Status: Done :D

The Harsh Truth

Once Your Out There How Do You Live

I was at rest, Some how I felt safe which is surprising considering I don’t know where I am, What is near me and the fact that he will find me. I felt at ease with the world. For once in my life I can relax. I didn’t dream as usual. I try not to dream, they just bring back memories. Painful, unwanted memories. Things that should be left in the past. I felt a chill began to wake. My eyes slowly opened and the sunlight hurt them, I shut them again quickly so that they didn’t sting. I opened them once again only this time the didn’t sting as much. I realised how cold I was. And wet. I was drenched, my teeth started to chatter as I stood up. I have nowhere to go. I looked around me. Not a soul was in sight. Nobody. Complete emptiness. I stood in a deserted place. I walked away. Away from the past. Away from the pain. Away from my life.

I continued walking until I reached what I think was the next town. I don’t know for sure but I think it is. I have never been this far away. I was confined to that place, only able to leave to dispose of the rubbish. I walked past a window. There in the reflection was a mess. Hair flying everywhere like Medusa’s snakes, Clothes tattered and worn so much they were damaged beyond repair, Shoes that were held together by one or two stitches now. My skin was pale, my face was covered in cuts and marks. Patches of dark and dingy purple/black skin covered my skin. I looked like something out of a nightmare. Something that nobody wants, something that needs to be forgotten, ripped up and cut out of existence. I turned my head to the pavement, ashamed of my appearance, ashamed of my life. I wandered around for a bit. I want to run away.

More and more people started to fill the streets. Nobody paid any attention to me, they are all to happy in there own little life. All of them taking everything they have for granted. Talking in with their shiny phones, wearing their designer clothes, throwing away what they no longer like. All of them, they think they know hard-ship but in reality they know nothing of a hard life. They don’t know what it is like to have nothing, to have nobody care for you, to love you, to help you. They don’t know what its like to have nothing but the cheap, worn, dirty clothes on their back. They don’t realise that lots of people are in pain, scared to come out, frightened. They forget that others life through hurtful things, hurtful memories and feel unwanted. Unloved. Uncared for. A waste of space. Something that needs to be removed. Nothing can get better for them, they feel that there life is a spiralling black hole of depression and disaster.

People started seeing me. I received many dirty looks. People are disgusted with me. They want me to be gone in case I cause their wonderful life to collapse. They think I am a plague to them. They know nothing. I wandered around and I saw a fruit and veg shop with some of their produce outside. I’m really hungry. I haven’t eaten in days, yet another thing he did to me. I need to eat. I went over and pretended to look interested in the fruit. I picked up an apple then pretended to put it back. I kept it in my hand and walked away. Nobody was paying attention so I walked away. One more thing to walk away from. I walked around a corner and I was now in an alleyway. I rested my back up against a wall and slid down while biting into the apple. The juices ran down it as a tried not to waste a drop. I finished the apple after picking out the seeds and removing the stalk. I feel guilty, I didn’t want to steal. I feel like even more of a monster now. There was a clang at the other end of the ally. A door opened and someone came out. They were holding a bucket. I cringed and curled up into a ball. Hoping they wouldn’t see me.