Status: Done :D

The Harsh Truth

Its hard to follow rotine

My body tensed as the shut. I slowed my breathing and tried to hid within myself, to leave my body. The mans footsteps made a sharp sound as they hit the tiled floor in the lobby. Nobody was around, typical. Just like a murder scene. Nobody can see so he can get away with it. As he walked up to the side of me I tensed even more, if it was possible. I was stiff. Unable to move. waiting for a hand to slap across my face or anywhere else on my body. Just waiting for something to strike me. A hand came into contact with my arm. I jumped so much. I was terrified. The boy looked at me apologetic. I wanted to run away. I made a mistake coming here. The boy tugged at my arm, seeing my reluctance he pulled at it. Dragging me to the lift. HELP he is going to get me. This was a massive mistake.

I tried to run. Anywhere. I don’t know where I am but anywhere is better than here. He kept on dragging me when we got out of the lift. I was pulled down a corridor. Again, nobody was in sight. He stopped at a door and opened it with a key. The place was pitch black. Not even the lights from the corridor light it up so I was able so see where I was, but I cant. I’m going to die in a random room, in an unknown building in a strange town. Where nobody knows or cares if I am here on not. Oh well might as well help them. I walked in knowing that my end was near. Knowing that this was the end. The final riddance of my life. The final goodbye. I walked in uncaring. A light switch was flipped on and I saw the place. It had a black carpet with white walls and matching furniture. A nice looking place. The man walked into another room. Probably getting a weapon of some sort. Nothing new. I heard shuffling about and a few bangs. All emotion had left me. I don’t care now. Nothing can damage me now, not that I am waiting for death.

The boy emerged with a bag. What is inside the bag is what I want. Something to end the pain. Something to end the misery. Something to end. Me.
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please people, please comment and read i dont get it, some chapters have people reading but in between two chapters there is no readers, please read and tell me what you think, i know i probably sound gready and mean and everything but comments make me happy and help me as well as clearing any questions you may or may not have :D