Voices: Bound and Broken

Chapter Two

II – Nyllianna Lee

“Looking for some breakfast, girls?” Mrs. Chea, the cooking teacher at Emmelton High, asked. But Nyllianna, Deamnymel, Mayannie and Alexodria were too busy trying to gather their thoughts to react. Luckily, Mrs. Chea didn’t notice, and neither did the group of three boys terrorizing another boy about his burnt cookies either. “Sorry to say, there’s nothing more than those cookies that Mr. Tess has made, speaking of which...” She strode over to the boys, still laughing their asses off. “If you still want those extra credit marks, you’ll have to eat them.” Which just made the three other boys laugh even harder. Mr. Tess didn’t seem to like that option, but obviously wanted those credits. Mr. Tess was a skater boy, dark brown hair, small, beady eyes, so that you couldn’t tell what colour they were and low riding pants, not enough to show his underwear though, and a Graphic Tee. One boy stood up off the ground, holding his stomach trying to stop laughing walked over to the girls. He had the typical bad-boy look, all black, lip ring and jet black hair with a small red streak. He walked with sort of a swagger.

“Hello there, don’t think we’ve met, but this sad lad over here is Leonard Tess, current five year winner of the “Can’t Even Make Kraft Dinner” award.” All of the boys now promptly burst into more laughter. “But we mostly call him Leo, or Kay-Dee.” Xod then spoke up.

“And you are?”

“Ross Venan.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Yours?”

“Alexodria Smith.”

“Tanner Hawk!” Spoke up another boy in the back, with bleached blonde hair and stereotypical Nerd gear. Minus the pocket protector and glasses. Plus with the braces.

“William Cranner!” Spoke up the fourth and final boy, who had the exact opposite look of someone who was trying to blend in. He was wearing one of those shirts that make it look like you’re wearing a suit and tie, but then was actually wearing a tie on top, all shiny and purple. He was even wearing skinny jeans. Yellow ones.

“Hi.” Nyllianna.

“Hi.” Mayannie.

“Hi.” Deamnymel.

“Sup?” Alexodria.

“Sorry, girls,” The teacher emerged form a small back room you knew to contain a fridge and freezer for ingredients, and a washing machine and drier for aprons and kitchen cloths, seemingly oblivious to their conversation. “There doesn’t seem to be anything in here today. Besides, the bell will ring in about 30 seconds anyway, better be off!” Typical teachers, thinking that students actually care whether or not they are on time for class.

“That’s OK, Mrs. Chea. We’ll uh...see you later.” Dea said. The last part was directed at the boys, and they took note. As they left the class room, they heard one last sentence before the bell rang and the boys bolted.

“Mr. Tess, are you going to eat them or not?” And the bell rang, and the boys bolted.

Time for Math class.

As the teacher handed out worksheets on trig, The girls noticed that the four boys had suddenly made an appearance in their Math Class. They also noticed, forty five minutes later, that they were also in their Gym Class. Before they knew that little tidbit though, they were in the Changing room, talking about them.

“Talk about weird, huh? We’ve never even seem them before, and yet they suddenly appear in our Math Class? And they’re good at trig? Unbelievable.” Xod said.

“Not to mention that Tanner fellow is the one I saw in my dream last night. Unfortunately, he’s the one I saw kill me. Which is not so good.” Yan said.

“I saw Ross.” Xod replied.

“I saw William.” Dea said.

“I’ve been dreaming about that Leonard guy...” Nyll said in a, jokingly, suave way. The four girls laughed about that as they finished tying their runners and entered the Gym. Then they saw them. It just so happened, that that day they were playing Volleyball, and the Boys had chosen to play Shirts Vs. Skins. Leo, Will, Tanner and Ross were on the Skins team. The four girls were normally very good at volleyball, but to day there were...um...a few sudden distractions. Yan fumbled a normally excellent serve, Dea lost a normally extraordinary attention span as she got hit in the face with the ball, Nyll fell into the net as she messed up a normally perfect hit, and Xod, who was on the sidelines, wasn’t even paying attention when she had to replace Dea after she got hit in the face. Forty-five minutes later, they met up with Dea in the Girls’ changing room, who now sported tissue paper shoved up her nostrils because the ball had hit her nose.

