskarth spoke;

“Okay, and who are you, Mystery girl?

“So, I feel like I should tell you something.” Logan said, pulling away from my lips. He smiled at my now flushed face and ran a hand through his hair, pulling the stray pieces out of his eyes.

“All right, and what’s that?” I asked confidently, a smirk running across my face. I snuggled in closer to his heated body and started to lay small kisses on the base of his neck. He let out a low chuckle before kissing the top of my forehead. He was being so gentle; every touch felt like a hundred bolts of static running through me. No matter how gentle or careful he was, the feelings of sparks running up and down my spine never failed to occur, and he knew it. He leaned his head closer to my own, his lips a few inches away from mine. I reached mine up to touch his, and they did, ever so slightly before he pulled away again.
“What do you consider this, I mean, us.” He asked immediately. I felt my eyes widen for a good minute out of surprise. I never really considered that much before. What were we? I then knew the perfect answer, I thought, smirking.

I brought my lips up to his ear and whispered,
“This is all a game, remember?” I giggled, nibbling on his earlobe for a second. That low chuckle of his filled my ears again and he brought my head back down and laid six tender kisses on my lips, before moving down to my collarbone. He paused and looked into my eyes. It wasn’t his usual look either, there was something more…serious about this one.

“It was a game, but that was when the mystery was still in tact.” He stopped short again, laying more kisses down my neck. I was bewildered by his comment; the mystery was still here. Of course I knew who he was, but he didn’t even know my name. And besides that, he still hooked up with plenty of other girls, I assumed. This, us, Logan and I, it was all just some big game to him that he found intriguing. He found me intriguing, mostly because he had no idea who I really was.

“The mystery’s not gone.” I whispered, his lips still giving me gentle kisses edged with the hunger he was feeling. Hunger for me. It was all just lust.
“But it is.’ He whispered back, barely audible. His lips trailed back up my neck and he stopped at the corner of my lips. I felt a small smile grow on his own. My heart beat began to beat unevenly in my chest, faster and faster.

“I love you Jamie Bergenson.”So much for mystery girl.
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hope you liked this chapter : )
i'm really going to try to post the next chapter before the weeks over, but i'm going on a vacation with my family in a few days and i still need to pack and everything. therefore, if it's not out by friday, i promise i'll have it out some time in the beginning of next week.

the more you guys give some feedback, the quicker the chapters will get out. (: