Status: Done :D

The Harsh Truth

No Way Out

I fumbled around in the dark, trying not to make a sound. He gets really mad if I wake him up. I pulled on a pair of worn black tights, a damaged skirt that is frayed at the ends and a blouse that was once white. I slipped my feet into a pair of damaged ballerina pumps and got to work on cleaning the flat. I went around the living area and started to pick up all of the glass bottles and beer cans. I stepped backwards and knocked into the little wobbly table. The bottle on it plummeted to the ground. Help. Tom started screaming at me as his heavy footsteps came closer and closer to me. He walked towards me, hand raised.

His hand came crashing against my face full force, but he didn’t stop there. I received several punches to the face before I collapsed to the ground. I curled up in attempt to protect myself but it didn’t work, Tom started to kick me, His leg swung one more time before I faded out of reality. Everything was dark, lifeless but yet I felt I was floating. The pain was slowly increasing. I felt blood trickle down my neck from my lips. If only there was a way out. An escape. I will take anything. absolutely anything.

He was gone when I came slamming back to reality. With all of my strength I got up. My light footsteps made no noise on the hard wood flooring. I went around cleaning the rest of the flat. Soon enough the place was once again clean, only to be returned to a mess tonight. I put the bags full of rattling glass and cans by the door as I took my coat and put it on. I have to wear the coat, it could be summer and I still have to wear the dirty trench coat, It hides everything. I ran down to the bins avoiding everyone. Nobody really knows I live there. Not one sole cares. I am a waste of space, and un-wanted soul. I am Cinderella but no prince is coming to save me from this life. Oh-no. No prince will save me nothing can save me.
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