Love Me

Chapter 3

Back to Luna

Who is he? where have i seen that smile before?.All types of questions like that ran through my head .Well it doesn't matter the only friend i ever had left and never came back,it's a little to late now.

At lunch you sat alone at the table furthest from people.Then someone sat next to you,"hey there" said Mike with a smile."i thought i told you to leave me alone?" "yes you did,doesn't mean i have to do so" "i'd appreciate it if you did,I have,i have no need or want friends" "i don't think that's true ,everyone needs or wants friends" "well,i don't need them because i'm just fine on my own,and i don't want them because all hey do is fill you with promises they never keep and then leave." He frowned ,i'm sure he knows,at least in the back of his head that,tha's true."this is because i moved,isn't it?" " what are you talking about?" "nothing,never mind" he got up and left.For some reason i felt bad for him,then again,why should i care? and what was that about him moving?That Mike guy is really weird.