Sequel: Alyssa`s story 2

Alyssa`s story

the whole story because its not very long and i dont have chapters

Dear readers,
I am Alyssa Paste. You should never put boyfriends or girlfriends over friends. The saying, “friends are forever boys are whatever” is so true. But I had to learn it the hard way. I hope you already go by this rule or will after my story.
It all started in eighth grade, when I got my first boyfriend. Now, I think you should know I could have easily got one, before that. But I was never asked out by a boy I like before, just pretty much everyone else. I have long blond wavy hair, blue eyes, long legs, and just the right height. I guess boys liked that because they always asked me out.
But Alex was the first boy I said yes to. He fit all the characters I liked. He was bad, sweet, funny, and don’t forget cute. He had light brown hair with a caramel highlights on his bands, which went over his eyes. He was a skateboarder, the best skateboarder! He wore baggy jeans that sagged. Then pretty much threw on a shirt, as if he didn’t care. As if! But he looked great. I loved how he shook his head sideways so he could somewhat see through his bangs.
When he came over to ask me out he rubbed his arm. Which I knew he did when he was nervous. So right then and there I knew he was going to ask me out, my face light up and he blushed. He said these words I remember exact “will you uh”
Then what he said next, well I wouldn’t say he said it he more like mumbled it. But this is what it was, “go out with me?”
I hugged him and replied, “Yes!”
Now I know, some may see it weird,hugging someone as soon as you start dating them. But actually I hugged him before we started dating so not that weird. But what he said next almost made me cry. But remember he has a sense of humor. He said, “I was kidding, I was fake asking you out.”
Now, we knew each other to well and he knew by the face I made I was about to cry. So he hugged me and said, “Don’t cry I was just kidding about kidding. I’m sorry.”
Of course I accepted the apology and I had my first boyfriend. The first three weeks was the same as before we started going out. Until one day at lunch. Alex, my friend Cara, his friend Josh, and me were sitting at a lunch table alone. We were all sitting quietly because we didn’t have anything to say. When Josh said, “Kiss”
Cara replied with, well I’m going to make the language she said nice, she’s a swearer. The clean version of what she said is, “What the heck are you talking about?”
Josh screamed so loud that the whole lunch could hear, “I dare Alex to kiss Alyssa!”
Both Alex and me looked down and blushed. Then everyone in the lunchroom started chanting, “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
The lunch ladies tried to get them to stop but they couldn’t. So we had to kiss unless we wanted to be the wimps of the school. So Alex mumbled, “Where?”
“The lips you’re a big boy Alex. Aren’t you?” Josh thundered.
“What kind of kiss?” Alex asked.
“Uh…” Josh said while thinking, “a real kiss.”
Cara rolled her eyes and said, “There’s more than one kind of a real kiss, moron.”
So Josh hit Cara in the boobs and screamed, “Breast cancer!” Then said, “But anyways, I consider a real kiss making out.”
“Without tongues?” Alex mumbled.
Then Josh smiled is evil smile then it went away, “Naw, I’m not going to make you wimps use tongues.”
We all just sat quiet until Josh said, “What are you waiting for?”
“I don’t know how to.” I replied.
“Oh my! Do you Alex?” Josh said laughing so hard at me.
Then I was shocked when Alex said, “Yes!”
I didn’t know this wasn’t his first time. It was defiantly mine. Then he said, “But where?”
Josh stopped laughing and said, “Here and put her on your lap.”
So Josh stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Then put me on his lap.
I looked at his adorable eyes and said again, “I don’t know how.”
So he said, “open your mouth” So I did.
Then he said, “Tilt your head left” So I did and he turned his the other way. While he was giving me directions Josh was sitting there cracking up.
Alex then said, “Now do what I do” and he leaned in and opens his mouth and started making out with me. I then understood why he couldn’t explain how to do the rest. But I swear I saw sparks flying behind his head, fireworks. The kiss was amazing. By time the kiss was over lunch was over and we had to go to our next class. So we hugged and I pecked him on the cheek and went to my class.
Then after that kiss we got closer. We started hanging out with each other more, and our friends less. I didn’t even notice until Cara came up to me one day. She said, “I’m tired of Alex hogging you.”
I replied with, “What?”
