It Was a Lie When They Smiled and Said "You won't feel a thing"

"He's gone, and he's never coming back"

Mikey didn't answer, he just stared at his older brother. He knew damn well that everyone in the band was worried about him, but why couldn't they just leave him alone? Why couldn't they leave him to suffer and drown in his misery alone? Thats all he wanted, to die alone, with no one to tell him that things will get better when everyone knows fucking well that they won't. Mikey had it, he picked up his glass full of water and thrw it at the wall directly across from him, barely missing Gerard.

"WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE?!?!" Mikey screamed. Mikey saw hurt in Gerards eyes, but he could care less. All he wanted to know was why the hell anyone cared. It's not like they cared before, so why start now?

"Beacuse you're my brother, and I love you" Gerard answered back in barely a whisper. He didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't know how to save his baby brother from himself.

Before Gerard could stop him, Mikey was on top of Gerard throwing his fist at his face and stomach. Mikey couldn't stop himself, something inside of himself just snapped.

"HE-HELP!" Gerard managed to yell out in pain between punches to his face. He was now bleeding from multiple cuts on his cheeks and forehead, and from his nose.

Gerard tore his eyes from the door and looked into Mikey's eyes. He felt something. That something made Gerard realise that it wasn't Mikey doing this to him. He saw something evil in his eyes.

"Wh-who are you?"

"You miss him don't you? You miss your little brother. Let me tell you something. He's gone, never coming back. You're gonna have to deal with me now." he said with evilness in his voice.

Frank, Ray, and Bob burst through the door. It took them half a second to figure out what was wrong, and Ray and Bob immediately ran over to "Mikey" and pulled him off of me while Frank ran over to Gerard and pulled him away.

"Are you okay?" Frank asked Gerard as he was out of breath.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine, but Mikey's not"

"Yeah, we can see that" Ray said as him and Bob were struggling to hold Mikey back.

"N-no. I saw something in his eyes, and I was talking to him. I asked him who he was, because I knew it wasn't Mikey, and he asked me if I missed him,"

"Mikey. Mikey, calm down," Bob said with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Ha! This isn't Mikey. Mikeys gone, and I made sure that he will never come back,"

"Someone call an ambulance, hurry!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah it's not the best, but I'm kind of dillusional right now. Thank you to every one who has been leaving comments.