Love Me

Chapter 5

I was covered in bruises and I haven't gone to school in 2 days .I knew everyone in school would know about mom by now,which was part of the reason why I haven't gone to school.My step father Henry,was drunk all the time when he wasn't at work and beat me more than usual,I didn't mind because it made me forget about the pain of losing my mother.

I heard a knock on the door so I went downstairs and opened the door,it was Mike."Hey" "oh it's just you,what do you want?" "ouch,can i come in?" "sure,what ever" "I heard about your mother" " I'm sure you did please spare me of the hole "i'm sorry about your mother' crap" "uh,sure".Mike sat down on the the couch and motioned for me to join him,I wasn't having that,so I sat down on the arm chair.He frowned then he took a deep breath,"Luna,can you please tell me why you never smile anymore?,I need to know,other than your mom thing"He isn't gonna leave or rest until I tell him,I could see it on his face."ok fine I'll tell you why.Because the only friend i ever had promised me he was gonna come back for me and he never did.He didn't call,he didn't email me,he didn't even send me cards like he said he would.He just left and forgot about me.Every day I would sit next to the phone or at our hiding place.When I finally realized that he wasn't coming back I put everything that reminded me of him at our hiding place,pictures,toys,clothes,everything.I even forgot his name in the proses.That's why I can't smile anymore,because the one person i thought was gonna be there when I needed him... wasn't."

I could feel the tears falling down my face while his eyes were fighting them.He got up and hugged me and started apologizing,repeating I'm sorry about 20 times before he let go of me and looked at me straight in the eye."Luna,I didn't mean to not come back I swear " "what are you talking about?" "you really don't remember me-" he started patting his pockets and took something out of his back one,a picture?.Then he handed it to me."here,this is the last picture we took together" I took the picture out of his hand,and there we were,sitting on his living room couch when we were eight.I was wearing a black T-shirt and he was wearing the same one in red.He had the smile i loved to see on his face and i had a goofy face sticking my tongue out.His striking blue eyes had me mesmerized and I could still remember that day...