Cara rolled her eyes and said, “I’m tired of you spending so much time with your lover boy and none with your friends. He probably wants some time with his friends anyways. He probably hates spending so much time with you.”
To tell you the truth, I didn’t really care that I wasn’t spending time with my friends. I loved Alex and that’s all I needed. I just talked to Alex that night because I wanted to make he was okay with spending a lot of time together. We talked and he was. So we kept spending a lot of time together and I slowly lost all my friends. The last one to be my friend was Cara. It was hard for her to stop being my friend. We have been friends since we could remember.
But then she was able to stop being my friend and did stop. But I didn’t care I still had Alex. But then the worst conversation I had ever had at the time came. Alex called and asked me to come over and that we needed to talk. So I went to his house and knocked on the door. When he opened the door I said, “Hey!
He didn’t reply just looked down and moved aside to let me walk into the house. So I walked into the house, then into the living room and sat down. He came into the living room and was looking down and rubbing his arm. I was afraid he was going to say what I thought he was going to say, and he did.
“Alyssa, I don’t think this is working out. I have found someone else.” He said.
I started crying so hard, and he didn’t even care! So I ran out of his house and ran home. I went up to my room and thought to myself. I had no friends, no boyfriend, I didn’t even have a family. All I had was my sister but I didn’t really have her because she was mad at me. I had been mean to her since I got a boyfriend. So I figured out I needed to have another boyfriend, to have someone. So I tried to figure out how to get a new one all night.
In the morning I printed out flyers and put them all over the school. The flyers said, “Alyssa Paste is looking for a new boyfriend!!!” Then it said how to contact me if they were interested. Yes I was that desperate at that point, I needed someone. Just in case more than one boy wanted to be my boyfriend, I decided to go out with the first boy interested. The first boy who was interested was a ninth grade boy, his name was Westley Barton. I had no clue who he was or anything about him but he asked me out and I said yes. I had a boyfriend!
It was a very good relationship for the first couple days. Then I went over his house and it all went wrong. His friend Vince was over he whispered something to Westly. Then Westly said to me, “Hey let me show you my room.”
So we went into his room and when we got into it he said he wanted to do stuff, I wasn’t ready for. But he wanted to so he tried taking my clothes off, but I fought back. Once he figured out he couldn’t get my clothes off he slammed me to the ground and started kicking me. It ended up that he broke two of my ribs. So I gave up and gave in. I lost respect for myself that today, but I lost more than that.
You are probably thinking I broke up with him right away, right? Well, I didn’t. I told you I needed someone even if they werent the type of person I needed. So I stayed with him. It went okay for a while, I guess. I gave him what he wanted and he didn’t hit me or abuse me. If I still had friends I would have told one of them.
But then one night I was over his house, he was obviously there, so was his friends, Zander, Jasckson, Vince, Brandon, Robbie and Kyle. Westley commanded me, “You are going to have some fun with me in front of the guys, then going to have some fun with Robbie in front of the guys.”
I refused to! I wouldn’t! So He slammed me to the ground, I slammed my head on a metal chair leg, and passed out. I don’t know for sure what all happened after that. But I woke up in a hospitable. I heard that the rest of the guys joined in and they all beat the crap out of me. Brandon’s girlfriend, Zoey came and saw me and called 911. I know that I was really messed up.
Surprise, surprise! When I woke up in the hospitable Alex wasn’t there, Westly wasn’t there, neither was Westlys friends. But my ex friends were, and so was my sister. All of their faces light up when I opened my eyes. I looked at all of them, one after another and said, “I thought you guys weren’t my friends anymore.”
Cara looked at me like I was crazy and said, “We never stopped being your friends. True friends are your friends no matter what. We were just trying to let you learn your lesson. If you would have told us you were being abused we would have been there for you in a second.”
I slowly got better, and I defiantly learned my lesson. You need your friends. I now tell my story to help people. I hope you follow this rule: don’t ever put a boyfriend or a girlfriend over your friends.
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gonna follow the lesson? ha ha