Status: Done :D

The Harsh Truth

The Daily Routine

Just like always I woke up wanting to scream. My sides were in pain, in fact I was all in pain. I was alone in the empty house. I pulled up all of my strength and got out of my bed. That consisted of a hard mattress on the floor and a thin sheet. There was a mirror in the far corner. I hate that mirror, It shows the truth, tells me the truth. Its not going to get any better. My arms are covered in bruises both new and old the same with my legs and pretty much the rest of my body. The odd scar also runs through the bruises cutting threw them. I want to get out, to leave, but I cant. He keeps he here. Like a prisoner. He is not the man I fell in love with all those years ago. No that man is gone. Gone for good I think.

I should really introduce myself. My name is Lilly. I am quite thin, I have long brown hair that is never in good condition and is always in a messy bun at the back of my head. When I was younger I had everything I could ever want. Loving parents, a nice house, lots of money and a perfect boyfriend. All that changed when my parents died leaving me nothing, Sure I still had Tom he said he would always love me. I moved in with him and his family. They were all very welcoming to me. I slowly managed to get my life back in track. I decided to go to collage with Tom. We got a small flat near the collage and the first year was good. Then he started drinking. Heavily. He would come home drunk almost every night. He is an angry, abusive drunk. I tried to get him to stop, but he just wont. He always comes home stinking of alcohol and cigarettes. Not a pleasant smell. He takes out all of his problems on me. I am his personal punch bag. I’m not even allowed out of the house now. He says someone will see me. Instead I am to cook, clean and do everything he says. I do everything for him I have to if I don’t he hits me, well I do almost everything without putting up a fight. There are something’s I just will not do, He doesn’t listen though. Many times I have been raped by him or his friends. He puts me on loan as he calls it. Its getting worse though, each day it gets worse.
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