Love Me

Chapter 4

It's been 3 weeks and Mike hasn't bothered me anymore,but he looks at me a lot when he thinks i'm not looking,sometimes i feel like he's looking for something on my face.We had second,fourth and last period together.

We were in fourth period when the principal calls me through the speakers,I got up and walked to the principals office.When i got there Mrs.Green wasn't alone ,there was a policeman there too."Luna,honey sit down please" "um ok" she sounded concerned about something."Miss Luna,i need to tell you something very unpleasant but important " " yes,officer " "it's about your mom" "what about her?" "she was found dead near her work place" 'she was what!!!" "she committed suicide,i'm very sorry for your loss" .

Even though i know mom never loved me ,i still loved her.I got up and ran to class tears falling down my cheeks,i took my stuff and ran out i heard Mike call out for me but i didn't care i just kept running until i got home.When i got inside my stepfather was drunk.When he saw me come in he went up to me and slapped me then started yelling in my face,"it's all your fault she's dead!!! you made her miserable,and now she's gone!!! because of you damn bitch!!!" .He started hitting me until he passed out.I put him on the sofa.I didn't hate him for beating me to day because i know what he said is true,it's all my fault...