Luckily, the school had a schedule system that put two forty-five minute classes before a twenty minute break, two forty-five minute classes after a ten minute break and before a thirty minute lunch, and two forty-five minute classes after a fourty minute lunch. Which meant that they had break next. They headed for the library.

Emmelton High had a large library, but not enough books to fill the shelves because not many students used it, so the school lowered it’s funding. Yan went for the tiny Mythological section, Xod headed for the few computers the library had, Nyll went to the small Fiction section, and Dea headed for the slightly larger Non-fiction section. Yan picked up a book about dreams, Xod walked out with a printout of the latest version of The Conquest Diaries, a blog that she reads, Dea found A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare of course, and Nyll loaded her arms with four novels ranging from Vampires, to owls that can talk. They had seven minutes left, so they walked to their lockers, without those four boys coming in sight. They dumped the books inside, Xod stuffing the papers inside her messenger bag. The girls had four lockers next to each others’, between Larissa Jenkins and Bobby Prewnent, who were currently dating. Then Larissa walked up, tears staining her face, and opened up her locker and dumped all of Bobby’s stuff out of it and kicked it across the hallway. She walked away, being careful to kick his textbooks inside the Girl’s bathroom on her way in. The girls had four lockers next to each others’, between Larissa Jenkins and Bobby Prewnent, who were no longer dating. The warning bell rang, and the girls took out their Science textbooks, and their projects for Shop.

Then they went to Science class, which now had an absence of Larissa Jenkins, and a sudden appearance of four boys. Their four boys. They did some nifty! experiment using lenses and mirrors and shit to bend light. Mostly because the Substitute (“More like Prostitute...” Xod thought when the sub introduced herself as Sparkles.) was used to teaching seventh graders, and used to teaching them Sex Ed. Apparently your normal teacher, Mr. Denny, who was also their Math teacher, had eating something rotten during break and got sick.

Forty-five minutes later, in Shop, Nyll, Dea, Yan and Xod found themselves once again in the same classroom as Leo, Will, Tanner, and Ross.

“This is getting out of hand.” Dea said as she now sported both tissues up her nostrils, but now a nice hole in her jeans from not paying attention to where sparks were flying, and had set the legs her pants on fire, but only a small one. She put it out, but there was a nice hole there, big enough to poke a finger through. “What class aren’t they going to be in of ours?”

“Hopefully not Drama Class.” Nyll sighed. They had Drama next, and really needed a hot boy break. It was lunch time, and the four girl were sitting outside, in their little hideout they had that was juuuuuuuuust beyond the eyes of any passing teacher’s eyes, and was also just a few meters away from a stretch of fence across form the local 7Eleven. They each had Slurpees, of varying flavours, literally, because they each had at least three different flavours in each of their cups. Xod was hanging upside down from a low-hanging branch in the adjacent tree like a bat, and said,

“At least they could tell us why they just suddenly appeared. None of the students in the school can remember ever seeing them, but the Teachers and the Principal are sure that they’ve been here for the whole year.” Even though they were only in late October, people would know if some was or was not a student in the school before.

“It’s not that strange,” Mayannie said, who had recently just been staring up at the sky, sucking on the straw on her drink. “My Horoscope said that a boy, one who had been invisible before, would come into my life sometime soon. Maybe they have special powers, too.” But Mayannie could not continue to reveal what the other girls’ Horoscopes said as well, like she usually does. Not because she suddenly got brain freeze, or the fact that someone had found their little hiding spot, but the fact that the four boys that had found their Hiding spot were the same four boys that had been appearing everywhere they went.

Leonard Tess, William Cranner, Tanner Hawk and Ross Venan were now walking towards them as if the girls were carrying GPS trackers.

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These four boys here didn't change as much as the girls. There was always four, and once I came up with names for them, I didn't change them much besides switching Leo's and Will's last names, because I like Leonard Tess better than Leonard Cranner. Coming up with the looks for the boys was fun, especially with Will. A Suit Shirt, Shiny Purple Tie, and Yellow Skinnies would be too hilarious. I'd bow down to anyone who actually wore that in public. (No, Will isn't gay, he's just...Dramatic.) Mrs. Chea used to be Mrs. Shea until I remembered that was the name of a teacher in MY school. Also, Dea used to have a little sister, who gave her her first nickname when her tiny mouth couldn't pronounce DEAMNYMEL and just called her DAEMYN (Demon). I'm not sure If I'll give her a little sister though. They kind of represent solitude and feminine power.